Who's working in the woods this weekend?

Headed out saturday morning. Need to finish cutting junk trees in the sanctuary. Good news is we'll have 4 saws going so it won't take long. then put on a couple miles looking for sheds. We had a high amound of shed bucks even before the season ended this year. There's 1 property we can hunt them on that the neighbors stomp up too, so we're gonna try to get in before them :D
I wish I had the time to spend some time in the woods working this winter/spring, but all available time will be spent finishing up on my cabin/garage/shop, what ever you want to call it. Hoping to have it livable this summer, so I have some work to do. This will be summer #3, year 2 of this project, and hopefully it will be done early summer, and I can actually kick back and enjoy what we have created.

This past hunting season I stared out of my deer stand windows looking at future projects I want to do. I have 2 food plots that are about 100 yards apart, and I would like to make a 20 yard wide connecting point so it resembles a hour glass shape, and the bottle neck section is well seen from my scope. I also have a few hollow den trees that are maple that are on the edge of my apple tree plot that I would like to take down, hopefully the coon will go find a different home then. My son needs a new deer stand built, and I have some larger trees that need to come down to open up more oak trees. I will have to say that after a couple years, those tall straight oak trees that have been smothered out by everything else, really start to branch out and drop a lot of acorns.
I took my tractor out last sunday to see where the deer are using my land the most----hard to believe that the ground is NOT frozen in the swamps. Damn near didn't make it out. That would have been a real bad situation if I was stuck out there. Just a heads up for guys thinking you can go anywhere because the ground is frozen solid. Come on spring!
Glad to see this thread going again for 2020. I worked last weekend cutting down trees to further open up my food plots and make room for seven new pear trees. Headed out again Sunday to cut up the trees we left laying last weekend.
I took my tractor out last sunday to see where the deer are using my land the most----hard to believe that the ground is NOT frozen in the swamps. Damn near didn't make it out. That would have been a real bad situation if I was stuck out there. Just a heads up for guys thinking you can go anywhere because the ground is frozen solid. Come on spring!
In NW Wisconsin, I have about 12 inches of frost in the ground, and I think that is a high estimate.
Just took down a monster hedge tree. Its big enough you have to double bar with a 20" bar on the stump. A big load of good fire wood.
When I was sinking into the ground I couldn't see any evidence of frost---usually frost in ground will sometimes "break" and you see chunks but this was just my front tires sinking in. I have been out many times in the winter months and haven't seen it like this before. I would guess that loggers around me aren't able to do much right now.
When I was sinking into the ground I couldn't see any evidence of frost---usually frost in ground will sometimes "break" and you see chunks but this was just my front tires sinking in. I have been out many times in the winter months and haven't seen it like this before. I would guess that loggers around me aren't able to do much right now.
What county are you in? Are the snowmobile trail groomers crossing the swamps?
I'm in millelacs county and yes the groomers are all over in the ditches,swamps up to the lake(millelacs). Haven't seen this many people snowmobiling in twenty years around here.
A lot of early heavy snow before it got cold, insulated the ground.
Getting cold here, time to fire up the saw and cut a few cords of wood. I do enjoy cutting and splitting on a cold day.
Planted 25 button bush yesterday. Ground is so soft with a dibble bar it was easy. Going to slog through the mud to plant 25 more today.
Looks like I will be shed hunting and doing habitat work with everything that I was going to do getting canceled. Hoping to continue to cut down a bunch of trees on a south facing hillside to restore it to savanna. It's a slow process but I have a lifetime.
It’s been busy at the farm so far this spring. Got a few projects done in the last week;
Put up more and cleaned out woody boxes.
Put up a new feeder.
Trimmed back some brush creeping into pasture.
Got bee hives unwrapped and ready for spring.

Next couple projects will be;
Adding some new stuff to shrub strips.
Planting a few more fruit trees.
Making and putting out bumblebee boxes.
Putting out mason bee hive.
Cleaning out bluebird boxes.
Fixing cable gate.
Sat in the Bobcat for 6 hours yesterday grinding stumps in the pines. Have opened up 2 20 ft wide swaths about 200 yds long to make it tractor friendly. Now to decide what to plant!
Finally going to give up on this plot. Ground is so wet the tree tube stakes have no resistance and they blew over again. Pin oaks and swamp whites I tried didnt take. Went back with button bush and I am going to thicken it up. Put 25 in today. When they do 2 for 1 later ill put in another 50 or so.20200313_133647.jpg
Headin down to the farm this morning with the boy to look for sheds. Will also reset tree cages and tubes. Planned on planting some rod and elderberry cuttings but it’s 18 degrees right now and the back yard is like a rock- will wait on that project