Are the glory days of deer hunting coming to a close?

I have this devil on my shoulder that wouldn’t mind finding it by me if it eliminated bait. I’ll take my chances with immature bucks surviving cwd over bait.
CWD is a nothing burger to mature deer. Richland County WI is pretty much ground zero for the CWD "outbreak" (technically it's Iowa County I believe, but they are neighbors) and I think in the past five years it ranks as the 3rd best County in WI for B&C bucks.
Not really constructive to add, but the old spike horn slayer passed on multiple small bucks in Ohio waiting for the big one. I could only do this because I know I could go smash whatever deer I wanted on my property in NY. It’s a lot easier to pass on something when you know you have something in reserve.

While passing bucks was tough for a spike horn slayer like me, I got to hunt the rut for 9 days straight and think I learned a thing or two.

Ended up killing this one with a gun on a deer drive (gasp! I’m worse than the Amish) at my wife’s family farm.

Also got to watch my daughter kill her 1st deer, and was about 500 yards away while my son shot his 1st “on his own” deer.

Also, this is all about private land and others shooting deer you’ve worked hard to grow, but the deer hunting on public land in VT with the addition of multiple (read unlimited) doe tags, easily accessible mapping software (no one gets lost anymore), crossbows (I’m a x-bow hunter too ugh), is really starting to suck. It really proofs out Ohios Tag system. 1 Buck Statewide and 1 Doe on public land statewide.

And if you think the Midwest is tough for growing bucks - come to Northern NY. Muzzleloader and Rifle hunting from Oct 22 - Dec 10. 28C8375B-7A88-45BD-A6CF-D1CC91DFCA8C.jpeg067FB009-3F3C-41FE-8EC7-0F7DD5DA48AF.jpegC1E596D1-25C6-4967-A71B-A16378A6F34B.jpeg
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CWD is a nothing burger to mature deer. Richland County WI is pretty much ground zero for the CWD "outbreak" (technically it's Iowa County I believe, but they are neighbors) and I think in the past five years it ranks as the 3rd best County in WI for B&C bucks.
Least of my worries in regards to deer. I fear the response a little. I have a buddy with a farm in Crawford co wisc and they are just fine. That is a supposed hot spot
Have an adjacent neighbor, 9 long slender acres, lots of fenceline stands. We don't talk much to each other. After last season he texted saying all 3 of the young bucks they got on his piece tested positive. Said he tossed all 3 processed deer in the trash. Just wanted me to know. Guess I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he's telling the truth. Are the tests telling the truth? IL govt is not a nice entity. Our farm has never had a deer test positive. But our wall hangers don't get tested, nor do the does we harvest in the 2 late gun seasons - which to that point, if this is all so critical then why does IL need to test deer at open check stations during guns 1&2, but not during guns 3&4? But anyhoo, assuming the guy had 3/3 deer test + for chronic19, I wouldn't say it's a real envious position to be in.
Does that poor habitat have a carrying capacity issue? I know when I hunted timberlands of South Georgia it was common to get skunked all weekend.
Evidently not - at least realistically speaking. Back in the 80 and early 90’s - pre apr - it was common to see forty or fifty deer in a day before you saw a buck. They were smaller. Now, with the aprs and increased doe bag limits - along with folks feeding protein - they are turning out some good deer in localized areas. I know of a 190 killed on a lease there last year. Baiting can make a difference😉
I have this devil on my shoulder that wouldn’t mind finding it by me if it eliminated bait. I’ll take my chances with immature bucks surviving cwd over bait.
Of course, it depends what restrictions KY G&F intitiates. In AR, a lot of folks in the cwd zone claim it put them back to the 1980’s - but less deer. Button bucks count as antlerless - you can kill five a year. No antler restriction in cwd zone
Of course, it depends what restrictions KY G&F intitiates. In AR, a lot of folks in the cwd zone claim it put them back to the 1980’s - but less deer. Button bucks count as antlerless - you can kill five a year. No antler restriction in cwd zone
We already have that. I don’t really want cwd. Maybe a false positive!
We already have that. I don’t really want cwd. Maybe a false positive!
They added to modern gun season length here, increased the bag limit, did away with APR’s, allowed the killing of five button bucks - and still allowed baiting.

I have always wondered how cwd has yet to be found in KY. It is in almost every border state
Cwd exists every where. You will never get rid of it unless you wipe out every deer and clone two. That's not gonna happen.
Article I received from our state wildlife federation this morning with a bit of a different take. Not sure this was talked about much, but makes a lot of sense about the balance needed between “big bucks” and availability of hunting opportunities.

***Every time Sykes travels out of state, he realizes how great Alabama is for those who participate in anything to do with the outdoors.

“Alabama’s traditional user groups have forgotten what it was like when we didn’t have abundant game animals,” he said. “The Department did such good a job 50, 60, 70 years ago with restocking the state that deer are abundant in every county. In addition, the very generous seasons and bag limits give people ample opportunities. Alabama hunters and anglers have great public hunting and fishing locations, plenty of boating access, as well as public shooting ranges Our Department provides wonderful resources for all.

