
Fantastic! I really enjoy reading these kinds of threads, look forward to the updates
Went and got the compost for my apple tree bed this morning. The cotton gin here has loads of organic leftovers from ginning cotton each year. Years ago they'd burn it off, but now they let it sit and turn into compost that farmers spread back on the fields. Since I've known them forever, they let me get all I want for my garden and such for free.View attachment 8643
Eli Whitney would be proud :D

Looks great! Love the big pond on the property, nice to be able to relax and throw a line in the water as well. Pines are looking nice too!
Thank you all for the kind words. I plan on using a lot of the ideas I get here on our place so thanks in advance too!
Very nice place !! The thick stuff behind the Dayton apple graft in the pic ought to be a good deer holding area. Nice view of the river bottom from the ridge too !! Plum thicket looks like a winner - good luck getting the jelly !! Pond with crappies too .......... tough to stomach all of that, huh ?? :D
Great pics. Really wierd the thread starts and merle passes.
I was thinking the same thing when I heard the news yesterday. Strange coincidence.
And we had tickets to the May 10th concert in Jonesboro too! Oh well, I'll always have him in stereo till I get to see him in concert again, though I hope to put it off a while.
Didn't go up to the farm since it rained yesterday, but here's my American chestnuts I have growing. I plan on potting them in larger pots and growing some over the summer here and plant a few this spring with protection.KINDLE_CAMERA_1459600759000.jpg
Nice looking farms! It looks like you have plenty open ground to do as you like. That's how part of mine was until I ran out of open ground planting trees and such.lol
Nice looking farms! It looks like you have plenty open ground to do as you like. That's how part of mine was until I ran out of open ground planting trees and such.lol
Thanks huntall, the 80 was defiantly ill used before I bought it, but we're slowly bringing it around. I've got a plan to have it ready for my not quite two year old grandson when he's ready!
Went after Turkey's this morning, worked two, but they didn't seem to want to cross the fence. Did have time for a fishing day after I mowed around the orchard.IMG_20160418_134339294.jpgimagejpeg_0.jpg
This is one of our henryi chestnuts. Didn't know if anyone else has planted any of these. imagejpeg_0 (1).jpg
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Great tour of your place. What a difference from northern Wisconsin to Arkansas.

Tallest tree I grew from seed last year, topped out at a little over six feet.

Never could catch this one during the day.

Ayers pear planted several years ago, going 16 to 17 ft now but still hasn't bloomed.

However a 2 year old keiffers is covered in blooms. Last time I was there it looked like it set several pears.

One of the food plots we have done the last few years. Has a mixture of winter rye grain, winter wheat, Austrian winter peas, turnips and radishes.

If you look close you can see a honey bee working this Winesap blossom.