I would say you have the batch or CC Rate set to 5. This sets the number images needed to before transmission. I don’t think image size has any bearing on the transmit frequency. All transmissions are thumbnails.I think this is my first post here..signed up mainly just to read and be able to see the pictures.
I have an issue with my Dual Cell that doesn't really bother me because I'm having under 20 pictures sent an hour, just wondering why it's doing this. I thought I had it set to just send pictures every hour but it's not only doing that, but every time it takes 5 pictures it'll send them asap after the 5th. Keeps doing this for every 5 taken. If there are less than 5 it'll just send them at the end of that hour. Or if it takes and sends 5 the first half hour but only 4 the second, it'll wait until the end of the hour to send those 4.
Are you able to set it up to do that and maybe I did unintentionally..or do I have a Cuddebug...