Back to school

Here are the results from the survey of parents in MN.


We are averaging 5 deaths per day in MN for July. Keep in mind that the overwhelming majority of those deaths are 75+ nursing home residents. Fatalities are MUCH lower than May and June. And now we are going to full mask in the fourth quarter of the game. If the mask work then there is no need to have anything closed anymore. My guess is it is going to be Education (indoctrination) MN's call. They will tell comrade Walz what he is going to do. Demonrats would be very wise to know they are in deep danger of overplaying their hand. I can envision a scenario where they overplay their hand and MN turns from Blue to Red in November. In places like Florida, AZ, and parts of Texas they are reaching herd immunity just like they did in New York and New Jersey and cases, hospitalization and deaths are coming down.
I don’t know if you‘ve been to any lumber stores lately but everything here is sold out. You can’t find a stick of lumber anywhere. I was in HD yesterday and every single shelf of lumber was empty. There’s a local Amish that has a factory and builds trusses and pole Barnes. He has millions of dollars worth of lumber stocked. People are coming from 200 miles away and cleaning him out of stock. I wouldn’t want to be tearing into any building projects right now.

I work all summer on the side. I hear's the same around here. No PT decking at all. No dimensional lumber. No Trex. I've got 3 decks lined up, and can't get them finished.

In my school I teach a timber frame class. So the lumber I buy for those classes are pine 7x7's that are easy to come by.

I hope you dont think we are attacking you as a person, I respect teachers, and anyone that hunts. I also like your storys of your hunt. I think most of us are just sick of this BS, we want life to be back to normal, and we are looking at things from the big picture. This thing isnt as bad as advertised, but it seems some people keep holding onto it, rather then down grading it to what it should be. I know teachers are around the little germ factories all day long, and they pass things non stop back and forth, but, that is how they build their immune systems.

Everyone knows the numbers have been skewed to make it worse then it was, the majority are the elderly that would have passed if they would have gotten the flu anyhow. I am not saying that is an excuse, but it is the reality. If this Covid-19 is so bad, why hasnt there been more people in the US that have died from all causes this year then the past 5, for the first 6 months of the year?

Kinda funny that most democratic cities, say schools cant open in the fall, but we will re evaluate in November. Seems funny the vaccine
is going to be ready in December, seems funny when the NY governor says, there is no sense opening early, to help Trumps economy. Then says Trump just wants to open it early because of politics. Seems like life will be shut down until November 4th, after that we will realize it wasnt as bad as advertised.

Oh, I want to add, my governor is an idiot!

Thanks for responding 4wanderingeyes. I hear you, and I don't disagree. I guess I am just not that convinced that the numbers are being inflated by the leftists in an attempt to oust Trump.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I do appreciate you taking the time to respond and I enjoy hearing other viewpoints.
I know you're just making your point, but as a tax payer who has to pay his health insurance out of pocket, his own retirement, and support what seems like everyone thru this manufactured emergency, that attitude pisses me off.

I have seen enough of you on here here that I am not directing it at your personally. I'm just frustrated that the producers in the world are continually commanded to keep producing in spite of all the takers taking more. Then being told their evil for doing it.

I am increasingly aware of just how little my morals, standards, and lifestyle line up with what is portrayed in the rest of the country and world. And, though i'm still not 35, i'm ready to check out and let everyone else burn.

Didn't mean to piss you off. How am I any different than you? I pay taxes. I pay into retirement. I pay for health insurance. I have 529's and an IRA that I pay into for my kids' college...knowing full well that illegals and those who have saved nothing will get tuition paid for free.

Trying to understand? Do you have a basic philosophical problem with unemployment insurance? Totally hypothetical, but schools don't reopen and like the poster said...teachers get laid off and don't get paid. You have a problem with me filing an unemployment claim like the 40 million other Americans who have filed claims?

I've never collected unemployment in my life. And unless I really screw up at work, probably never will. Don't understand how it even works? If I get laid off, doesn't my school have to then pay that claim? Doesn't affect you whatsoever...or does it?

I think you and I share a VERY similar set of morals, standards, and lifestyle. Trying to better understand what about my comment got stuck in your craw.
Didn't mean to piss you off. How am I any different than you? I pay taxes. I pay into retirement. I pay for health insurance. I have 529's and an IRA that I pay into for my kids' college...knowing full well that illegals and those who have saved nothing will get tuition paid for free.

