5 year old buck +
On our place we shoot the most mature bucks we have and let the younger bucks walk, no APR's no shooting according to width just the most mature no matter what the rack looks like. This year on of our more mature bucks happens to be a 6pt and we have followed him all spring/summer and fall on the trail cam. Last weds was my first encounter with him, I have good sightings all night 8 does and fawns and 3 of the fawns were button bucks then at ten to seven I saw antlers coming out of the woods and it was a really nice 2.5 year old 8pt and this 6pt behind him. After only a few minutes the 6 was at 30yds and drinking out of one of the kids pools I burried in the ground, broadside. I'm thinking to myself this doesn't happen to me so I pulled back and shot hitting him with what I thought was a good shot. I waited a few minutes and got down and checked the arrow and good red blood so I stood the arrow up and went to the house until about 8:30. At 8:30 my son and I went back and started tracking him. At the spot I shot we found very little blood and my heart sank, I saw where he entered the woods and went there and found a decent blood trail and tracked him until he crossed the fence, by this time it was close to 10 and I didn't want to wake the neighbors so I waited till morning. The next day I tracked him another 2-300 yards and lost the blood and it started to rain, in that 2-300yds I found where he laid down and there wasn't much for blood in the bed. I went back to where I shot him and found a ton of white hair and figured I shot low and just grazed him. Thurs night the farmer to the east found him when he stared to chop corn about 1/2 mile away. I know if you hunt long enough this will happen to you but it still isn't a good feeling, been 20+ years for me on not finding a deer. I did get the head back, a rollercoaster of emotions.

This is the watering pool, 30yds from stand

My last trail cam pic of him

This is the watering pool, 30yds from stand

My last trail cam pic of him