Cuddelink general Q&A recommendations

i let them know the app is allowing more than 20 - hopefully it will be adjusted soon, for now, dont go over 20 characters, and i would suggest using camp instead of the app to make changes .
Page 10 of the manual says "20 characters". 'course the app still needs to limit input, but it's good that Cudde documented the limit.
Got a camera that worked fine last season. But this season, the picture info is blank across the bottom. Anyone seen this before? Any thoughts?



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Ok I am a bit perplexed by the owners manual. Is there a way to set a G-series camera up in the settings to get it to take pictures on a set interval for a specified part of the day? Moultrie used to and maybe still does have the "Plot Watch" feature. It would take pictures when something triggered the motion sensor, but would also take pictures say every 10 minutes during the course of the night over a food plot. I have had my cameras all on trails until now, moved one to a corner of a food plot today. Would like for it to automatically take a picture on a set interval regardless of the motion sensor being triggered say from 8 pm until 8 am. Then be motion sensor triggered the remainder of the 24 hr period.

Also what motion sensitivity are most people running their cameras on? I have left mine on "Optimum" which seems to work great in not triggering from vegetation moving on a windy day, but I am starting to feel like I am missing some critters that aren't triggering the camera.
I’ve not done it, but looks like advanced might give you those options……

View attachment 67946

I guess I do not know what the "lapse" refers to. I may have to pull a camera and just monkey with the setting here at the house to see what they all do. I was reading the owner's manual while standing in the field and it just wasn't quite making sense to me at that point.
I guess I do not know what the "lapse" refers to. I may have to pull a camera and just monkey with the setting here at the house to see what they all do. I was reading the owner's manual while standing in the field and it just wasn't quite making sense to me at that point.
I read it as "day time lapse" and "night time lapse", which usually refers to what I think you want to accomplish. Can't hurt to try setting one camera remotely to 10 minute (night, day, or both). I just programmed one of mine to 3-hour time lapse, and I'll report back what happens.

Screenshot 2024-09-02 082530.jpg time lapse and see what happens.
I forget that you can change those settings remotely. I will monkey with it that way a bit.
I read it as "day time lapse" and "night time lapse", which usually refers to what I think you want to accomplish. Can't hurt to try setting one camera remotely to 10 minute (night, day, or both). I just programmed one of mine to 3-hour time lapse, and I'll report back what happens.

View attachment 67955 time lapse and see what happens.

Time lapse is working as expected. This camera is taking pics every 3:13, 6:13, 9:13, & 12:13. The night pictures are blurred, so I apparently have a spider blob or something that is messing with those pics, so will clean the lenses and IR next visit.
Question for the cuddelink experts. I moved a camera today, a J series, to a new location. It does not seem to be taking pictures, and on my report I got this evening for level it just says "good". It's maybe 100 yards from my home camera on flat ground so I know it's not a distance issue. I had it previously set up on surveillance mode, tried to change that in camp but it just says pending. It also has a solar panel (I believe it's one of the shade ones) that is showing as extension ok. Any suggestions for a fix? Or am I going to have to reset it in person? Thanks!
Question for the cuddelink experts. I moved a camera today, a J series, to a new location. It does not seem to be taking pictures, and on my report I got this evening for level it just says "good". It's maybe 100 yards from my home camera on flat ground so I know it's not a distance issue. I had it previously set up on surveillance mode, tried to change that in camp but it just says pending. It also has a solar panel (I believe it's one of the shade ones) that is showing as extension ok. Any suggestions for a fix? Or am I going to have to reset it in person? Thanks!
I would try to clear the image queue.
Question for the cuddelink experts. I moved a camera today, a J series, to a new location. It does not seem to be taking pictures, and on my report I got this evening for level it just says "good". It's maybe 100 yards from my home camera on flat ground so I know it's not a distance issue. I had it previously set up on surveillance mode, tried to change that in camp but it just says pending. It also has a solar panel (I believe it's one of the shade ones) that is showing as extension ok. Any suggestions for a fix? Or am I going to have to reset it in person? Thanks!
if it doest give you a link level other than good, its likely off line and you will need ot go visit it
just letting all of you know i wont be able to get online for a bit to answer questions so dont expect quick responses for some time
Good morning. I'm going to paste a discussion from my GPS forum about using CalTopo to determine radio repeater range. I don't have CalTopo myself. I'd be interested in any CalTopo users trying this and reporting if it's a good technique for Cudde repeater placement.

CalTopo has some great options...

I do use Range Rings for a basic summary, but it does not equate to reality for the way radio waves travel or get blocked by terrain. So I have a much better solution for you: Viewsheds!

So what you do is mark your repeater antenna location on the map. Click on that marker name in the left column, that centers your map on the repeater. Now click Add --> Viewshed and you can name it, select a color, and select the height of your view or antenna [in meters]. Click okay and it will generate everything you could "see" from that elevation. Radio roughly follows line-of site [depending on the frequencies and obstructions it can be a bit more, a bit less, etc.] but this would be a far more accurate estimate of your repeater range than a simple ring, where terrain may block entire sectors.

Advanced Mode:
This is just me being a total radio nerd. But if I have two separate locations where I want to be able to communicate between them using a repeater, I set up one viewshed in one color at Point A, then another viewshed of another color at Point B. Look for any areas on the map where both viewsheds overlap... those are potential locations to place a repeater to provide the coverage you are seeking.

