Any body else finding shrooms?

Finally connected.... Gonna get a ribeye and baked potato for the grill tonight. My helper was just a little excited. We left the pheasant back for now. Found them about 75 feet from my back door.

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Nice find on the morels. I'm just not a fan of pheasant backs. Don't like the way they taste, but I tried a new recipe. Cut them into small thin pieces. Sprinkle them with smoked paprika and some good salt. They taste a lot like bacon.
Soil temp is 49 degree. Sunny and 70 today. Wont be long.
Soil temp is 49 degree. Sunny and 70 today. Wont be long.
I keep a yearly date log. Every year it's the same regardless of soil temps, moisture, wind, redbud blooms, etc... we start finding them on April 10th. The earliest we've found them were on April 2nd. They were under leaves, had to rake to find them that day as they hadn't popped up through the litter yet.

I've been following a KS morel Facebook page. Some are finding them near the OK boarder in sunny spots.

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we still have snow on the ground in places.
I keep a yearly date log. Every year it's the same regardless of soil temps, moisture, wind, redbud blooms, etc... we start finding them on April 10th. The earliest we've found them were on April 2nd. They were under leaves, had to rake to find them that day as they hadn't popped up through the litter yet.

I've been following a KS morel Facebook page. Some are finding them near the OK boarder in sunny spots.

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Buddy just sent me a pic from Neosho County. That isnt far away.
I keep a yearly date log. Every year it's the same regardless of soil temps, moisture, wind, redbud blooms, etc... we start finding them on April 10th. The earliest we've found them were on April 2nd. They were under leaves, had to rake to find them that day as they hadn't popped up through the litter yet.

I've been following a KS morel Facebook page. Some are finding them near the OK boarder in sunny spots.

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Buddy just sent me a pic from Neosho County. That isnt far away.
Can I ask what kind of terrain; forest edges, south facing hillsides, sand, creekbottoms, ect?

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Can I ask what kind of terrain; forest edges, south facing hillsides, sand, creekbottoms, ect?

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Judging by the pic riparian area that gets lots of sun. They werent very big but it was unmistakable what they were. This guy travels all over the state to chase morels.

We went looking. Hope the deer like this cover.20200325_163648.jpg20200325_164508.jpg20200325_165119.jpg
Thanks gobbler! I think the deer should should like it... they don't ask me though.

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I just looked back through some picture records on my phone and it looks like they consistently pop the first week of May on south facing slopes in my area

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They have some huge things they pick in colorado,bring out backpack fulls
Found 18 this afternoon. Dinner was fried morels and duck.

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I haven't heard of anyone finding any over here yet.I get to busy shed hunting to look for fungus.should be good with all the cotton wood trees though.Talk about duck makes me hungry though
I looked yesterday but had no luck.
Catscratch, is this earlier than normal for you. I was just looking at my pics from last year. Picked 60# May 1-3. When were you starting to find them last year, you remember? Just trying to gauge when to take some time off to go to the farm!
Catscratch, is this earlier than normal for you. I was just looking at my pics from last year. Picked 60# May 1-3. When were you starting to find them last year, you remember? Just trying to gauge when to take some time off to go to the farm!
Yes... way early for me. I did check my normal spots and they are still empty so maybe it was just a terrain feature or something with this new spot.

Post 44 has my dates...

60lbs? I bet I haven't found 60lbs in my life, let alone on a couple of days. Good job!!!

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Thanks, yea it was unbelievable. I've never found as many as I did in those 2 days last year. It was crazy, and we weren't even picking all we found!