
Finally got our eagle beans planted today. It was still a little wet on one end of the plot, but we got her in. The first pic gives you an idea of what we started with. Took us till dark and I ended the day on the tailgate of my truck with one of my boys watching the hillside covered in lightning bugs with a lone whippoorwill calling, life is good..KINDLE_CAMERA_1462389469000.jpgKINDLE_CAMERA_1462390625000.jpg

Impressed with how much this Phoenix pear has grown

Started this Dunstan from seed last year and it's already over 6ft
Plot and trees look great fellas. The last whippoorwill I heard was on a turkey hunting trip to Missouri in 2002. The last whippoorwill I heard around here has to 20 plus years ago. Never heard a lot but I miss hearing them though.
Plot and trees look great fellas. The last whippoorwill I heard was on a turkey hunting trip to Missouri in 2002. The last whippoorwill I heard around here has to 20 plus years ago. Never heard a lot but I miss hearing them though.
I really thought I had missed hearing any this year. I usually hear them while Turkey hunting in mid April and they'll call about a month, but I didn't hear any this year. They do like open pasture. The most I ever heard was the year after we burned the big field.
You wouldn't miss hearing them as much as you think if you had to deal with them sitting on your 500 gal LP tank right outside your bedroom window and hooting all freakin' night. Go outside to shooo them away and 10 mintues later they are right back at it.
You wouldn't miss hearing them as much as you think if you had to deal with them sitting on your 500 gal LP tank right outside your bedroom window and hooting all freakin' night. Go outside to shooo them away and 10 mintues later they are right back at it.
I lived up there a few years back and my wife's sister " a city girl " came to stay with us one night. The next morning all she could do was complain about whatever that awful bird that called all night was. She left that day.
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Yup ^^^ and when you have a half a dozen of them all within close proximity to one another, they just get louder and more annoying trying to outcompete each other for "top dog".:mad:
You wouldn't miss hearing them as much as you think if you had to deal with them sitting on your 500 gal LP tank right outside your bedroom window and hooting all freakin' night. Go outside to shooo them away and 10 mintues later they are right back at it.

I suppose that would get old in a hurry.
Did a little work in the hills today. Saw a hen wood duck fly in one of the boxes and saw a newborn fawn in sumac by the pond too. Fertilized my apples and sprayed where I had grass in the soybean plot. Our scarecrows seem to be working keeping the deer out so far. It must be the do rags my son put on them. Wild plums like about a week I'd say.20160528_154221.jpg20160528_144330.jpg 20160528_144322.jpg
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Your fruit is coming on great. The Phoenix Pear is one I don't have but might add someday.

A good mess of bluegills like that can't be beat for taste. That one you are holding is a hoss!!
Merle, you work for Nucor? We buy lots of steel from them!
Merle, you work for Nucor? We buy lots of steel from them!
I've worked there 28 years next month. Spent 3 weeks in himegi-city Japan training to run a beam straightener and I've done that ever since so if you get something out of tolerance, I must have been off that day lol.
Looking good! Keep up the good work and pics.
Bluegills like that look to be 1-to-a-plate !! Tasty eating for sure. Plums look real nice - wish we could grow them. We have bears and plums would be destroyed with the first crop !! Keep up the good work.
Just about time for some chestnut planting. These are a few Chinese, but mostly American trees. May try and get a few of these in the ground this weekend and get a jump on the fall planting.KINDLE_CAMERA_1465049715000.jpgKINDLE_CAMERA_1465049729000.jpg

Sprayed beans yesterday.