A few habitat pics I thought you might enjoy

For those who follow the coyote killing episodes of my Dad (the 81 year old coyote nightmare):

They cut the hay on the farm south of me yesterday. He was setting in the field hunting not long after the tractors left. He had a yote just before dark to come out and start across the field around 300 yards away, and he laid the sad hammer to it. So a good start on the yote thinning this fall.

This morning he had several deer and turkeys out in the field but no yotes. Hopefully if there are any more yotes around, he will take care of them too over the next few days.
DAD - Nice work on the mangy mutt !! ^^^^^ Keep up the good work !! :)
Steve - Congrats on the shoot !! The greens in the pic look really good. Your plots always look good. Good luck to you & the family this deer season. Enjoy the time together, and hopefully some venison too !!
DAD - Nice work on the mangy mutt !! ^^^^^ Keep up the good work !! :)
Steve - Congrats on the shoot !! The greens in the pic look really good. Your plots always look good. Good luck to you & the family this deer season. Enjoy the time together, and hopefully some venison too !!

Thanks Bowsnbucks. I didn't get a call this morning so that probably means he didn't see any yotes. I guess its hard to see a critter that has been hunted to almost extinction.:D I will have to check in again tonight. I enjoy hearing the deer and turkey reports even if he doesn't see any yotes.
Does that make Dad " the Extinctorator " ???
Glad to see all your great news NH! Always enjoy your updates!
Great pics as usual! Good luck this weekend! Glad to see your and your son making time to hunt together. What I wouldn't give for one more day in the deer woods with my dad.
Dead eye Dad picking up where he left off, excellent! You get any deer hunting in yet NH?
Dead eye Dad picking up where he left off, excellent! You get any deer hunting in yet NH?

Weasel, my son and I hunted two mornings and one evening this past weekend. We saw does in the food plots on every hunt, and Saturday evening had a 3 year old buck to come in as well. I was a little bit surprised to see deer in the plots with as many acorns as we have on the ground, but I guess they like some variety. Good luck on your hunting!!
Thought I would do a little update. We are in a warm spell and I've started spring maintenance early. I'm using the DR mower to clean up in my tree planting and have been setting and moving trees.

Amazing to see some buds with so much color. Might not be good if we get a late freeze.

Nothing grows on this place better than pears. I set this tree last spring. It came to the top of a 4 foot cage when I set the tree.

This one is 3 years old.

I set 6 trees today and moved 5. Also did a bunch of chainsaw work. I feel it tonight.

This is why you need a cage. Look at the root sprouts.

Can you tell where my land begins?

This is a young deer that moved into my place a few weeks ago. I named him Pretty Boy Floyd - I would say a nice 2 year old.

Main food right now is my cereal grains. Clover just beginning to grow a little bit but still too early.

Some heavy duty work coming up soon. Lots of top working on some pears and apples. So far I've set 14 new trees this year and have several more ordered. After this year I'm done planting trees - no place to put any more. So, maybe a replacement or two if I have some to die.

Stay tuned for more work soon.
Looks great as usual,about in same boat,planting 15 fruit trees tomorrow and have a few more coming in spring.Then I don't know where to put anymore
What's that green stuff on the ground? All we have is 4" of solid ice from all of the rain/warm weather/arctic cold blasts. Typical winter here. Always wonder how the critters make it.

Nice to see some rye on the move!

What's that green stuff on the ground? All we have is 4" of solid ice from all of the rain/warm weather/arctic cold blasts. Typical winter here. Always wonder how the critters make it.

Nice to see some rye on the move!


That is actually wheat, and with our mild winter this year it only slowed down for a short time. I'm seeing a little clover trying to come out but I think the deer are cherry picking it before it can do much. We aren't out of the woods weather wise yet. I've seen late February and early March turn into a mess.

Last year we had a horrible winter, so glad to see this one going better - so far.
I can't believe you're mowing green!

Hope Floyd stays, but I'm holding out for Abby...
I can't believe you're mowing green!

Hope Floyd stays, but I'm holding out for Abby...

I think Abby is history. He would never be gone this long. His running mate - the wide 8 point - got run over by a car.
TOO MANY big ones get killed by cars. It happens here too. What a shame. Good Floyd moved in though. You know ....... if you would just break down and plant some kind of food plots - he might stick around !! :D Great pix Native. Thanks for posting all the " hab " work you have going on there. Pears grow like weeds, don't they ?? We don't have the longer growing season like you do, but our couple pear trees grow like mad too.

Are you still cutting/mowing in the mixed fruit & nut jungle ?? What's happening in there this spring ??
TOO MANY big ones get killed by cars. It happens here too. What a shame. Good Floyd moved in though. You know ....... if you would just break down and plant some kind of food plots - he might stick around !! :D Great pix Native. Thanks for posting all the " hab " work you have going on there. Pears grow like weeds, don't they ?? We don't have the longer growing season like you do, but our couple pear trees grow like mad too.

Are you still cutting/mowing in the mixed fruit & nut jungle ?? What's happening in there this spring ??

Thanks Bowsnbucks. Yes, I'm still mowing that area and got an early start this time. I already have the rows with the fruit and nut trees cleaned out using the DR Mower - haven't even got the tractor and bushhog out yet. It's been a great spring so far. I needed to get this done, because next month we are going to do some topworking on a few trees, and having it cleaned out will make that much easier.
Here is that pear tree one year ago.

Some heavy duty work coming up soon. Lots of top working on some pears and apples. So far I've set 14 new trees this year and have several more ordered. After this year I'm done planting trees - no place to put any more. So, maybe a replacement or two if I have some to die.

Stay tuned for more work soon.
I don't believe you ;)