A few habitat pics I thought you might enjoy

How long ago was this a grass field?

Scott, I planted the trees in 2005, so this spring makes 12 years. I planted rows on a 13 foot spacing and wish that I had done 16 foot.

Trees planted in majority of planting were:

Several white oak species
Several red oak species
White Pine (mostly road screen but also mixed in several places)
Pecan (a few made it)
Yellow Poplar (too many survived - thinning now)
A few hickories
A few walnut (most died and I'm glad)

The East Side facing NWSGs (my fruit and nut planting) (Still a work in progress) (3 rows over 1,000 feet long):

Several Apple and Crabapple Species
Several Pear Species
Chinese Chestnut
American Cranberry
Wild Plum
Red Osier Dogwood
Domestic Cherry Species and a few wild cherry
Witch Hazel
Added a few sawtooths that are bearing for the first time this year

And I'm probably leaving some out that I'm not remembering.

4 years ago I started another smaller planting 300 yards away, separate from this planting of mostly pear, apple and grafted persimmon. The only fruit I have at that location yet is Dolgo Crabapples, but I'm getting incredible vegetative growth on those and expect a fruit explosion on them to break loose possibly next year. This area is at my primary food plot that I show pictures of near my branch. These trees are spread out randomly.

I put some of the Northern Whitetail Crabs at both locations this spring. I've never seen apple trees take off so fast. I am so impressed with those trees so far.
I have been reclaiming some of our hay field and was just wondering, guess I have at least another 10 years, thx.
Native - Your planted list reads like a nursery catalog !! Not only deer, but you must have a batch of bird species using all the berries, fruit, nuts, etc. A bird watcher would probably have a field day at your place. Gotta be rabbits and turkeys eating some of your grub too. :emoji_thumbsup:I remember the turkey pix you posted of them following your mower to clean up the bugs.
Native - Your planted list reads like a nursery catalog !! Not only deer, but you must have a batch of bird species using all the berries, fruit, nuts, etc. A bird watcher would probably have a field day at your place. Gotta be rabbits and turkeys eating some of your grub too. :emoji_thumbsup:I remember the turkey pix you posted of them following your mower to clean up the bugs.

Yep, and when I mow, I have a swarm of barn swallows circling me mowing. They have figured out I stir up insects. It looks like the Alfred Hitchcock movie - The Birds.

Quail here are unbelievable on this place now. Every time one surprises me I about have a heart attack, but it happens so often I should be getting used to it.

And rabbits - running everywhere.

Turkeys, yes, but not the greatest turkey place due to the thick grasses. They can't maneuver through them very well. But, if I mow in early spring we see lots more.
Just noticed this tree today at lunch. I lost the tag, but I'm pretty sure its a Dozier Crabapple. It is advertised as a late dropper and large for a crab. WG has a little video on YouTube about it. I think this was planted 4 years ago.

6-17-17 update

I spent the day building a 100 yard road to separate my pine screen from the rest of the jungle on the back side of the pines . This will be a good thing, because it will give the pines a little breathing room on the back side. I used a chainsaw and DR mower. Pretty hot job but I got started real early. I removed some big poplars and was able to save all nearby oaks by carefully choosing my route. Had to wind around a little to do that.

Dad came by later to check out my road building, and I took his picture by my favorite topwork tree.

One new deer this week.

I'm a tired puppy, but sure glad to get this done. I will do the remaining part sometime. Enjoy.
Say " Hello " to Dad for me, Native. Buck looks real good for mid-June. I hope one of you guys get a whack at him after he's done growing this fall.
How many types do you have grafted onto that tree ?? Looks like all are doing pretty well.
Jungle paths ought to become deer sidewalks, I would think. Any ambush spots nearby ??
Say " Hello " to Dad for me, Native. Buck looks real good for mid-June. I hope one of you guys get a whack at him after he's done growing this fall.
How many types do you have grafted onto that tree ?? Looks like all are doing pretty well.
Jungle paths ought to become deer sidewalks, I would think. Any ambush spots nearby ??

Thanks Bowsnbucks, I will see him this afternoon and pass along your greetings.

The best I remember there were 14 scions on that tree, which represented about 6 cultivars. I kept good track in my notes on all of my grafting this year except for that one tree. I know 4 cultivars for sure on it, however, but I don't think I wrote down the last two. The red colored leaves are easy to ID. They came from a nice summer crab that my FIL had at their old place.

At the end of the road on the east end should be an excellent ambush spot. I was already thinking about building a blind there. A guy could not only see up the new road, but also in a lane that separates the fruit tree section from the cover section. Should be a great spot and easy to get to without much disturbance.
I've started a Google Photos account and going to try a few recent pics with it. It I can get used to it and it works well, may transition over from Photobucket.












Are those blueberries? Service berries?

Good looking bucks!
Great pix, Native !! Looks like the deer are having a good feed at your place. What are those apples in the first 2 pix ?
Are those blueberries? Service berries?


Bill, the first picture is wild lowbush blueberries and the second is a tame blueberry that I have at the farm.

The wild ones came up a few years ago after I cut timber, and I've been keeping a small area clear to keep them going.
Great pix, Native !! Looks like the deer are having a good feed at your place. What are those apples in the first 2 pix ?

They are two different apples, but do resemble each other.

The first picture is an unknown variety that I got in some bargain priced trees a few years ago. Most of them didn't end up being much of a bargain, and I'm topworking some of those. However, this one looks like a real winner. This is first crop and its is completely free of CAR and FB, and only shows very minor Scab.

The second apple is Dozier Crab that I got from the Wildlife Group. They make an apple that is big for a crab, getting up to about 2 inches. I had some last year but didn't get to taste them, because they fell when I wasn't there, and some other hungry mouths had cleaned them up.
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I like that last buck. He's going to be tall
I like that last buck. He's going to be tall

I think he could finish out pretty nice. He's definitely old enough. Right now he is the only deer with any age I'm seeing. I knew before the year started that this would be a rebuilding year here.
I think he could finish out pretty nice. He's definitely old enough. Right now he is the only deer with any age I'm seeing. I knew before the year started that this would be a rebuilding year here.

I'm with you on not seeing many older class bucks yet. My beans were late and their about 6 inches tall. 100's of acres that are knee high or better in the neighborhood. Trying to get some brassica's in this week for fall greens. Maybe that will send some my way.

So far this 4 year old is my only regular. Not sure how he's going to finish. They loose so much when the fuzz falls off!
I'm with you on not seeing many older class bucks yet. My beans were late and their about 6 inches tall. 100's of acres that are knee high or better in the neighborhood. Trying to get some brassica's in this week for fall greens. Maybe that will send some my way.

So far this 4 year old is my only regular. Not sure how he's going to finish. They loose so much when the fuzz falls off!
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Bill, I really like the looks of him. If he doesn't suit you by the end of this year - I say watch out next year for a monster!!

How you like the looks of my little 1.5 year old 8 point shown above in the pic before the old deer? He is my future booner - only 4 more years of waiting...LOL.
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Bill, I really like the looks of him. If he doesn't suit you by the end of this year - I say watch out next year for a monster!!

How you like the looks of my little 1.5 year old 8 point shown above in the pic before the old deer? He is my future booner - only 4 more years of waiting...LOL.

Hey it's potential, he's got 8 already. And his mother told him not to play with it or it might fall off. My little 8 didn't get the warning. Freaky buck McNasty in a few more years.
