Live from the stand thread

Deer season isn't done yet, what are u doing down there? Don't give Christmas as an excuse!
Deer season isn't done yet, what are u doing down there? Don't give Christmas as an excuse!

Sons winter break. His choice. I've got a 1 buck/year self imposed limit so I'll be hitting the does in January back east.
You're not alone in knowing absolutely NOTHING !! I hope I live long enough to see it come full circle and my SONS - then - KNOW NOTHING !!

Good to be fishing though, instead of winter weather - if you're not in the warm spell we are here in Pa. Looks like a good time !!
Weird day. No fish but there were bait balls for miles.

Nothing eating them but birds so we switched to sabiki rigs and caught little ones for the live well.

Looks like rain but its small bait fish.

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Not sure how well this pic will come thru. 20151225_151338.jpg
My friends wife took her first deer this AM in our woods in Jersey.

Don't want to start the Xbow debate again but without that pink one she wouldn't be in camo let alone the woods.


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Congrats to her. The smile says she'll be back!
Congrats to your friends wife!
Back to the top.

If you have cell coverage this season lets keep this thread going. Lots more visitors this year that we can live vicariously through.:)
I will be in a tree Thursday morning! Hope I have better cell coverage than last year!
To warm for me yet. I'd really like to build/get a cooler.
I'll be out Saturday evening. Cell coverage from my perch is spotty at best.
I dont have an smart phone, I like old school! Thought about dragging the Ipad along since my wife has internet service on that, but it seems like too much of a hassle. Since "Willy" broke down and bought a smart phone I feel like I need to be the last remaining pioneer! :D Doesnt mean I dont like to read and look at everyone else's posts in this thread!
Did some glassing tonight. The skeeters drove me home early but did see five total including momma and the twins.

I may be up in a tree Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning.

Good luck, I haven't bought a license yet but I did check out the gowild thingy today.
Good luck, I haven't bought a license yet but I did check out the gowild thingy today.
Got my paper tags printed and ready to go. Need to find a pen or pencil, nylon ties, and ziploc bags :eek:. Then I think I will be good to go :rolleyes:.
I'm holding out until mid October.
I'm just storing all my license paperwork and the rest of the BS in my backtag holder. Getting rid of them was a mistake IMO anyway. I still own about 3 of them, so why should I do anything differently, just because the DNR says I don't HAVE to wear a backtag. My license and zip ties have been fine in there for 35+ years, they will continue to be just fine right where they have always been.
I hear guys saying all the time that they are noisy and get snagged on stuff, they just need to be more careful. Now that you can wear them and don't need to worry about them legally being visible on your outermost layer, it is a no brainer IMO.