got out twice this weekend, did some disc work, and checked plots fist day, today I went back and hit the plot with the disc 3 more passes, then seede wih inoculated faba bean seed. bad part was I cracked a bearing on the disc, going to need a re build. might as well do both sides, axles to nuts. switched over to spray setup, adn found something amis in my 120 v transfer pump that I draw water to fill sprayer. shot the day dead right there. got the pump home and got it working, I dropped the rubber shaft end into the pum as I put it back together after clearing a clog. nothing new to buy there. Got fingers crossed for the faba, the next in a long line of new things to try.
if I had the time, and money, I'd be trying to come up with a hybrid between kudzu and soybean, come up with a ploant that grows like wild, but only from the initial cross, so it doens't take over in the wild.