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Let me see if I'm getting this right. Your going to send your own hard earned money to some yahoo on Fox News who started a go fund me page to build a wall that will supposedly keep the rapists, drug dealers and evil caravans out. Your nuttier than Trump! Trumps tweets, tariffs and the wall are all kind of whacky and amusing in a reality TV kind of way, but I'm truly getting worried about his lasting effects on this country. Nobody with a right mind or any moral compass can work for him. They can't run away quick enough. The inmates are running the asylum. All you have left running our country and leader of the free world Is Crazy Trump, Kushner and Fox News. This craziness is starting to get real. Have you looked at 401K lately?

Northbound hit it right on the head. We need more immigrants to work, pay taxes and Social security. Send more immigrants.

You are correct, Washington is crazy right now ... legislators & bureaucrats are being held accountable by a President who is making good on his promises to the people. These legislators & bureaucrats don't know what to do or how to react as they are being held accountable to perform with their own rules. Right now Trump is not just pushing back on Dems, he is squeezing the short hairs on Republicans.

I hope the Gov't does get shut down over this ... it is clearly not working when it is open.

If you think that is crazy, you are part of the problem and not part of the solution... :emoji_wink:
I'm coming at this solely from my perspective as a public school teacher. I've been in public education now for 20 years. As an educator, I see on a daily basis the crippling effect poverty has on children. Children born into poverty, who have little real chance to break out of it, then have kids who are born into poverty. Exacerbating the poverty/lack of education cycle are the lack of any meaningful jobs that some of these students might use as a stepping stone to a better life. They have no resources. They have no education. They have no jobs available. Poverty + lack of education + lack of jobs = a increasingly huge portion of our country (the have-nots). When we can't even take care of our own uneducated poor...tens and tens of millions of baffles me why anybody would think what we need in the U.S. is MORE uneducated poor? Just my 2 cents.
Off course. Which politician or political party supports Illegal Immigration?

Thankfully for me and our country my illegal German and Irish ancestors were allowed to stay and eventually prosper. I suspect many of you are in the same boat.

Scare tactics = more votes for Donald and more money for Fox news. Now that's MAGA

Illegals = more votes for the libtards. You can not compare today to when our ancestors came over to this country. If you want to go that far back - we all need to strap on a six shooter, climb on a horse, keep our women barefoot and pregnant and get us a couple slaves. I see all these libtards crying about this is how our ancestors got here. These libtards need to get off of what ever they are taking that has made them brain dead and understand this is not the America of 300 years ago. Just because we did it back then is not a valid reason to do it now.
Alright’s Christmas time, before this really turns sideways can’t we all get along? After all, we all hunters/land owners/managers and food plotters am I right?
Alright’s Christmas time, before this really turns sideways can’t we all get along? After all, we all hunters/land owners/managers and food plotters am I right?

I was reading this thinking this thinking how great this forum is compared to any other when it comes to people being nice and helpful to each other, then this happens...guess all it takes is to bring up politics!
I was reading this thinking this thinking how great this forum is compared to any other when it comes to people being nice and helpful to each other, then this happens...guess all it takes is to bring up politics!

Be patient........

we'll get around to tubes v cages before the thread ends..........

Be patient........

we'll get around to tubes v cages before the thread ends..........


LOL! Or Morse trees, QDMA forums, etc, etc, ... some many opportunities to bond and share holiday cheer ...
Alright’s Christmas time, before this really turns sideways can’t we all get along? After all, we all hunters/land owners/managers and food plotters am I right?

I was reading this thinking this thinking how great this forum is compared to any other when it comes to people being nice and helpful to each other, then this happens...guess all it takes is to bring up politics!

Are you guys the speech police? I mean really this discussion here is pretty civil, many of these guys have a good handle on this, we can't plan when these topics come up ... they just do. We are passionate folks who feel comfortable here discussing these types of topics.

For some of us, this is a neighborhood bar ... if you don't like the conversations, change stools or find another place that meets your tastes.

I for one appreciate many of the opinions here, even the wrong ones, as they would be censored on other social media sights ... some folks here have risked their lives to make this free dialogue possible ... :emoji_wink:
Pretty sure the Mexican immigrants are the least of our problems, over populated with enough of our own leaches. From what I see the illegals actually have to work. (I'm in the roofing and construction trade I see alot).

