WI gun opener coming up

Got the kid back for school today and I work tonight and tomor then I head back down to camp on wed for me to give it a go. My son chose to pass on a few small bucks. He said it didn't bother him at all to not shoot a deer, he just loves being in the woods with his dad. Trying to talk him into using the smoke pole in 2 weeks.


I'm thinking about going brown is down. If I see another deer. I know I'm lame

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I'm thinking about going brown is down. If I see another deer. I know I'm lame

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Not lame at all, it can be blast :D
Opening day I saw 17 total deer, 14 does and fawns and 3 bucks. Sunday I hunted at my in-laws and passed a nice 2 year old 8 pointer that has a drop tine coming off the base of his right antler. I can only pray he makes it till next year. He could be a dandy buck next year. Plan to get out this weekend and try and shoot a doe. Here is a picture of the 2 year old I passed.
Go deer hunting they said. It will be fun they said.

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It's go time!!!!! I predict 1,000 shots heard by noon. Corn all down, perfect nw winds. badgers kick@230pm. Enjoy.[/QU

It was less than 20 for me from my vantage point and not one within 3/4 mile.
Saw a few does, had a couple little bucks on the other end of my property which I left alone show up on cell cam.
Well, being without internet access for 2 - 1/2 days sure sucks! My drought of not seeing a deer on opening day has officially ended.
As my hunting partner and I were walking up a logging road on the county property to do a little mid-day scouting, we came up on a bedded fawn along the edge of the mature pines and an oak ridge, little bugger was bedded on the ridge about 50' from the edge of the mature pine plantation. The deer jumped up and took off right across the logging road in front of us.
No antlerless tags for us in that zone, so no shots fired. Shots fired in the area were down, WAYYYYY down. Heard about 50 to 75 shots between the first 2 days, usually you hear 50 the first 2 hours or less. Population still seems very low.
Haven't even seen many deer on the backs of vehicles in the area. Most frustrating thing all weekend was that we got to "our" area very early on Sat morning, pulled over and parked next to the logging road we were accessing the county land from, got our things together and proceeded up the road to our hunting spots. Got about 150 yards in on the log road and I'll be Fudded if there weren't 3 trucks that had driven back in there on opening morning!
Lazy Fudd's wouldn't even walk in on a road, no brush busting, nothing, very nice log road, quiet to walk on and everything, but no, lazy a$$ho!e$ had to drive back in a public area surrounded by QDM signs that had likely not seen a vehicle for the whole summer. As if that wasn't bad enough, we got back in there about 500 yards and 3 more Fudding trucks!!!
Not happy at that point, but headed west to the area we would be hunting anyway, no sightings that morning. Saw the fawn early that afternoon while looking into the land farther west. My buddy did see another small doe the second morning, but again no doe tags. He ended up going home after the Packer game last evening empty handed and won't likely get back out due to work obligations. I will head back over Wednesday afternoon(working until then) for the Turkey Day festivities at the in-laws. I hope to hunt Thursday morning, and then Friday, but I may just say screw it and head back to LaCrosse to hunt the second weekend. I can hunt on any public ground and see nothing, I don't have to drive 85 miles to do that. Label me frustrated.......................
That sounds a little far-fetched, but who knows? Could it have been multiple sightings of the same deer by different hunters in the party? At least they passed 5 bucks and weren't telling the story about how they have 5 bucks on the meat pole.
So I have a good feeling about tonight. Not sure why

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Its been a hectic deer camp. 4 buck/3 doe hung and quartered out. I had s 10 yard chipshot on a bow doe, went for heart , which i never due, hit too low at a steep angle, trailed 180 yards in the swamp, she will be fine. The old 6.5 yo was killed in a fight a few days prior to the gun opener. Mine taped at 133. I just taped our best bow kill ftpm last year@158/148 net. 3 hunters still in camp. Bowhunt this am then off to madison to overnite, pickup the fiance, couples massage, then back to camp.tdinner is wed nite as 12 are heading to lambeau in a waupaca limo(jd pulling a shitspreader?) thursday pm.
Here is my opening weekend report. We have five owners with five tower blinds. Each one had an adult and 1-3 kids in it. Everyone saw deer opening day maybe 5 on average. Mostly does and fawns and a couple spike bucks. Saturday was pretty slow. Neighbors got some bucks in the area. Deeper in the woods near very large swamp. Sunday morning one of the kids got a small seven pointer. Sunday night my daughter got a nice 8 pointer. Everyone saw some deer, about the same as Saturday. We do habitat improvements and food plots but the reality is bait is boss in our area.
I am at a lost why deer are not hitting this radish tubers. There is some good food left.


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Congrats to everyone who tagged. Bob that's a beast, and that sucks on the chairs.
Three doe came into one of rye plots last night about 10 minutes before closing time. No turnips or radishes for me this year.
Whip, I hear you about the Fudds. Im surrounded by fenceline sitting Fudds to the west and north of me, they are absolutely clueless. Drive their vehicles to within 200yds of their stands, slam doors and proceed with the grueling 200yd walk to their stands. I cant wait for this orange Fudd'ing fiasco to be done with.
Whip, I hear you about the Fudds. Im surrounded by fenceline sitting Fudds to the west and north of me, they are absolutely clueless. Drive their vehicles to within 200yds of their stands, slam doors and proceed with the grueling 200yd walk to their stands. I cant wait for this orange Fudd'ing fiasco to be done with.
I just don't understand the mentality of some of these guys?:confused: Common sense will tell you that you cannot drive right through the middle of a deer's bedroom at 5am and expect them to just hang around the area and present you with a shot opportunity.:rolleyes:
I just don't understand the mentality of some of these guys?:confused: Common sense will tell you that you cannot drive right through the middle of a deer's bedroom at 5am and expect them to just hang around the area and present you with a shot opportunity.:rolleyes:

Exactly. I kind of like it when these guys do this to themselves. Educate the crap out of the deer so they wont get back into their normal pattern until christmas and give yourself almost no chance to shoot anything...one of these Fudds will drive a 4 wheeler to within 50yds of his stand sometimes, sh#! he might as well drive it right to his stand.

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