A few habitat pics I thought you might enjoy

The southeast warmed up WAY before the midwest this year.
Thanks Bill. I would have thought we would be about the same in green up, but I guess not.

2 days ago. My rye is green as are a few weeds. Trees are starting to break.
I'm glad! I'm behind this spring. Hope to get planting something by the end of this coming week...
Just for comparison's sake, at camp last weekend in the mountains of N.C. Pa., only the crabs were opening green buds. Clover starting to green up.

EDIT: I forgot to mention we had snow coming down hard for about an hour on Sunday morning. 33 degrees at 6:30 AM on camp front porch !!
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It really is a different world down here (Alabama) compared to almost everywhere else in the US. Rye and oats are 5' and seeded out, everything is and has been green, and just about everything has completed bloom. We have been cutting grass for well over a month!
The trout lilies are coming up here. Nothing else yet.
It has taken 15 days for my persimmon scions to show green tips. That is probably about right for persimmons. Apples and pears are a lot quicker.



Some of my new plots are looking good. Some of the old ones have a lot of Orchard Grass invading this spring. I will deal with that later.




The oak jungle is greening up. Very different than the tree pics posted not that long ago.


Deer are active right now and really hitting both the plots and mineral sites.





That's about it for this week. I've had a bad cold and not working outside much - just trying to get well. Hoping to be back in the groove soon.
Those couple does in the last pic are going to explode. That clover and chicory looks good to me even with the grasses!
Those couple does in the last pic are going to explode. That clover and chicory looks good to me even with the grasses!

Thanks scott. Yep, the plot in the picture looks okay, and I think that is mostly grains, but I have an old plot that just exploded with grass this spring. I could do some cleth later or might just wait until fall and rework it. Probably not a lot of difference in the amount of work.

Yes, some of those does are on the brink of dropping for sure.....
I can't believe your clover is flowering already. Things really came on this week but not that far.
Your place looks great!
I can't believe your clover is flowering already. Things really came on this week but not that far.
Your place looks great!

That low growing clover was mowed about 8 days before that picture was taken. Those blooms popped up quickly.
Hope you get over the cold quickly.
That clover looks like a bee paradise!

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Get better Steve !! No fun being in idle gear.

Plots look really good. Is that rye in with the clover and chicory ?? Jungle living up to it's name - great hiding place.
Deer are looking great too. Antlers growing well and more fawns on the way. Situation " normal " at Native Hunter's place. :emoji_thumbsup:
Get better Steve !! No fun being in idle gear.

Plots look really good. Is that rye in with the clover and chicory ?? Jungle living up to it's name - great hiding place.
Deer are looking great too. Antlers growing well and more fawns on the way. Situation " normal " at Native Hunter's place. :emoji_thumbsup:

It's wheat instead of rye, and I think it was about the right thickness this time - not too much to choke the chicory and clover.

I did a little mowing this morning. Pretty exciting morning for me - I had been watching 4 seedling persimmons that were set about 12 years ago. For the last few years I have checked them for flowers trying to determine if they were male or female. Up until this year they had not made any flowers. Today I found three of them with female flowers. I know I could have just went ahead and topworked them at any time, but they were so pretty I just hated to cut the top out of them - now I don't have to!!
A few years ago after logging, I had wild blueberries to appear in areas of my woods. I could hardly believe it, because no one I knew had never seen wild blueberries in our area. I started cleaning out around some of the bushes and helping them to get a little sunlight. They have really reacted well to the special treatment. They are expanding and literally loaded with berries this year.

I still don't see how these bushes fruit with so little sun. They literally grow in the woods. They might get maybe 2 - 3 hours of midday sunlight. These are some pictures today. They are still a few days from being ripe. The berries are small but sweet as sugar.

The work to keep these going is minimal. Just clean out around them a little. Last year I didn't even do anything.




Persimmon grafts doing well. I had a high percentage to take this year, but many of them were very slow showing leaves.


This food plot was planted last fall. It's clover, chicory and oats with a little wheat. The deer are really working on this right now, but they can't hold it back.



I've got lots of apples this year. Will post more pictures later on as they begin to ripen.


The NWSGs are just beginning to take off. This field is probably waist high right now and will be 6 feet tall in another month and 9 feet tall by the end of the year.


That's about all folks . Have a great Memorial Day Monday.
Looks great! Hopefully those two hogs like it around there
Wild blueberries, i've never seen that around here, very nice find!
Wild blueberries, i've never seen that around here, very nice find!

Thanks. I was pretty excited about it. I may try to transplant some one of these days.
Looking beautiful Native! Thanks for sharing. How old is that NWSG? This will be full year 2 on some of mine and im hoping to see some positive results.
Great find on the blueberries, Native. Real tasty on cereal, and in pies, pancakes, muffins, home-made fruit salad & fruit smoothies. ( with or without high-test added to the smoothies !! )

Blueberries are all over up here. There are 2 or 3 types of wild ones here - some on higher bushes up to 5 & 6 ft. tall, and others on low, ground-hugging bushes. All are really good to eat. Sun, shade & partial sun all seem to produce berries here. Some of the nicest berries I've found were in the shade of white pine trees.
Looking beautiful Native! Thanks for sharing. How old is that NWSG? This will be full year 2 on some of mine and im hoping to see some positive results.

Thanks Swiffy. That stand is around 8 years old. Keep watching this thread and I will post some more pics later on as it’s gets taller. Good luck with yours.