Some on the lower branhes but not as much as I thought they would. I hinged some this winter and had them browsed.That is some excellent growth on the ash. Do you see browse on the buds?
Yea they are using it, take a look back to post #95, this isn't the best pic bit it's the area I hinged last year.What a change the seasons make, could you tell if this bedding area had been utilized?
Yea the only snow we have right now is in the fence rows, there was still ice on all the water today but it was good just being out.Wow you guys have lost basically all the snow. We still have about 6 inches left, when the snow is gone everything looks so bleak at first don't it, lost of grays. Then the green up starts and its such good habitat rush to see stuff growing. :)
Thanks, I wish I would have done the pool thing years ago.Hinging looks great Scott. Hope mine gets that lush. I gotta try that mini pond thing in a couple of my high ground spots too.
Yea I'm not sure how the Persimmons are going to do but I thought I would give them a try, keep ya posted.I've only seen a fox a few times. I've seen bobcats more than them! We've got a momma bobcat in our area though, and since we saw 2 babies I can assume there is a male somewhere. Kind of neat seeing them go after bunnies! Much better than the yotes.
I'm interested to see how your persimmons do. It'd be great if we could get them to fruit this far north, and I'm a bit farther south than you are, so if you can get them I should be able to!
As for snow, I had some in the woods last year in mid to late april. I pulled the 2nd week available to hunt, and there was still a few inches left. This year I'm doing the private land season the few weeks in May.
Yea we got 2-3" of rain last week so things are a little damp now, last couple days have been in the 60's great habitat weather.Looks like things are starting to green up around there Scott. We need rain here!!
I got part of my trees this afternoon and got 100 of them in. I'm taking some more of my hay field back and planting trees and shrubs this year part of this I'm planting christmas trees.
The christmas trees
Where I planted in the field, one row of shrubs and 3 rows of trees.
Tried my new plug planting tool and I'm not sold on it, the drill works great for getting the holes in but the auger was just a bit too big and I had alot of work to get them in. It went well but wasn't any easier than a dibble.