Trying to understand? Do you have a basic philosophical problem with unemployment insurance? Totally hypothetical, but schools don't reopen and like the poster said...teachers get laid off and don't get paid. You have a problem with me filing an unemployment claim like the 40 million other Americans who have filed claims?

I've never collected unemployment in my life. And unless I really screw up at work, probably never will. Don't understand how it even works? If I get laid off, doesn't my school have to then pay that claim? Doesn't affect you whatsoever...or does it?

I think you and I share a VERY similar set of morals, standards, and lifestyle. Trying to better understand what about my comment got stuck in your craw.

Not directed at you personally. But I'm infuriated that we live in a world where "going on unemployment" or the $600 a week of stimulus pay is a viable option for something other than to bridge thru in extreme emergencies.

You said it kinda flippantly like "whether I work or whether I don't, i'll still get paid" I know I'm oversimplifying it, but I loath the idea that people are given enough money for not working to lose their sense of urgency to work.

Once again, not directed at you personally. I know it takes at least one, and often several degrees to do your job. And I truly appreciate it.

The "I will get paid either way' sentiment is what upsets me
If your wife is a teacher you MUST understand how quickly colds and flus spread through schools. Schools are unlike other businesses....immature kids who don't understand hygiene and washing hands. Schools are virus factories. With the Covid-19 virus now spiking in most of the country does it really make sense to send 50 million kids back to school? This Covid-19 thing already has Americans pitted against each other. So my opinion. When did we become a nation full of idealogues...unable to unite around a common challenge? Black vs. white. Red vs. blue. Now we are going to pit teachers vs. anybody else who has to work?

As I said...send me back to work. I'm 100% fine. Or don't pay me and I'll collect unemployment. 100% fine with that too. Either way, I'm collecting a check. Makes no difference.

I have to ask about your statement that Covid-19 "isn't even as close to being as bad as the flu?" The flu kills about 30,000 on average. This thing has killed 140,000 in just 6 months. It seems to be more contagious. And the crude mortality rate is about 3 times higher...about 0.1% for the flu, vs. about 0.3% for Covid-19. Just trying to understand what you mean by that? I guess I see it differently...and not because I'm a teacher who "doesn't want to go back to work." I'm pretty sure I'm cut from the same political cloth as most of you guys on the I am not taking the side of science because I'm a "damn hippy." Just trying to genuinely understand what you mean by that. Maybe I am missing something. Just like I am quite happy to go back to work...I am quite happy to be wrong and learn something new.

I don't hear those comments about any our local schools, most of the complaints I hear are regarding teachers unions demanding completely unrelated things like this article states. (now I cant get the link to copy/paste) :emoji_rage:
"Their demands include implementing a moratorium on private schools, defunding the police, increasing taxes on the wealthy, implementing Medicare for all, and passing the HEROES Act, which allocated and additional $116 billion in federal education funding to the states."

That has nothing to do with Covid or people like you bud, all of my local teachers feel like you do, ready and anxious to get back to teaching.
Thank you for doing what you do Natty Bumppo!!!
natty, also, admittedly, everyone is just frayed right now and very few are the best representation of themselves.

I see it every year just before hunting season. We all start whining and being jerks, once hunting season starts, we all chill. This year is just that... but amped up
natty, also, admittedly, everyone is just frayed right now and very few are the best representation of themselves.

I see it every year just before hunting season. We all start whining and being jerks, once hunting season starts, we all chill. This year is just that... but amped up

I know right, I really feel like everyone needs to take a chill pill. These are all things out of our control right now. No sense in getting worked up over it and getting worked up about it just causes stress. Plus election year just makes it worse. I think everyone would like to see things improve. We all have different opinions on it and some are complete opposites. Just roll with the punches and keep on keeping on. Like you said hunting season is right around the corner... and I think we all deserve to smash a giant this hunting season.
I have spent the week at the beach with one of my best friends and one of the top 5 people you will meet in your life. She is a teacher and really wants to go back to teaching. That being said she doesn’t think there is a chance in hell school opens as normal. At best three days a week. There are too many teachers that don’t want to go back and the union will back them. This is going to the election before anything happens. Teacher union is as left as it gets. Mind you we are at single digit cases, to the point where the local news doesn’t even mention It any more.
What's ironic ... teachers have tried to convince us how important they are as a inter-personal cog in the process of teaching, learning, social group development, and group guidance/discipline, and how disruptive cell phones are in the classroom.

