
Noted. I knew they went 1 way and not the other. Next time there's a major run on ammo it's good to have options.
"We should really get rid of him."

Oh they're trying. A muslim got sworn in on the quran and used the dirty language in vowing to impeach because that's what she ran on. Can't make this stuff up.

Glad to hear you guys are confirming great business! Don't earn too much though, or else AOC's 70% tax will sting! New tax laws should help me out a little this year, too. Hoping to have enough left to get a budget coyote gun. Stilling mulling between .223 or 22-250. Yardages here mostly under 300. Been using 30-06 or buckshot all these years. Time to splurge.
Her 70% tax has no chance because it would effect most of congress. They wouldn’t do that to themselves, of coarse they could put in an exemption like they did for Obama care.
Hoping to have enough left to get a budget coyote gun. Stilling mulling between .223 or 22-250.

I picked up a Savage Axis in .223 for $160 a while ago. I'll keep an eye out for more deals.
I got a T/C compass in 5.56/.223 for under $200 after a rebate. I put a $200 Leupold vx1 on it. Shoots great and I have a ton of 5.56 ammo. I got this specifically as a coyote rifle after being covered in them earlier in the fall. I plan to spend some time this winter trying to put a dent in the population.
Trump is making me happy today. I in no way want the money laid out for a wall by taxpayers but I was pleasantly surprised to hear the Gov shut down will actually affect the leaches receiving food stamps in the next few weeks. Progress finally. Now we just need the free housing, health care and education to end and no wall will be needed anyways. These freebie cuts will likely more so take a toll on some useless citizens than illegals. Maybe our leeches will start migrating south of the border, don't want a wall to slow them down on their way out
Trump is making me happy today. I in no way want the money laid out for a wall by taxpayers but I was pleasantly surprised to hear the Gov shut down will actually affect the leaches receiving food stamps in the next few weeks. Progress finally. Now we just need the free housing, health care and education to end and no wall will be needed anyways. These freebie cuts will likely more so take a toll on some useless citizens than illegals. Maybe our leeches will start migrating south of the border, don't want a wall to slow them down on their way out
It'll take a month for the cost savings to pay for the wall. Imagine you had a hole in your gas tank. It cost $5 to plug the hole in your tank. You have to pay for it out of your pocket. It sucks in principle, but I bet you buy a whole lot less gas from now on.
Stats from ICE;
Between 2017-2018
4000 illegal immigrants arrested for homicides
100,000 illegal immigrants arrested for assault
30,000 illegal immigrants arrested for sex crimes

Stats from Border Patrol;
January-August 2018

47,975 pounds of cocain seized at border
4813 pounds of herion seized at border
283,084 pounds of marijuana seized at border
67,292 pounds of meth seized at border

ICE and Border Patrol support the wall 100% they are the front line defenders on this invasion dealing with it every day 24/7.

Not to mention the flood of illegal immigrants competing for jobs with American citizens and the immediate burden on our welfare/education/health/legal/law enforcement systems..... all because the left is “resisting” President Trump still upset because Hillary lost while also wanting to beef up their voting base? And Americans suffer the expense and crimes committed on them by the open border attitude of the swamp.
i tend to agree with the general sentiment on here, but am once again reminded of why I ax'd my social media accounts.

"if you're wrong in how you are right, you'll always be wrong, even if you are right"
ICE and Border Patrol support the wall 100%

That's enough right there. Our local fire department can't be very effective without a fire truck. Some would argue for water balloons but I kinda dig the truck idea.

The Man's getting ready to tell me why he's right in just a few minutes....
That's enough right there. Our local fire department can't be very effective without a fire truck. Some would argue for water balloons but I kinda dig the truck idea.

The Man's getting ready to tell me why he's right in just a few minutes....

