The Throw n’ Mow Method

I planted some buckwheat into last years rye. I cut the rye as low as I could, sprayed it then hand raked it. Through the buckwheat down and rolled it. The first pic is a week in and the second pic is 4 days after that with some decent rain. I did add some more buckwheat in one spot that was thin on top the hill. Hope to get this tall enough to no till into early August.

Looking good! Buckwheat is a quick grower. You'll have an impressive (blooming) stand by the end of August.
I have questions. First, I do not see much of the cut rye. Did you rake it off of the plot? Were there weeds in the rye? Buckwheat is looking good.
The rye was planted about a month too late last year so it was only about 5-6" in most spots when I mowed it. I raked it pretty clean before spraying it and planting the buckwheat. There were a few grasses in the plot near the top of the hill. I'm just learning so this is all new to me. I didn't plant the rye heavy enough either but it did the job.
Not even sure how much thatch matters. Pic is browntop millet coming up that was spread on bare, undisturbed ground. Peas and millet even growing in the back of my ranger. Been wet here. Hogs like wet ground, too

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Looks like the bed of my Kawasaki mule.....replete with the gratuitous empty Coors Lite...….

Here's where my swamp plot is at. This was grown in with weeds and small trees a couple weeks ago. We bush hogged it, sprayed it and I went back in June 24th and threw some buckwheat out. My soil sample isn't back yet but I wanted to get something down before it was too late. I think this will turn out decent for a first year plot.


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Got my Brassica/Clover mix (Deer Creek Autumn Buffet) in on half the plot on July 13 (cast, mow, spot-spray the few weeds that made it through). We then got a little over a quarter inch of rain yesterday with another quarter inch forecasted for today so things are looking good!

This is my first year doing a true throw-and-mow method having set it up with last year's rye planting. I was a little lighter on thatch than I wanted to be (going to bump future cereal plantings up from my previous 133 lbs/acre to 150-200 lbs/acre or do successive 100 lb plantings a few weeks apart), but for the most part was beyond happy with how everything looks so far. I plan to plant my cereal grain mix on the other half in the latter half of August and may top-seed the brassica half with some rye depending on how it looks. Thanks all for the help in getting this far! Now the waiting game...


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Looks great!!!
I’ve got 8 acres I’m working on improving in Wisconsin. My rye came up real good from last year, I had done about 60 lbs/ac. I put brassicas down on July 9th, knocked it down, then sprayed it. We’ll see what happens!
So there are 90 pages to this thread so I am certainly not going to read them all. So instead I am going to cut right to the chase. I am looking for a clover seed to try my first throw and mow with later this summer/fall. I let my fall planting from last year mature and go to seed. It included turnips, berseem clover, and AWP's. I am not sure how much of the seed that grew will sprout so I want to add some clover seed to the mix. I was thinking of just adding some crimson clover or the like. But I figured you all would have the best experiences... I want an annual clover... and will take what ever else germinates. If it comes in sort of weak...I can always over seed in some rye. I am just trying to avoid tillage if I can....not because I can't but because I want to try a means of putting less work into the process. I don't suspect the AWP will sprout and I know some of the turnip seed will...some of it has already. I just need some green once the soybean harvest is complete. It would be nice if it carried over into the following spring but not required....
Medium red or Crimson would be my pick for your location. If you have peas in the pod I'm guessing they will germinate. I TNM peas every year with great success.
Craig Harper says his mix of crimson,arrowleaf , and cereal( your choice) grows anywhere

I use this. Super easy TnM mix and idiot proof

J-bird - Crimson for me has been the most impressive annual clover for fall through spring. Hung on with some of the worst (drought) conditions we had last fall, was a nice flush of color this spring.
Good N boost and great green manure as well.
Sounds like I am getting a does of crimson clover! I knew you all would chime in. It will be interesting to see what all else germinates on it's own.... I'll reach out to my local co-op and spread some seed and get to mowing...probably looking closer to end of the month.
Med red, arrowhead, ladino, awp, chicory, etc. They all do well for me.

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Med red, arrowhead, ladino, awp, chicory, etc. They all do well for me.

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I guess I never really considered perennials...may try that in a few weak perennial plots I have as well....
I have a half acre plot I am wanting to plant turnips and radishes in the fall. What would be a good nurse crop that puts off a lot of biomass for those?
I have a half acre plot I am wanting to plant turnips and radishes in the fall. What would be a good nurse crop that puts off a lot of biomass for those?
Winter rye in the fall followed by buckwheat in the spring.
Winter rye in the fall followed by buckwheat in the spring.
It is hard to find cereal rye in my area for some reason and shipping cost an arm and leg when you try to order online somewhere.
It is hard to find cereal rye in my area for some reason and shipping cost an arm and leg when you try to order online somewhere.
Winter wheat or harry vetch?
Winter wheat or harry vetch?
Thanks ST! Gonna try to look around for cereal rye first. What seed rate would you recommend for turnips, radish and cereal rye?
I have a half acre plot I am wanting to plant turnips and radishes in the fall. What would be a good nurse crop that puts off a lot of biomass for those?

If planting brassicas next summer, I would plant cereal rye, crimson clover and / or hairy vetch this fall. Then till/disc under late next summer - Great green manure and N injection to boot :emoji_nerd: