High resolution imagery

I know ours is a low flying aircraft but I'm not sure about all the directions.

I would go in and check. Our county flies every third year, moving to every other. We get obliques, but the property lines get skewed with the overlays on those so we only put the overheads on the public site. We have 3” resolution countywide with 1” in certain areas. Really high quality stuff.

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You will have to Zoom out and move to your location, but this is one of my favorite platforms for viewing imagery:

If you click on the "toggle swipe mode" you can quickly swipe left and right over a property. It is neat to see early successional growth overtime on a couple of our farms. At least for our farms, the most recent imagery was from March 7th, 2024, with the oldest being from 2014. Google Earth has older imagery.