Of course there are other more complicated RF mapping tools out there where you put in antenna gain, power output, antenna elevation, etc., but I find for my needs a simple viewshed works great!
My system runs off a LLC-H home transmitter...I have g-series I retired because it stopped taking external power. The LLC-H was bought June 2024.

In late December 2024 the system went down with no low battery warning. Being a hard winder I didn't get back down there until 1st week of March. The LLC-H had power (internals plus sun/shade solar unit), it was on but locked up and unresponsive to any commands. I pulled the batteries and powered it back up and it started working again.

For 4 days it routinely transmitted photos as the system worked to clear the backlog (I like to see what bucks survived the season, when antlers drop, etc, so I didn't clear out the backlog). Then, once again, emails stopped coming with no low battery warning.

I'm going to re-activate my old G-series as a stop-gap to re-start the system one of the next two weekends. But given the distance this isn't something I can invest a ton of time into troubleshooting with live visits (80 miles each way). Is there any known issue I could be dealing with, or is this simply a warranty issue? I never had this problem with the G-series, ran it 4-5 years.
My system runs off a LLC-H home transmitter...I have g-series I retired because it stopped taking external power. The LLC-H was bought June 2024.

In late December 2024 the system went down with no low battery warning. Being a hard winder I didn't get back down there until 1st week of March. The LLC-H had power (internals plus sun/shade solar unit), it was on but locked up and unresponsive to any commands. I pulled the batteries and powered it back up and it started working again.

For 4 days it routinely transmitted photos as the system worked to clear the backlog (I like to see what bucks survived the season, when antlers drop, etc, so I didn't clear out the backlog). Then, once again, emails stopped coming with no low battery warning.

I'm going to re-activate my old G-series as a stop-gap to re-start the system one of the next two weekends. But given the distance this isn't something I can invest a ton of time into troubleshooting with live visits (80 miles each way). Is there any known issue I could be dealing with, or is this simply a warranty issue? I never had this problem with the G-series, ran it 4-5 years.
change the SD card out first on the L, there isnt a known issue with the L home but there is an extensive firmware update coming later this spring that will add a lot of performance and features, you will need an L to utilize everything. if you call CS they can move yoru plan from one home to the other so you dont have 2 active plans. Once the update is live I'll post on the forum .
My system runs off a LLC-H home transmitter...I have g-series I retired because it stopped taking external power. The LLC-H was bought June 2024.

In late December 2024 the system went down with no low battery warning. Being a hard winder I didn't get back down there until 1st week of March. The LLC-H had power (internals plus sun/shade solar unit), it was on but locked up and unresponsive to any commands. I pulled the batteries and powered it back up and it started working again.

For 4 days it routinely transmitted photos as the system worked to clear the backlog (I like to see what bucks survived the season, when antlers drop, etc, so I didn't clear out the backlog). Then, once again, emails stopped coming with no low battery warning.

I'm going to re-activate my old G-series as a stop-gap to re-start the system one of the next two weekends. But given the distance this isn't something I can invest a ton of time into troubleshooting with live visits (80 miles each way). Is there any known issue I could be dealing with, or is this simply a warranty issue? I never had this problem with the G-series, ran it 4-5 years.
About once a year my G series home starts getting cranky. I put a brand new SD card in, and it hums along for a while again.
change the SD card out first on the L, there isnt a known issue with the L home but there is an extensive firmware update coming later this spring that will add a lot of performance and features, you will need an L to utilize everything. if you call CS they can move yoru plan from one home to the other so you dont have 2 active plans. Once the update is live I'll post on the forum .
Why would changing to a similarly formatted SD card change anything? I can reformat the same card in the camera by command. Literally another SD card from the same purchase batch I would put in. Changing back to the G is just a stop-gap as I'm trying to fix the L. If there isn't a known issue with the L it points to a warranty issue with this L. Same cards have been working fine up until these failures, been running this system 4-5 years. If there is a specific card I should be using and others won't work, this should be made crystal clear. This card worked fine in this L for 6 months prior to the first failure.
Why would changing to a similarly formatted SD card change anything? I can reformat the same card in the camera by command. Literally another SD card from the same purchase batch I would put in. Changing back to the G is just a stop-gap as I'm trying to fix the L. If there isn't a known issue with the L it points to a warranty issue with this L. Same cards have been working fine up until these failures, been running this system 4-5 years. If there is a specific card I should be using and others won't work, this should be made crystal clear. This card worked fine in this L for 6 months prior to the first failure.
if the card becomes corrupted either on its own or by the unit itself, it can lock up the unit and changing the card often fixes the issue. i advise this since its simple and easy to do and since you are a distance away from your network it might save you a trip or the hassle of sending it in for warranty evaluation . Speaking from experience , reformatting does work sometimes but there are times that a card cant be used since it continually causes issues. I prefer 16gb sandisk in mine but nay quality class 10 card should work.
Ok, these are the SanDisk, I will try that first.
Ok, these are the SanDisk, I will try that first.
considering how close we are to the new firmware launch you may want to try it once its released was well, before sending it in. ive been testing it for several months and the improvements coming should be welcome changes to all cuddelink users that have L series. ill release details as soon as its available.