Who's working in the woods this weekend?

Got in another 7 hours today opening up a bedding area section to the sun. Next week I’ll finish the fine detail hinging. And then a day to clean it all up and ensure no dead ends. Also got the last tree for the TSI for he year cut. No more “blue” trees till next winter. Can’t wait to put he chainsaw down. It’s been an exhausting 2 1/2 months so far.
^^^^ Good work will pay off. Watch the growth come on.
I got out with my chainsaw this weekend. Took down some small black walnuts and a bunch of autumn olive and honeysuckle along the south edge of what was an orchard 80 years ago but is now walnut, brush, and japanese stiltgrass. i have paw paw and persimmon planted in the old orchard that haven't done much yet and could use more light. Pears will go along the edge i was clearing.

It was great to get out with the saw. I don't think I used it once last year. I used my Dad's tired old Stihl 028 Saturday afternoon after mine wouldn't start. He'd had it serviced and tuned up but it still just doesn't have much get up and go anymore. With a new sparkplug Sunday, it was a joy to rip through everything with my Husky 562XP. I don't regret paying more for a bit bigger saw with a lot more power.
I got out on last weekend to do some last-minute apple tree pruning. It seems every time I go to our property, I find another new wild crabapple tree. We have alders surrounding and often choking these trees, so I spent a fair amount of time just releasing them. Some of the trees have never been pruned, so it took a lot of effort to get them back to a good scaffold structure. Most of last year's grafts look like they're healing up and the scions are healthy looking. Apple-pruning.jpg
Camp's spring work detail this weekend. Lots of firewood cutting/splitting, tree planting, maintenance of buildings & tractors. Lots of rain ahead of Saturday, so no plot work - too wet.
Ill be tossing a chainsaw in the truck tomorrow morning, after tonights deluge and t storms that will be all I can use, tractor will remain parked, or maybe run me around but that is it.
Ill be tossing a chainsaw in the truck tomorrow morning, after tonights deluge and t storms that will be all I can use, tractor will remain parked, or maybe run me around but that is it.

Yea we just got dumped on down here. Put the tailgate up on the truck wouldn’t want to loose the chainsaw.
yeah, got that covered....... did a good bit of knocking back the russian olive that keeps leaning in toward the sun, worked an acre plot perimeter, and then ran the disc over it again to knock back some more weeds that were greening up. I gotta say I was surprised at how much growth the clover has gotten in the last month., I wa set to declare failure, but now the clover is coming in strong from the fall planting. yellow rocket is doing better than usual as well.
I went out to Eastern Oklahoma to check on my Ozark Chinkquapin’s. I have 4 that are doing real well with 4-6 leaves and 5 more that are up but still very young. Encouraging to see the early one’s thriving.
Also put in a pollinator plot.
Came back home and potted 2 English Oak that I direct seeded. Hard staying up with the direct seeded trees, have to get them before that tap root gets too long.
Over seeded a few pounds of partridge pea Friday night after work during a break in the rains.
I played Jonny Appleseed again yesterday. I have about 30 seeds in the ground now, If I get 10 to grow I'll be pleased with that. Some are in easy places to observe others not so much.
Camp work detail this past weekend we all got about 2 years worth of firewood cut, split & stacked under roof. Dead oak & ash, and some maple trees that the wind took down recently for us. Machinery was serviced ( generator, tractors ).

My son and I planted 2 apple and 2 crab trees - Enterprise and Goldrush & Winter Wildlife & Chestnut crabs. We also planted and caged 20 ROD in a wet swale running through a logged area. These will add some brush / browse when they get established in an area that can use some diversity. Spruce and witch hazel seedlings have to wait until the next week to 10 days - it rained cats & dogs Saturday night & all day Sunday. Glad we had good weather Saturday to get the above stuff done.

I have been grafting a bunch of mountain ash with pear scions. I hope it works. I did about 15. Mostly bark grafts. I also moved a few small mountain ash trees. Will be interesting to see what happens.
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Kansas forest service has by one get one free on remaining seedlings. Got 2 more units of buffalo berry coming.
Where did you see that?

Not mentioned on website

I was in the woods in northern MN last Saturday and Sunday. No ticks, no mosquitoes, no horse flies, and only a partial case of swamp ass. It was an awesome time to be in the woods. Wish I could get a few more days like that. Have a couple sizable shooting lane projects and want to get 2-3 of my stands with at least a roof on them. One or two will probably be completely rebuilt, free standing and fully enclosed. By the time I finish with that and the rest of tree planting it will be hunting season. Think I will apply for bear hunting this evening.
Hopefully my last minute impulse ad-on shrub order will be here by Friday and I can try to get them in the ground Sunday afternoon after chasing turkeys.
H20 - I think you're becoming "Native Hunter" - the northern version - with all the stuff you're planting at your places. It sounds like you have food for all seasons, hard & soft mast, cover, and plants to keep pollinators happy. Plus pond (s?) I have to believe just sitting there in a chair with a cold one you'd see plenty of critters, large & small. Nice work !!

While at camp this past weekend for our work detail, I noticed the 4 Chinese chestnuts we planted last year are starting to open leaf buds. I can't wait to see how much they grow this summer.