Ok I just got my K-5789 cell and J-1521 out and running yesterday and my report came in last night having 139 images on my home , 22 images on 002 , and 7 images on 003 .
But there were only 49 images taken on the home camera I counted them .
I think my home camera K-5789 is doubling the image count , there were 12 images on the report before any images were taken so 49 from home camera 22 from 002 and 7 from 003 equals = 78 images plus the 12 that were on it is 98 not 139 as reported
But if you double the Home images 49 + 49 is 98 plus the 22 and 7 from the other cameras = 127 with the 12 that were on the first report is 139 . Is there something wrong with the K-5789 camera