“When I talk to my counterparts, especially out West, I realize how good we have it in Alabama. The previous director in Nevada put in for 20 years before he got a deer tag. In 23 years, he got two elk tags. Our hunters have no clue what it’s like to not have the opportunities they do, to go deer hunting and kill three bucks and more than 100 does a season for a minimal cost. I have applied for a turkey permit in Arizona for the past five years and haven’t been drawn. It cost me $300 to apply, and I don’t get that back. I’m out $1,500 and have nothing to show for it. Imagine me not being able to turkey hunt in my own state. Our hunters and fishermen have it so good.”
Omi why would you spend $1500 to get in a turkey raffle 5 times over. Sorry but that's insane but you must have a reason. I don't waste any time hunting turkeys. I went along once and that was the last time for that. It was beyond boring.
Article I received from our state wildlife federation this morning with a bit of a different take. Not sure this was talked about much, but makes a lot of sense about the balance needed between “big bucks” and availability of hunting opportunities.

***Every time Sykes travels out of state, he realizes how great Alabama is for those who participate in anything to do with the outdoors.

“Alabama’s traditional user groups have forgotten what it was like when we didn’t have abundant game animals,” he said. “The Department did such good a job 50, 60, 70 years ago with restocking the state that deer are abundant in every county. In addition, the very generous seasons and bag limits give people ample opportunities. Alabama hunters and anglers have great public hunting and fishing locations, plenty of boating access, as well as public shooting ranges Our Department provides wonderful resources for all.

“When I talk to my counterparts, especially out West, I realize how good we have it in Alabama. The previous director in Nevada put in for 20 years before he got a deer tag. In 23 years, he got two elk tags. Our hunters have no clue what it’s like to not have the opportunities they do, to go deer hunting and kill three bucks and more than 100 does a season for a minimal cost. I have applied for a turkey permit in Arizona for the past five years and haven’t been drawn. It cost me $300 to apply, and I don’t get that back. I’m out $1,500 and have nothing to show for it. Imagine me not being able to turkey hunt in my own state. Our hunters and fishermen have it so good.”

I don't know that the department should get credit for there being more game animals available in a humid subtropical climate than a desert where the only available water in many places is from man made guzzlers. The point is still valid that we often overlook the good in what we do have.
I don't know that the department should get credit for there being more game animals available in a humid subtropical climate than a desert where the only available water in many places is from man made guzzlers. The point is still valid that we often overlook the good in what we do have.
There are plus minuses everywhere. I often find that “our situation is different” doesn’t hold as much water when the 30,000’ view is taken.

I do agree that he was tooting his own horn a bit!
Omi why would you spend $1500 to get in a turkey raffle 5 times over. Sorry but that's insane but you must have a reason. I don't waste any time hunting turkeys. I went along once and that was the last time for that. It was beyond boring.
I didn’t. Ha. That is the newly elected Director of the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (aWFA) and Director of Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries (WFF) with the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (ADCNR), started serving his one-year term in September. He will be having an impact on all of y’all’s hunting and fishing soon. He’s a nice guy, I like him.

My guess is some of that was anecdotal and/or his job pays for those tags so he can see and hunt other places.
Omi why would you spend $1500 to get in a turkey raffle 5 times over. Sorry but that's insane but you must have a reason. I don't waste any time hunting turkeys. I went along once and that was the last time for that. It was beyond boring.

I assume AZ must make a guy buy a small game license to apply for turkeys like the do big game. Definitely not worth the squeeze! That same roughly $300 annually gets me in the elk, deer, and sheep draws in AZ, hard pass on doing it just for turkeys haha!
I assume AZ must make a guy buy a small game license to apply for turkeys like the do big game. Definitely not worth the squeeze! That same roughly $300 annually gets me in the elk, deer, and sheep draws in AZ, hard pass on doing it just for turkeys haha!
Omi why would you spend $1500 to get in a turkey raffle 5 times over. Sorry but that's insane but you must have a reason. I don't waste any time hunting turkeys. I went along once and that was the last time for that. It was beyond boring.
Guys in Alabama are CRAZY about turkey hunting. I don’t know what it is but they eat and breathe it. It is by far the most fanatical hunting base here.

I like it, but third behind upland bird and deer. I went pheasant hunting yesterday and that’s what gets my blood pumping.

I assume AZ must make a guy buy a small game license to apply for turkeys like the do big game. Definitely not worth the squeeze! That same roughly $300 annually gets me in the elk, deer, and sheep draws in AZ, hard pass on doing it just for turkeys haha!
By the way buddy. Me and 2 friends want to do an elk hunt in 2024. Can you help me with that?
Definition of irony ... we want to kill the predators who are killing the deer so we can kill them ... 😏
not really. how many times have you driven past a roadkill deer, even a doe and thought what a shame, could have been in someone's freezer. Less strain on our food supply chain and put to good use. It's not to say we're more entitled to eat than a wolf, but I don't think it's irony. Without the wolf and other predators there are more deer for us to eat. Same reason ranchers are the biggest opponent to the wolf reintroductions. They're eating their cattle.
Guys in Alabama are CRAZY about turkey hunting. I don’t know what it is but they eat and breathe it. It is by far the most fanatical hunting base here.

I like it, but third behind upland bird and deer. I went pheasant hunting yesterday and that’s what gets my blood pumping.

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I have a plant in Eutaw. The prior GM spent half the morning talking turkey with me when he found I turkey hunted. It was much better than talking shop, but didn't help us prepare for the OSHA visit the next day haha