Now we are being told that virtual learning where kids sit in their house alone and look at their phones unsupervised to learn is acceptable. Lesson plans can be recorded and testing is online.

So why do we need teachers in brick & mortar school buildings? Can't we eliminate 80-90% of teacher positions & admin, along with a lot of school buildings, because virtual learning which is being promoted by teachers is equivalent to direct classroom and can be automated?
I've been saying the same thing way before there was a covid-19 and half the guys here went ape shit telling me how i'm what's wrong with this country. I guess they'll give you a free pass--huh.
I've been saying the same thing way before there was a covid-19 and half the guys here went ape shit telling me how i'm what's wrong with this country. I guess they'll give you a free pass--huh.
Sometimes things are to crazy to comment on. We need good teachers and good schools. Kids don’t learn shit at home.
We need good teachers and good schools. Kids don’t learn shit at home.
Absolutely. Too bad teachers and teacher unions are now undermining themselves for the long term. Short sighted for certain. This virus may be the impetus to "defund" outrageous school building costs.
Hope mine can learn at home. $2,000 in textbooks coming to my doorstep Monday. Going to be interesting to see how I weigh putting them back in public school next year with the indoctrination vs the lifestyle change of home school. LGBT learning coming to an IL school near you.
We chose a school with Bible lessons included. We don't go to Church, but are Christians and raising the kids as Christians. Here's a copy paste from part of the History lessons distinctive from the school we chose...

"Along with the story of history, students see the purpose of government as ordained by God for the maintenance of law and order, not as a cure-all for humanity’s problems. The benefits of free-enterprise economics are presented in contrast with the dangers of Communism, socialism, and liberalism. Geography studies are woven in to provide a well-rounded perspective of locations in conjunction with events."
Not directed at you personally. But I'm infuriated that we live in a world where "going on unemployment" or the $600 a week of stimulus pay is a viable option for something other than to bridge thru in extreme emergencies.

You said it kinda flippantly like "whether I work or whether I don't, i'll still get paid" I know I'm oversimplifying it, but I loath the idea that people are given enough money for not working to lose their sense of urgency to work.

Once again, not directed at you personally. I know it takes at least one, and often several degrees to do your job. And I truly appreciate it.

The "I will get paid either way' sentiment is what upsets me

Thanks for your thoughts. I don't think you and I would disagree on much if we had a good conversation. I joined the military (infantry) at 17 and never looked back...put myself though college on the GI Bill, made good decisions, kept my college debt low, worked my ass off, created a good network...everything I have I have earned 100% or built or created myself. I am also VERY good at what I do in my high school. Now at 51 with a mortgage and land and kids heading off to college...when I hear people say things like "teachers shouldn't get paid" I can only respond how I did. OK...don't pay me. I can't get too bent out of shape about it. Don't pay me if you think that's the best solution for our children this fall. Just as flippant as my response is that suggestion.
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There is a big difference between what you’re doing “Home Schooling” and on line public schools.
Yours is a better choice then a brick and mortar school these days.

on line pubic schools will have so many cracks to fall through because many parents can’t or won’t be involved. It’s a disaster.
Most my teacher friends are ready to go back into the classroom. They understand the need for social interaction and the inability of most parents to properly teach their children while maintaining jobs and household duties.
There will be a huge segment in this country of kids left behind their entire adult life. Yes one can overcome obstacles but many won’t. It is a situation, perhaps it an agenda but is allowing the population to be social distanced into the future w limited people interaction this mind control influenced by what will be accessed on social and media info thus giving less real discussion on a civil basis.
A stretch perhaps. But 1984 novel beginnings.

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Hope mine can learn at home. $2,000 in textbooks coming to my doorstep Monday. Going to be interesting to see how I weigh putting them back in public school next year with the indoctrination vs the lifestyle change of home school. LGBT learning coming to an IL school near you.

LGBT = Liberty Guns Beer Trump ... :emoji_wink:
