The Throw n’ Mow Method

Thanks ST! Gonna try to look around for cereal rye first. What seed rate would you recommend for turnips, radish and cereal rye?
If your going to mix them all together in one plot I wouldn't go heavier than 2# Radish 1# Turnips. On the rye end of things I'd go with a minimum of 100# per acre. Your going to want to plant the radish and turnips about 1 month ahead of your rye planting. That is why I wouldn't go more than 3# per acre on that. You want some room for your rye to fill in. If you plant them at the same time the rye may out compete the radish and turnips.
I want to do a clover plot. Should I plant the clover before I plant the cereals?
I want to do a clover plot. Should I plant the clover before I plant the cereals?

Id plant them the same time. You aren’t going to see much for clover this year no matter when you plant.

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So I got a mix of frosty berseem and crimson clover on order for an acres worth to the tune of about $30 on order. Plant is to broadcast and mow late Aug/early sept and we will see what happens. The deer can eat the 100+ acres of soybeans until then....
Anyone ever heard of sicklepod? From what I've read about it, it is a devil to control if it gets established. I spotted a few in my throw n mow plot. Would you guys pull them up?
Well, I checked on my brassica/clover mix I planted on 7/13 and it's not looking great. A lot more volunteer rye than I expected, which may be okay considering the brassica/clover mix is struggling. We've been dry (as most have) but have rain forecasted the next couple days (and had two showers this past week). Everything's got a tinge of yellow, so going to go hit it with some Urea and Triple 17 (or similar) right now. I honestly am not sure that's the right approach but am in a rush to get back out there so am doing it anyway. Someone please report back if that's the wrong choice here (and yes, per usual I was lazy and failed to do a soil test). I figure if it all fails, I'll just seed everything as cereal grains come end of August.

Oh, and for what it's worth, I certainly learned the power of thatch. My thatch was thinner than I wanted and when mowing, it essentially left thick strips where the mower went and thin strips where the tires went. The thick strips are green with the volunteer rye and the thin strips are brown. Fun stuff!
Anyone ever heard of sicklepod? From what I've read about it, it is a devil to control if it gets established. I spotted a few in my throw n mow plot. Would you guys pull them up?
Definitely pull them up if you can, it is an extremely tough weed to get rid of if it gets a foothold. It is the devil in the south!!
Definitely pull them up if you can, it is an extremely tough weed to get rid of if it gets a foothold. It is the devil in the south!!
Well there is more than I thought in the plot. I pulled as many as I could get to. Just hoping none of the remaining go to seed by mid September when I plant my fall blend.
This was more mow, spray, throw, pray but it did the job. The best looking part was a failed throw and mow from last year that had better soil exposure. The recently sprayed area on the side is coming along slower but it’s starting to pop. Can’t see from this pic but it’s there.

Around a month and a half since last photos I posted here.

I'd say we went a little heavy on the milo! :emoji_laughing: The cowpeas didn't stand a chance, the deer wiped them out within 2 weeks of sprouting. Buckwheat is around 2 feet tall, deer and turkey have browsed it more than I expected them to. This was our first ever summer plot, we didn't know what rate to broadcast each seed. Definitely going to go heavier on cowpeas and buckwheat and tone it down with the milo! Overall I am pleased with how our first try at a throw n mow plot turned out. Hopefully this will be enough thatch for our fall plot.
Around a month and a half since last photos I posted here.
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I'd say we went a little heavy on the milo! :emoji_laughing: The cowpeas didn't stand a chance, the deer wiped them out within 2 weeks of sprouting. Buckwheat is around 2 feet tall, deer and turkey have browsed it more than I expected them to. This was our first ever summer plot, we didn't know what rate to broadcast each seed. Definitely going to go heavier on cowpeas and buckwheat and tone it down with the milo! Overall I am pleased with how our first try at a throw n mow plot turned out. Hopefully this will be enough thatch for our fall plot.
I'd say 5# per acre MAX on the milo. Less if you mix in some sunflowers.
I'd say 5# per acre MAX on the milo. Less if you mix in some sunflowers.
Not sure on the acreage because of that long lane, I'd say the plot is at least 2 possibly 3 acres. We definitely exceeded that amount tho lol. You think that will be enough thatch for a fall plot?
Not sure on the acreage because of that long lane, I'd say the plot is at least 2 possibly 3 acres. We definitely exceeded that amount tho lol. You think that will be enough thatch for a fall plot?

Are you wondering about your existing plot or my recommendation?

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Around a month and a half since last photos I posted here.
View attachment 36226
View attachment 36225

I'd say we went a little heavy on the milo! :emoji_laughing: The cowpeas didn't stand a chance, the deer wiped them out within 2 weeks of sprouting. Buckwheat is around 2 feet tall, deer and turkey have browsed it more than I expected them to. This was our first ever summer plot, we didn't know what rate to broadcast each seed. Definitely going to go heavier on cowpeas and buckwheat and tone it down with the milo! Overall I am pleased with how our first try at a throw n mow plot turned out. Hopefully this will be enough thatch for our fall plot.

That's not terribly crowded in terms of seed/head production, you still have some ground opening around them. When did you plant?

You have enough openings from what I can see to overseed with a fall mix.
That's not terribly crowded in terms of seed/head production, you still have some ground opening around them. When did you plant?

You have enough openings from what I can see to overseed with a fall mix.
End of May. I plan on mowing or rolling the milo after I broadcast my fall blend.
is it ok to broadcast seed into standing buckwheat then roll and spray right after? It seems most spray first.

I would think your sequence would be fine.