Cuddelink 2020 GEN 2 version

Can you do a send pics command? In other words ignore current settings for this and do a one time command to send me what you have?
Can you do a send pics command? In other words ignore current settings for this and do a one time command to send me what you have?
you cannot do that, but you can ask a specific camera to take a picture , or you could change the batch or time setting on your cell unit to a shorter duration. The remotes already are sending the images via rf to the home asap. If you shorten the delay or batch count on the cell unit it would essentially do what you are asking but not in real time. Commands take time to complete so if your goal is "real time" as in- "at this moment" info , cuddelink isnt going to do that for you.
when running Gen 2, commands tend to take effect typically in a few hours or less but never more than 24 hours.
Thanks. Would be a nice feature if you could.
One other quick question. I continue to run into issues with old cameras and new cameras using different cables for battery booster packs. Can you tell me all the models of cables needed for these packs using both old and new cameras. I want to stock up on all of them.
One other quick question. I continue to run into issues with old cameras and new cameras using different cables for battery booster packs. Can you tell me all the models of cables needed for these packs using both old and new cameras. I want to stock up on all of them.
boosters now include both styles of cables needed for old and new cameras , any new camera uses the cable with the 90 degree turn in it. IF you are in need of a style call cuddeback and they can get you some . There may be some retailers with old stock so its best to check with hem before ordering but a safe way to know is if the box has a picture of a cuddelink camera on it , it will contain the new cable.
Any idea on the new 12v power cord? Would be major up here in the northwoods to help with battery life because of the major cold stretch currently.
boosters now include both styles of cables needed for old and new cameras , any new camera uses the cable with the 90 degree turn in it. IF you are in need of a style call cuddeback and they can get you some . There may be some retailers with old stock so its best to check with hem before ordering but a safe way to know is if the box has a picture of a cuddelink camera on it , it will contain the new cable.
I know they come with the new boosters but this is an older booster for a new camera. I will call them directly. Thanks
Any idea on the new 12v power cord? Would be major up here in the northwoods to help with battery life because of the major cold stretch currently.
i know they are on the way but not sure when they will arrive.
Very few consumers would tolerate a max of 12-20 pics per day transmitted home. This is a limitation of the system and I realize everyone would like 20 mp images transmitted immediately but the reality is rf technology isn’t there yet and likely never will be. The majority of consumers want the highest amount of images possible and also want them sent as quickly as possible . Sending high mp images comes with a cost, it’s only workable when using individual cell units that all have their own plan.
I would tend to disagree with this comment as WiFi is RF. It’s not a problem to stream high res video over WiFi. The only issue right now is the affordable stuff is very directional and needs direct line of sight. Streaming multiple high res streams at a time is a challenge. However as the Omni directional tech becomes further ranging and more advanced I see it being able to watch live video all the time. In fact I currently do that in my profession in many applications. It would be expensive to do it in a wooded application but if price were no object it can be done today.
I have 3 solar kits for my old J's. I bought a 2 pack of the new J's with the D batteries. Can I use the old solar with the new 2 pack J's?
I would tend to disagree with this comment as WiFi is RF. It’s not a problem to stream high res video over WiFi. The only issue right now is the affordable stuff is very directional and needs direct line of sight. Streaming multiple high res streams at a time is a challenge. However as the Omni directional tech becomes further ranging and more advanced I see it being able to watch live video all the time. In fact I currently do that in my profession in many applications. It would be expensive to do it in a wooded application but if price were no object it can be done today.
if price were no object is the key point - it would likely end up being less expensive to remotely send up a drone before technology gets to the point where you can transmit high rez video via rf for 1/4 mile thru wooded terrain. Who knows, maybe 10-15 years for now everyone will have drones streaming live footage of their hunting grounds.i think the technology would need to come from some other application instead of the hunting market.
Do you have any examples currently of an application using wi fi now that transmits hi res 1/4 mile or more and does it in seconds not minutes or hours?
Several camera manufacturers tried to use wi fi and it was a complete flop since the distance was so restrictive. Anything is possible in the future, but right now the cost of individual cell cams would be considerably less and would likely stay that way before something was developed at any price that would accomplish what was asked for.
The cost and time to develop Cuddelink in its current form was shocking to me. i knew when Mark told me about it that it would be a huge success but i font think many would have had the determination and faith to forge ahead thru the cost and time it took to develop it.
I have 3 solar kits for my old J's. I bought a 2 pack of the new J's with the D batteries. Can I use the old solar with the new 2 pack J's?
no you cannot, the voltage is not high enough in 4 rechargeable d batteries . you will be able to use the new solar bank coming out since those batteries are internal in the panel and then your internal d alkaline will be back up in the camera . There is an adapter that was used with the old g's but the cable port is not the same as the new j
Using the Cuddelink system.What is going to be the D/Delay (Adv-Mode) options in the new 8.0 firmware in cuddelink mode,have several cameras with 6.7 and working well,thought I would update firmware to 7.9 only to find out that the FAP option was removed from D/Delay (Adv-Mode) , i agree with removal of D/Image 1-5 (Adv-Mode) it is of no use when you have FAP option. I feel FAP should be put back in at least as an option so as to utilize the 1-2 sec recovery time of camera,if desired. Thoughts?
Looks like D/Delay of 6.7 version is Camera/Delay in 8.0 version to come?
Using the Cuddelink system.What is going to be the D/Delay (Adv-Mode) options in the new 8.0 firmware in cuddelink mode,have several cameras with 6.7 and working well,thought I would update firmware to 7.9 only to find out that the FAP option was removed from D/Delay (Adv-Mode) , i agree with removal of D/Image 1-5 (Adv-Mode) it is of no use when you have FAP option. I feel FAP should be put back in at least as an option so as to utilize the 1-2 sec recovery time of camera,if desired. Thoughts?
Looks like D/Delay of 6.7 version is Camera/Delay in 8.0 version to come?
delay options will be the same as they are now , as of now 8.0 will allow the shortest delay to be set at 5 seconds.
I want to make sure I understand this. Once the new solar panel is released, if your running it with the dual power bank, with rechargeable Ds, the solar panel will be charing its internal battery as well as the solar bank in the dual? Or does the internal not get used when in conjunction with a dual bank? I bought 4 of the duals in the fall as well as 24 rechargeable Ds, hoping to use right away, only to find out the current solar doesnt work with them. It now appears the new solar with any cam would accomplish what the dual does minus 2 D batteries in 2nd bank.
I want to make sure I understand this. Once the new solar panel is released, if your running it with the dual power bank, with rechargeable Ds, the solar panel will be charing its internal battery as well as the solar bank in the dual? Or does the internal not get used when in conjunction with a dual bank? I bought 4 of the duals in the fall as well as 24 rechargeable Ds, hoping to use right away, only to find out the current solar doesnt work with them. It now appears the new solar with any cam would accomplish what the dual does minus 2 D batteries in 2nd bank.
The new solar bank that will start shipping later this quarter can be used two ways.
1 as a primary source of power with alkaline battery back up in any cudde link camera
2 . As the charging panel meant to charge one bay of rechargeable batteries in the dual power bank . It’s a different cable when using it for each application and both should be included .
I have a Cuddelink Home device with a cell cap. I am guessing Gen 2 is compatible with this device?
John, what's the benefit of the dual power bank over the new solar setup or vice versa?