A few habitat pics I thought you might enjoy

You have some dandy's showing up, taht one in the first pic is impressive!
You northern boys got us beat with those bucks. We just can’t seem to beat y’all in much!
What do you charge to ship those bucks a couple hours north? 😆 Those are some great looking deer!
^^^^^ Any chance the wide one finds his way to Pa. - - - - - just to scatter his genes??? We wouldn't shoot him post rut ........................ I promise. 😇😏
^^^^^ Any chance the wide one finds his way to Pa. - - - - - just to scatter his genes??? We wouldn't shoot him post rut ........................ I promise. 😇😏

I remember reading a story once about a mountain lion that got run over somewhere in the New England states. When they DNA tested it, they found that it came from the Black Hills of South Dakota. So, I guess anything is possible in nature!
I'm going to do an update today, because I'm getting ready to start running a new fence and will be tied up for a few days. I also put in my last plots today for the year, because we have another several days of high percentage rain forecast.

This deer is still around, but he isn't showing often. I think he is laying close to the neighbor's beans which are 400 - 500 yards away. When crops start being harvested, I think he will be bedding on me. This deer is fully mature, and I will be targeting him.




Another very mature deer with a smaller rack:



Another old pot gutted buck. This is the only picture of him:


A nice prospect for 2 years down the road.


Three deer that might be prospects for next year. I think the two in the first pic are identical twins.




Glad to see this:


Some habitat:






That's about it guys. Hope you enjoy and wish me luck on some upcoming hard days of work.
You have some great candidates this year and for years to come!
Great looking property and bucks. I think the pot gutted buck and the following pic are the same buck. The big target buck has a really nice frame.

Thanks. Someone on the other forum also thought they were the same deer. I will be watching closer. It could have just been how that deer was standing.
Great post Native! Looking good around there. I agree 100% with Morty, thats him. Goes to show how ONE picture can throw a guy off!

Keep 'em comin'!
Since my last post I have bought a crossbow and plan on doing some hunting. In our state a senior (That's me) can crossbow hunt during the entire regular bow season. I'm dialed in like a rocket with broadheads and plan on hunting the first deer below when I see a perfect wind and conditions. This deer is at my 20 acre place. I dare not go before the perfect conditions, because access is not great at this farm.

I'm busting to go because these pictures are at a perfect 40 yard shot from my stand and the first two are in legal shooting light (30 minutes past sunset). Wish me luck when I finally do go.




This is at a different spot and I have no idea why he was moving at 30 some minutes after noon. Maybe a doe factory pushed him out.... 😄


Here is another pretty good deer that I might consider shooting, but I really have my heart set on the other one.


A few more pictures for your enjoyment:













That's all folks. Wish me luck.
You da man
I think I know him from last year, but he has changed just enough that I can’t be certain. I’m looking forward to going after him.
I like being able to "track" deer from year to year. I had a few years of pictures of a 3 legged buck that I really had a lot of history with. The year he turned 4.5 during season I figured he had gotten about as big as he was going to get. Unfortunately, before I got a chance to harvest him the coyotes finally beat me to him. My brother saw him after he was attacked by coyotes and that was the last time we ever saw him.
I like being able to "track" deer from year to year. I had a few years of pictures of a 3 legged buck that I really had a lot of history with. The year he turned 4.5 during season I figured he had gotten about as big as he was going to get. Unfortunately, before I got a chance to harvest him the coyotes finally beat me to him. My brother saw him after he was attacked by coyotes and that was the last time we ever saw him.

We have been able to keep up with several deer over the years. I had one that we had 4 years of history on and was able to take him.
Good luck Native, look forward to your harvest pics. Your place is beautiful as always, any particular variety of chestnut?