Springtime on the ridge! I get a kick out of the fairy ring of daffodils every year wondering if someone planted it that way on purpose or not.
Chuck checked on our bees and they're all doing great. Put a pollen pattie on each hive though they were bringing in loads already.
My bees did terrible over winter, congrats to you on yours.
My wife is all about fairy rings, she has actually spotted them while going down the road and will have me stop so she can stand in the middle and make a wish! Every few years we will see one that is some kind of big button mushrooms.
We're still kicking around the hills down here.
Only lost 1 hive over the winter. Chucks making splits today.
I'm making new apple trees. 10 after work yesterday, 30 more to go.
The woods pics are of an old field on the back of our old place. Been cutting brush and scrub trees out for a new bee yard.
Lastly, spring isn't spring without a daffodil covered hillside.