A few habitat pics I thought you might enjoy

No shortage of food on your place. Looks great!
Great pics! Very envious of the variety you have on your place. Gives me something too shoot for, but I can see that it's going to be a L O N G process. Not sure I'm wanting to take on more plotting acres with the equipment/time I have, so I'm thinking next year I'm going into the tree planting business.
Great pics! Very envious of the variety you have on your place. Gives me something too shoot for, but I can see that it's going to be a L O N G process. Not sure I'm wanting to take on more plotting acres with the equipment/time I have, so I'm thinking next year I'm going into the tree planting business.

Yep, I understand about the equipment. My cultipacker is an S10 Pickup truck driving around in circles!
What's with the zombie frog ??? That thing looks like something from a science-fiction horror movie !!! Dead, blue eyes. Other than the spooky frog, all the rest of the pix look real good. Lots of food & cover on the Native ranch. Thanks for posting.
What's with the zombie frog ??? That thing looks like something from a science-fiction horror movie !!! Dead, blue eyes. Other than the spooky frog, all the rest of the pix look real good. Lots of food & cover on the Native ranch. Thanks for posting.

LOL, that thing was setting on a limb that I needed to snip off. I cut the limb and laid it gently on the ground and he never moved.........
Awesome as always NH!

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6-10-17 Update

The Jungle requires some work in order to shape the destiny of the forest. For instance, you will notice a few big yellow poplars in some of the pics above. Those are actually trees I planted, but now many are outgrowing nearby oaks. I took several out today as well as a few volunteer sweetgums.

I hated to cut such a nice poplar trees, but I would rather have the oaks. Each spring (usually about now), I go in and do this type of work. The time has come that doing this work inside is going to end, but I will continue to work some around the edges in the future.

This is a big volunteer sweetgum I had previously left. It served its purpose of making the oaks nearby it grow straight and tall. But now it needed to come out. It could outgrow them and shade them out eventually. So, out it comes.

This is a big poplar at the edge that I took down. Notice a small tree with a white ribbon between it and the white pine. That is a small persimmon at a good place. The poplar goes and the persimmon grows. The hard part of this is cleaning up the mess out of the food plot at this edge.

This illustrates the size of many of my oaks that I planted. That big poplar was standing right beside it.

Some random tree pics from in the NH Jungle.

Some apple pics from the East Side of the Jungle Planting.


I'm not seeing any good bucks yet, but have a few trail cam pics to share.

That's about it for today. I'm resting from all the sawing. Putting them down is not hard but cleaning up the brush gets to me in the hot sun. Enjoy
Jungle is right, looks like some good habitat.
Poor old tulip poplar...I guess he had to go!
10-4 on no good bucks yet. Me too, but it's early.
Jungle is the right title !! We can see why the deer don't like your place. Too much food and cover !!:emoji_smirk::emoji_astonished: Those trees in the jungle have grown in the last couple years. I remember pix you posted a ways back when they were a fair amount smaller. Hard to see down the rows now.
I just saw a buck at camp that looked like the first black & white pic on your post #411. Maybe something good lurking around this year ??
Jungle is the right title !! We can see why the deer don't like your place. Too much food and cover !!:emoji_smirk::emoji_astonished: Those trees in the jungle have grown in the last couple years. I remember pix you posted a ways back when they were a fair amount smaller. Hard to see down the rows now.
I just saw a buck at camp that looked like the first black & white pic on your post #411. Maybe something good lurking around this year ??

It is amazing at how fast the trees have grown. I wish I had taken some pictures when we first started, but didn't. But basically it was just a grass field.

Hopefully that buck will stay around for you. I never count out what may come in later on too. My taxidermist thinks he will have my son's buck from last year done in a week or so. That deer was a deer that stayed somewhere else most of the year, but always landed at my place for the entire month of December. But he broke the rules and came in November last year.
Native-have you checked out the thread on Mineral Stumps from MSU? Might have you rethinking the herbicide following larger tree removal.
Native-have you checked out the thread on Mineral Stumps from MSU? Might have you rethinking the herbicide following larger tree removal.

Yes, that's some good stuff.

I really only treat sweetgum stumps. You've got to because of how they come back so quickly. I cut an 20 foot sweetgum 2 years ago (didn't stump treat) and when I looked at it this week it was already back even with the nearby oaks that were the same size at the time the sg was cut.
Amazing what kind of growth a large root system can push out, trying to achieve equilibrium between above and below ground biomass..
Years ago dad and I planted 400 trees in fence rows and creek banks with the intention of coppicing them for firewood on a rotational basis. Unfortunately, the perfect tree species for us was ash, and well, as Paul Harvey said, "Now you know the rest of the story!"
This got me to thinking about the SGs. There are a couple at the edge I'm going to cut and not treat and see what happens. I'm going to predict no browsing on those but we will see. If they do browse them, I can start a mineral stump revolution.
It is amazing at how fast the trees have grown. I wish I had taken some pictures when we first started, but didn't. But basically it was just a grass field.
How long ago was this a grass field?