Best line ... "All the wealthy & political elites put up walls & gates around their property, not to keep out those they hate, but to protect those they love ..."
It really bugs me when I hear the Democrats say building the wall is immoral. That’s BS!!! If that was the case they should all take down the fences around their homes and leave their doors unlocked for all to come in. A59E17F2-0EC8-4766-9197-75D865B4BAB4.png
Sorry if this has already been mentioned in this thread, I haven't read every post (due to blood pressure precautions),
but why isn't anyone talking about the RESIDUAL crime because of the illegal entries??!! Yeah, informed conservatives talk about all the murders, etc committed by the illegals, but nobody seems to talk about ...lets say, all the Chicago crime, for one tiny example. How many LEGAL Americans are killing, robbing, raping, etc, etc because of the drug industry that these illegal maggots bring into our country? How many thousand shootings happen every year in Sh*+cago alone that are due to being involved (in one way or another) with the drug industry that comes across the border?
How about all the ridiculous gun laws does the left want to impose upon us because of the residual crime that illegal maggots bring to our country? How about all the other expenses that we legal Americans have to pay because of illegal maggots?
How about the responsible immigrants that are patiently waiting in line and play by the rules, only to have illegal maggot line-jumpers step ahead of them?
This country is in serious trouble.
any u folks ever travel?? or live in the south?? AZ TX NM?? turn on a FM radio and flip through the stations.. good luck trying to find one that is playing anything remotely close to anyone speaking the english language. it's a joke.

why do I have a gate at my place.. because I want to let people in who i know and keep people out I don't know. People that have a key are my friends and family. people who I dont know are not welcome until I meet them. Am I being rude?/ no.. I like when people stop by and I invite them in. Am I being not social.. no, because when i am hunting or preparing to do something I don't want to be disturbed.

Why is this so complicated for everyone to understand?? We will allow you to come to the US when you have been vetted. We can then determine who you are.. how long you will be here... are you working taking away work from a legal citizen? don't just show up and expect me to bake a cake. NOPE.
Trump will never get a wall cause all he wants to do is preach to his cheering choir. He pissed away 2 years with a majority and all he wanted to do was fight the people trying to help him. Then he campaigned hard again on the wall and immigration and that tactic blew the House majority. Even if he declares a national emergency, he'll be out of office before he can start building because his supreme court justices won't let him side-step congress.

His only hope now is to figure out how to again spin failure as a win.
Trump will never get a wall cause all he wants to do is preach to his cheering choir. He pissed away 2 years with a majority and all he wanted to do was fight the people trying to help him. Then he campaigned hard again on the wall and immigration and that tactic blew the House majority. Even if he declares a national emergency, he'll be out of office before he can start building because his supreme court justices won't let him side-step congress.

His only hope now is to figure out how to again spin failure as a win.
He never had a majority. He was lucky to have 2/3 of the GOP with him. Senate losers like McCain, Collins, Thune, Murkowski, Roberts, Sasse, Portman, Toomey, Graham (pre-McCain death sex tape destruction), and Cornyn never wanted the president to get anything he went after. He forced these losers to step up and vote like they campaigned. And they all hated it.
Any of you guys pay closer attention to events in the background when a topic like the wall gets really loud? It seems that the more politicians scream and shout about something, the more compelled I am to look at what they aren't talking about.

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Any of you guys pay closer attention to events in the background when a topic like the wall gets really loud? It seems that the more politicians scream and shout about something, the more compelled I am to look at what they aren't talking about.

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Collusion “which isn’t illegal” is dead. Two years wasted. Let’s grab the next straw.....

They’ve left Muller out in the wind. It will come back but they’ll down play it.

Anything to make a guy look bad “Today”
Any of you guys pay closer attention to events in the background when a topic like the wall gets really loud? It seems that the more politicians scream and shout about something, the more compelled I am to look at what they aren't talking about.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

Yeah, I'm of the same mind. I'm convinced all the race baiting during Obama's presidency was to keep the masses distracted while he and his buddies looted the coffers.
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One thing the past few years have really shown is how deeply corruption is rooted in American politics, just as bad as any third world country only covered up better.
Both sides of the aisle unbelievably corrupt with so many layers even involving the Justice System FBI CIA IRS MSM and on and on to push agendas...full on swamp rats.
It's like the craziest conspiracy movie ever filmed but its true!
There is nothing you could even make up that compares to it, and it has been going on for a long time.
^^^ It's also shown just how many people in this country are rooted in emotion. For many people I know it doesn't matter how good the economy is, how much sense it makes to control our boarders, how it's good to not have N. Korea testing missiles all the time, or to demand fair trade with China. As long as the president says stuff that ticks them off he can do nothing right.