Cuddelink 2020 GEN 2 version

Will the option to take a picture on request ever be an option? Like a live feed. Would like to be able to see what’s currently at the camera at any given time.
gen 2 will allow you to command any of the cameras in your network to take a picture but it wont be instantaneous.Once the command is initiated, it will take one the next time the remote camera checks in meaning it would happen within hours sometimes within an hour. When you command the home cell unit to take a picture that will be the closest to real time.
Hello John, I've read the literature that you posted regarding 2020 updates...I have one fear and that is...will the current v.7 firmware images that are transmitted back to the home/email be even further reduced in size/resolution than they are all ready to facilitate the increased amount of cameras and faster transmission times in the v.8 firmware? I hope you can reassure us that this is NOT the case because to be honest, I would prefer to see it go the opposite way and get more resolution on each image with less network capacity. I personally don't think many users are going to want to buy (or need to buy) 23 cameras without adding more homes....and this is coming from a guy with 17 cameras and 2 homes already!
Hello John, I've read the literature that you posted regarding 2020 updates...I have one fear and that is...will the current v.7 firmware images that are transmitted back to the home/email be even further reduced in size/resolution than they are all ready to facilitate the increased amount of cameras and faster transmission times in the v.8 firmware? I hope you can reassure us that this is NOT the case because to be honest, I would prefer to see it go the opposite way and get more resolution on each image with less network capacity. I personally don't think many users are going to want to buy (or need to buy) 23 cameras without adding more homes....and this is coming from a guy with 17 cameras and 2 homes already!
Image transmission size will stay the same , no change
Hello John, I've read the literature that you posted regarding 2020 updates...I have one fear and that is...will the current v.7 firmware images that are transmitted back to the home/email be even further reduced in size/resolution than they are all ready to facilitate the increased amount of cameras and faster transmission times in the v.8 firmware? I hope you can reassure us that this is NOT the case because to be honest, I would prefer to see it go the opposite way and get more resolution on each image with less network capacity. I personally don't think many users are going to want to buy (or need to buy) 23 cameras without adding more homes....and this is coming from a guy with 17 cameras and 2 homes already!

I am the opposite as I would almost like an option to get them a little less resolution just so I could get more pictures on the plan. THis fall I only had 2 bucks that I couldn't tell from the thumbnail what buck they were, but I could tell once I downloaded the card from the camera. However I could tell both times that the buck was a shooter but it was far enough away that I couldn't tell enough detail in the thumbnail to identify the buck. My main goal with the thumbnails is to identify if the buck is a shooter and what time he is moving thru. If I want the good pic I will wait until I pull the camera.
Image transmission size will stay the same , no change

John, just a thought for future product development now that remote access is a reality. It would be cool if there was a way that remotely you could get a high resolution picture from a thumbnail that you already received. For example, I get a thumbnail of a buck on camera 2 that is pic #XXX. If there is a way that you could send a request so that the remote would send that one picture in high resolution to the cell camera and then on to our email. Just a thought.
John, just a thought for future product development now that remote access is a reality. It would be cool if there was a way that remotely you could get a high resolution picture from a thumbnail that you already received. For example, I get a thumbnail of a buck on camera 2 that is pic #XXX. If there is a way that you could send a request so that the remote would send that one picture in high resolution to the cell camera and then on to our email. Just a thought.
It’s very difficult to send hi res via rf , as an example -a 5 mp image could take as long as 30 minutes instead of 20 seconds . This would severely slow down any system and cause more issues than Most users would want
I am so excited about this
It’s very difficult to send hi res via rf , as an example -a 5 mp image could take as long as 30 minutes instead of 20 seconds . This would severely slow down any system and cause more issues than Most users would want

