I'm not sure on the percentage but everytime I sat where I could see the switch field during bow season I saw deer in there, some were bedded and some just moving thru. This Switch is only 2nd year so its not as tall as my 4yr, hopefully it takes off this year. Right now I've seen more movement thru it than bedding.
It took my deer a couple years to get into the turnips but now they hit them regularly. Yes I used a silky, I like it for the smaller trees 4-6" I have to get the chainsaw out for the larger as you can see in the pic.
Haven't had time to do much habitat work lately with work, had the day off so I took a sled ride and check things out still a good 8-10" of snow here. They are still hitting my brassicas pretty good plus actually digging down to get clover/alfalfa which I've hardly ever seen. The last post I did was some hinge cutting and they have worked on this also. I've heard others say you can put as much food on the ground with a chainsaw as you can with a plow and now I see that.
Browse on the hinge cut.
Hard to see in this pic but this is last year's hinging and they are bedding in it.
This is a pic from last fall, I rolled this clover /alfalfa down and let it come back up. They are digging down to get to the clover/lafalfa.
I would say they aren't fairing too bad, check out the last one on the right, little Hereford calf.
I wouldn't exactly call it tree planting weather here in MI, right aroung 0 with windchill, but I got my acorn and chestnut seeds in Rottmakers today. DCO, SWO, Bur, Sawtooth, Red, Pin, Chinese Chestnuts and Persimmons. I always have more than I have room in the rootmakers so I started some in Jiffy pots also. Last year I also used some of the Jiffy pots and they seemed to work alright as long as I planted them as soon in the spring as I could.
I received a doz chestnuts seeds from Bigeight today, nice looking seed thanks. In rootmakers already, going to transfer them to 1gal pots if and when it ever warms here.
Finally starting to loose the snow here, temps the last 3-4 days in the 40's. Picked up my clover seed and thought I would get some frost seeding done but still too much snow on the plots.
Here's some 1yr old switch that doesn't look like much now but I think it will take off this year.
same field looking the other way.
We have a ton of these 4-6" Ash tree that I have hinged, they probably won't make it too long but it's good to see them putting on new growth for awhile. Going to go back in here and plant oaks in the downed Ash.