Fun fact that some people don't realize-Many illegals being paid on the books actually contribute more to our government as they can't get a refund.
Fake news! Take a look at their pay stubs, I have. They claim a very high number of allowances resulting in a very low number of taxes being withheld. And don't forget about the poor victim who now has to deal with the IRS for years after his refund gets screwed up because his social security number was used for employment by an illegal that didn't pay taxes on the dollars they earned.

Lots of American Citizens could use the jobs being filled by the illegals. You mention the lines of labor workers outside of Home Depot. It's true, but it's also just a small sample of how bad the problem really is. I see it daily working in a major city that has long been the central hub of the drug trade for the Mexican Cartels.
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Let me see if I'm getting this right. Your going to send your own hard earned money to some yahoo on Fox News who started a go fund me page to build a wall that will supposedly keep the rapists, drug dealers and evil caravans out. Your nuttier than Trump! Trumps tweets, tariffs and the wall are all kind of whacky and amusing in a reality TV kind of way, but I'm truly getting worried about his lasting effects on this country. Nobody with a right mind or any moral compass can work for him. They can't run away quick enough. The inmates are running the asylum. All you have left running our country and leader of the free world Is Crazy Trump, Kushner and Fox News. This craziness is starting to get real. Have you looked at 401K lately?

Northbound hit it right on the head. We need more immigrants to work, pay taxes and Social security. Send more immigrants.

You forgot to mention the libs need/want them to vote too..............

Pretty sure the Irish and German immigrants you are referring to came here "legally", the wall is to slow the flow of the "illegal" immigrants that come here and immediately burden our medical/education/welfare systems.
I want a BIG BEAUTIFUL WALL and I will be nice and not tell anyone what they can do with their tree tubes......

LOL!!!!!!! I know the anxiety of being told you can't be you ... build it, enjoy it, and just get over it!
Let’s build a wall, then knock the liberal funded ladders down on the other side!
I don't think we have to have a wall. Let's me in the middle. States that oppose the wall should take in all the new voters. We'll drop the wall request and bill the blue states $2000/per to transport their new citizenry to them, if they give up matching federal funds for education, food, ESL staff, policing, prisons, medicaid, housing, college grants and loans, mental health, and disability programs related to these new entrepreneurs and innovators. Afterall, they'll add more value than they cost anyway, right?

When they're arrested in a red state, instead of sending them all the way back to their home country, they can simply be relocated to a blue state.

Nebraska can send to Colorado
Dakotas can send to Minnesota
Southeast can send to Virginia and DC
Northeast can send to New York and New Jersey

You get the picture.
I don’t think a lot of people understand that a lot of us have nothing against immigrants who come to this country and try to do it the right way by going through the proper channels. I am all for them - maybe even more so than many folks born as citizens who take what we have here for granted. But, I have as much disdain for an illegal immigrant as I do a thief. They are breaking the law, they are taking things they have no right to, and in many cases - being rewarded for it. The democrats are dead wrong in support of this illegal activity.
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I have no idea how to feel about "The Wall". It's taken on a life of it's own. I hear great justifications for building it, and I hear great reasons why we shouldn't. In a perfect world, we wouldn't need a wall; after all, houses and doors are a relatively recent invention in the history of man. And I don't think that the average illegal immigrant is trying to bilk the system. In fact, they're a necessary part of the economy in lots of areas with steep harvest practices (ie. apple country). It's like an underground economy. So, why not make bring it into the light? IMHO, because it would cost farmers too much to pay for labor if they had to foot all of the government-associated taxes hiring above-board labor. I wish I had an answer. These are complicated questions, and the more we can educate ourselves on the underlying causes and possible solutions, the Wall being one, the better off we'll be in the long run. I get it though that the lack of resolution makes us want a simple solution that's easy to get behind. Sometimes any solution is better than none...
On illegal immigrants - How many of you on here remember the news conference Geo. Bush held where, among other topics, he said (I'm paraphrasing, I can't quote his exact words) " These laws on bringing in undocumented workers are too strict. Americans don't want to fill these jobs. We have to loosen the restrictions so it's not illegal to bring them in anymore." What he said was extremely close to what I just typed. I saw & heard the broadcast with my own eyes and ears.

Finish the sentence - Americans don't want to fill these jobs because the pay is below poverty level.

