I have a spent white clover plot, probably 6 or 7 years old. Still has a small amount of clover, but filled in with plenty of grasses and weeds. I mowed it for the 2nd and final time last week and intended to just leave it as is. Then we finally got our 1st inch of rain in several weeks and it inspired me to spray it off and throw some new seed down. Then of course the next rains all fell apart. I walked into my backyard this morning and the dew was extremely drenching wet, everything soaked right down to the soil. I'm guessing I'll get some stuff to germinate just with this dew. I grabbed a little of everything I had in the basement; radish, PTT, DER, medium red, alice white, jumbo ladino, oasis chicory, and will also add some rye and oats in a week or 2. Should be interesting. Just hoping I got a decent kill.