Scott's habitat improvements

Scott-will that high water hurt those trees?

What is replacing the ash in those diseased areas?

I would take Dad's stool and hang it in the house or in a hunting shack if you have one. Grandkids might like to have it. I still have my Dad's red wool hunting coat.

I might just pour some cement and make it a "landmark"!

What kind of vetch do you have? Is it natural or planted? for my native prairie, I'm most worried about the vetch.
Scott-will that high water hurt those trees?

What is replacing the ash in those diseased areas?

I would take Dad's stool and hang it in the house or in a hunting shack if you have one. Grandkids might like to have it. I still have my Dad's red wool hunting coat.
Art, I think the water will go down before it hurts the trees, thanks for the idea on putting the stool up.
I might just pour some cement and make it a "landmark"!

What kind of vetch do you have? Is it natural or planted? for my native prairie, I'm most worried about the vetch.
I have planted hairy vetch, we don't have any going naturally that I know of.
I have planted hairy vetch, we don't have any going naturally that I know of.

That's incredible. Vetch seems to be all that comes up in my dry areas that I let go to seed. I'm not sure what kind it is though.
The pic of your pops ol spot is really neat. The weather will eventually take the stool, i like the idea of making it part of the cabin or nearest sleeping spot. Maybe erect a new shack where your dads used to be just for posterity sake?
At one point I had around 150 oaks and chestnuts started inside and all seemed to be doing well, I moved themm outside the first or second week of May and had to move them back in 3 or 4 times becasuse of frost. I must have missed one of the frosts because they all started to turn brown.They get morning sun and by about 2-3 they are in the shade. They actually looked worse a week ago, some are coming back, I also had planted some and tubed them, checked tham the last time I was out and they are all doing good.

The persimmons really took a beating.

Some of the SWO's and the Burs don't look as bad.

Dunstans putting up another flush.

On a better note I finally have some growing out of my 5" tubes, these are Burgambel oaks on their 3rd growing yr.

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Got a pic of a decent body sized buck. Date and time are off.

I've got one that's a bit smaller in the body, at least leaner, but nice and wide. Almost to his ears. This is basically the only buck that I've seen with anything substantial (body size or rack). Unfortunately, my time isn't off, and he was traveling between the corn and alfalfa fields on either side of my property. Hopefully my neighbor (meaning his buddy who goes out and hunts without him and doesn't like venison) doesn't get out too much this year (meaning he doesn't drive his car within 100 feet of his blind, while it's only 500 feet from the ROAD)

Sorry it wouldn't let me load it on the other one.
Also, if you (or any other Michiganders on here) need any spruce, I've got literally thousands that I can dig up and pot for you. I think most of them are white, but I'm not 100%. It's gotten to the point that this weekend I cut probably 40 of them that were so close to another one that they'd never do very well.
Also, if you (or any other Michiganders on here) need any spruce, I've got literally thousands that I can dig up and pot for you. I think most of them are white, but I'm not 100%. It's gotten to the point that this weekend I cut probably 40 of them that were so close to another one that they'd never do very well.
I'll get a hold of you if and when I want some, Thx.
Thanks for posting the pics Scott, they look great.
I've been trying to get in shape for a muley/elk hunt this fall with my son in Colorado so I've been doing a lot more walking instead of taking the quad or the truck. You really notice a lot more when your on foot than riding.

Found a oak I didn;t know we had, right on the fenceline.

I knew we had this patch of Iris but I hadn't seen it this year, it's in a low spot surrounded by RC grass.

Last year I added some clover and vetch with my rye, in a month or so this will be sprayed and rolled after braoscasting brassica mix into it, should make a nice mulch.

Elk is a bucket list item of mine, sure would be great some day.
Picked up some Dunstans and Benton Harbor chestnuts form Bigeight, got them in today, good looking trees.

You sure do like your shovel. :)
Look great, Scott! I'll be putting mine out in the fall.
You sure do like your shovel. :)
Here's a pic of my favorite shovel Bill, with my MG. lol