And let's be real - employers wanted undocumented workers because - being undocumented - they could be paid LESS than minimum wage, and had no legal standing to complain to any agency about it. I've worked in big construction all my life and in the last 20 years or so, Hispanic workers were the target of many employers for just those reasons. These peripheral arguments all hide the desire - thinly veiled by Geo. W. Bush's comments (which I watched and listened to) - of employers wanting dirt cheap labor. The flood of immigrants - documented, and mainly undocumented - was precipitated years ago by employers looking for cheap labor. That's the reason human smuggling started to accelerate and became a cottage industry in itself. George W. Bush's comments on loosening the restrictions on bringing in undocumented immigrants was intended to make it easier for employers to get that dirt cheap labor force - even by weakening established laws.

And you wonder why all these people from other countries end up here ?? Why American workers are & have been displaced by foreigners ?? IT'S BECAUSE EMPLOYERS THINK AMERICAN WORKERS ARE BEING PAID WAY TOO MUCH !! Why do you think so many "American" companies went to China and Mexico, Malaysia, Central America, Pakistan ( that one's a REAL hoot, seeing as they hid OBL, and have stabbed the U.S. in the back on various fronts ) - it's for dirt cheap labor and authoritarian regimes that keep the workers in those countries crushed. It's an employer's nirvana !!

So if employers and the government REALLY want to bring back jobs to America that "pay well" (who determines what is "well" ?? ) - WHY DID THEY LEAVE IN THE FIRST PLACE ?? Why do "American" companies continue to leave for China, Mexico, etc. yet today ?? Wave that red, white and blue as you run off to a COMMUNIST country. Who is attempting to shit who here ??????? ( "Don't piss down my back & tell me it's raining" comes to mind ).

This latest 1500 to 1700 "caravan" of people from war-torn and brutal murdering regimes is an attempt at getting their families to safety and a better life. ( I really fear women and kids with no shoes ).I'm not condoning letting all people in unvetted, but isn't there a humane way to deal with people seeking safety from brutality at home ?? Anyone remember Ellis Island ?? The background checks that happened there ?? Thank God our country - back then - took the necessary steps to vet our ancestors …………. or many of us would not be here today.

How many here follow Jesus ?? ( as claimed by "Christians" ) - " Whatever you do to these, the least of my people - that you do unto me. "
How many here follow Jesus ?? ( as claimed by "Christians" ) - " Whatever you do to these, the least of my people - that you do unto me. "

You should ask that question of the able bodied that are selfishly abandoning their fellow countrymen suffering in their home countries. Is it Christian to take the motivated from the impoverished countries and leave the weak, sick, elderly, and hungry behind to waste away? If we're going to invoke Jesus in this, let's at least be Christian enough to be objective.

Go back and watch that video I posted. What is your humanitarian idea for the 99.92% of the rest of the planet that can't get/come here? Maybe it's time for the era of $1/lb chicken and pork to come to an end.
To me the wall is just a symbol of our need to control our borders. In reality it will not really stop them from sneaking in by itself. They will simply come by boat or tunnel beneath. Do you remember the Cubans who rode inflated bathtubs to get to America? Do you remember the Berlin Wall and the tunnels transecting it as easterners paid good money to escape? Do you know of the tunnels beneath our borders for transporting drugs and humans? Remember the dude who rode a dirt bike thru a tunnel beneath the border from his prison to escape?
And low wages is the attractions? Sometimes. But most of us know that foreigners not born here, typically work circles around a native born American, with less complaining and actually showing up for work, and thats just the ones who can pass a damn drug test. We dug this hole ourselves and if the need didn't exist, then they wouldn't bother coming. But it is necessary to make them do it legally.
With todays technology the wall is an antiquated idea in my mind. We have satellites that can see you pissing in your back yard. Heat and infrared sensors that can detect any human movement. Hell I have more security than that at my house and farm that lets me know when a deer farts, much less if someone is coming across a border. Use that, and proper number of officers, and control the issue.
And make the collaborators/states that choose to harbor pay dearly just as I would if I hid a convict in my cellar.
As for the Jesus comment, don't take parts out of the Bible out of context. There are a long list of rules in there applying to those that don't work or try to achieve worldly or Godly things illegally. We do in this nation accept with open arms any who come. But as within the Bible, they must follow protocol.