For my needs, I could tolerate this. Having the option would be great! If the point of cuddelink is to prevent you from going into the woods, then this would only improved said system. Although at the same time I could see how this would cause more problems. I'd say just included a disclaimer, but we know nobody reads those.
I’d love to know what they have done to get me more pics, as it is now I may get a 1/4 of my pics. I get 3 times as many pics from My Moultree m40 cameras that I have setup beside my Cuddelink cameras. All my cuddes link directly to my home as well with 68 % link. They also work terribly in foggy dense weather, I have a lot of money invested in these and have done a lot of trouble shooting and have never been happy with them.
I’d love to know what they have done to get me more pics, as it is now I may get a 1/4 of my pics. I get 3 times as many pics from My Moultree m40 cameras that I have setup beside my Cuddelink cameras. All my cuddes link directly to my home as well with 68 % link. They also work terribly in foggy dense weather, I have a lot of money invested in these and have done a lot of trouble shooting and have never been happy with them.
If you are only getting 1/4 of your pics transmitted home u have a setting wrong or something else is awry, pm me your number or I’ll give you mine and I’ll walk thru your set up to see if something can be improved. High humidity , rain etc can slow down transmission times but it should catch up when it clears up.
For my needs, I could tolerate this. Having the option would be great! If the point of cuddelink is to prevent you from going into the woods, then this would only improved said system. Although at the same time I could see how this would cause more problems. I'd say just included a disclaimer, but we know nobody reads those.
Very few consumers would tolerate a max of 12-20 pics per day transmitted home. This is a limitation of the system and I realize everyone would like 20 mp images transmitted immediately but the reality is rf technology isn’t there yet and likely never will be. The majority of consumers want the highest amount of images possible and also want them sent as quickly as possible . Sending high mp images comes with a cost, it’s only workable when using individual cell units that all have their own plan.
Very few consumers would tolerate a max of 12-20 pics per day transmitted home. This is a limitation of the system and I realize everyone would like 20 mp images transmitted immediately but the reality is rf technology isn’t there yet and likely never will be. The majority of consumers want the highest amount of images possible and also want them sent as quickly as possible . Sending high mp images comes with a cost, it’s only workable when using individual cell units that all have their own plan.

I think the key for what we are asking is that it would be only 1 pic that the user would request remotely for the high resolution. Obviously sending alot of pics would bog down the system and would also eat up your data plan quickly. Not sure how many users would want this, but I think some would like that? I don't know. Anyhoo it was just a thought.
I think the key for what we are asking is that it would be only 1 pic that the user would request remotely for the high resolution. Obviously sending alot of pics would bog down the system and would also eat up your data plan quickly. Not sure how many users would want this, but I think some would like that? I don't know. Anyhoo it was just a thought.

Yes, exactly this.
I think the key for what we are asking is that it would be only 1 pic that the user would request remotely for the high resolution. Obviously sending alot of pics would bog down the system and would also eat up your data plan quickly. Not sure how many users would want this, but I think some would like that? I don't know. Anyhoo it was just a thought.
I’ll pass this on but I think it will be difficult to accomplish via rf, especially picking a specific picture remotely one wants to have sent in hi res .
The way I'm reading this is really Gen 2 is a updated firmware. I just purchased a Cuddelink Home Plus 1385 camera. So I just need to to update the firmware and I have a Gen 2 camera?
Correct but gen 2 won’t be live until end of the month approximately
That is going to be great... Thanks! Glad I don't need a new home base camera.
I’d love to know what they have done to get me more pics, as it is now I may get a 1/4 of my pics. I get 3 times as many pics from My Moultree m40 cameras that I have setup beside my Cuddelink cameras. All my cuddes link directly to my home as well with 68 % link. They also work terribly in foggy dense weather, I have a lot of money invested in these and have done a lot of trouble shooting and have never been happy with them.
You also need to consider the fact that when your cuddelink is transmitting pics it's not able to take any. Meanwhile the Moultrie can continue to snap away.

Any idea on the anticipated release date of the Solar PW-3600?
First shipment is suppose to be in pretty soon but main shipment is 2nd quarter