The golden rule....

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I have a feeling that 75% of the "tough guys" on this forum, or any forum really, are not nearly as tough and imposing and type A in person as they portray on the inter-web. No offense to anybody, of course. Not trying to get anybody's panties all bunched up in a wad. :D Just having a little fun. But I do think there is something to it...


Haha My wife just looked at me weird while I laughed at my phone. That is awesome, surly accurate and detailed:) lol
I like to spend a lot of time on here. It's super easy to use n your phone. I don't have the time most times to be super polite and politically correct in my posts. I'm often juggling multiple things and thinking about deer is a good way to mentally get away from business for a few seconds.
Call that bi polar, I could care less. I live in a cut throat world and I'm sure my business face pops up.
Be it what it will, im not gonna suck up too anyone. I'm set in my ways just like everyone else.
I will fully admit to calling the mn hate out. I read that garbage and I might as well keep my mind at work. I don't regret it one bit and I'm glad there's finally some reasonable communication.
As far as being short, I'll try better. My ego is big but not that big I can't admit fault.
Dipper....when you write your book, I have a title for it: "The dawn of Modern Deer Hunting - According to Dipper" by Dipper Schmidtz. I bet if you would autograph both copies printed you could sell 'em to Dumb and Dumber? ;)

Alternate title could be: "My way.... Or the Highway."
This is the ego that doesn't improve anything. Can't help but notice the other Minnesota apostles have been put in their place and are not capable of respectful communication. There's a reason these guys get banned from forums....
These types of people haven't bothered me since middle school. Some things never change for some since that time.
This is the ego that doesn't improve anything. Can't help but notice the other Minnesota apostles have been put in their place and are not capable of respectful communication. There's a reason these guys get banned from forums....
These types of people haven't bothered me since middle school. Some things never change for some since that time.

No one has been put in their place Dipper, most are just tired of dealing with you.
Is Stu really gone? If this is true that sucks a big 'ol............

I don't even live in MN, the MN folks came here because the QDMA forum blew up over a disagreement over the way the QDMA handled their state.

I come here way more than the QDMA forum, I love it here. All of you guys are fine folks, I don't even live in MN. LOL Can I say that again, I don't live in MN.

Its peoples choice to click on a thread, I've learned way more here in this forums short life than I did from the QDMA forum. I'm sure Stu isn't banned but maybe in a self proclaimed timeout but holy crap people thats a serious detriment to this form if people like him are gone.

He's obviously passionate, so is batman, so is dipper, so are many of us. I put a selfie and someone said i don't wanna see you in a dark alley, am I offended? Come

Please guys lets all at least tolerate one another without whining to the powers that be. If you want to be a bruce jenner democrat that give up your guns and go hug a tree.
This is the ego that doesn't improve anything. Can't help but notice the other Minnesota apostles have been put in their place and are not capable of respectful communication. There's a reason these guys get banned from forums....
These types of people haven't bothered me since middle school. Some things never change for some since that time.

For months I have found it interesting that you would talk a little crap and when feathers were ruffled you asked why people can't take a joke. But when someone talks a little crap back they are being childish.
Ok, OK. Now that we've all been chastised for the tone around here, I would highly suggest that EVERYONE quit the name calling, finger pointing, and personal insults (me included), and we start over. That being said, if ANYONE decides that they still need to remain childish and insulting, and John doesn't step in and do something, have at it!!!
This is the ego that doesn't improve anything. Can't help but notice the other Minnesota apostles have been put in their place and are not capable of respectful communication. There's a reason these guys get banned from forums....
These types of people haven't bothered me since middle school. Some things never change for some since that time.

OK...I'll admit it. That was not one of my best posts...especially in light of this thread. I have been gone and did not quite realize how so many folks undies were in a bunch over recent events. Poor attempt at humor. Some stuff gets out of context or is in bad taste at times. Oops. :confused:

Not the first or the last childish post I will make I suppose.

OK. That guy, he was full of useful facts and knowledge. He also had some opinions. Based on page one of this thread he quit, didn't want to play nice. Quitters never win. Does this make Dipper the winner?
OK. That guy, he was full of useful facts and knowledge. He also had some opinions. Based on page one of this thread he quit, didn't want to play nice. Quitters never win. Does this make Dipper the winner?
First half of this very true. Second half......nonsense.
OK. That guy, he was full of useful facts and knowledge. He also had some opinions. Based on page one of this thread he quit, didn't want to play nice. Quitters never win. Does this make Dipper the winner?

Dipper the Winner? Winner of what?

With Stu being gone, all of you lose. The info that man has on a lot of subjects is incredible.
Smsmith knows/knew more about random things than just about anyone. He is/was always Jonny-on-the-spot with plant and tree IDs. I hope he comes back, even though I disagree with him on his position about ironwood.
Smsmith knows/knew more about random things than just about anyone. He is/was always Jonny-on-the-spot with plant and tree IDs. I hope he comes back, even though I disagree with him on his position about ironwood.

Now that's Funny!
Smsmith knows/knew more about random things than just about anyone. He is/was always Jonny-on-the-spot with plant and tree IDs. I hope he comes back, even though I disagree with him on his position about ironwood.
On land tours, stu can identify about every plant you see.
Like I've always said... He's the damn Rain man of habitat. It's almost like he googles your question and then answers it, except it's all upstairs. Rumor has it, he was fed an over abundance of omega-3 foods as a kid leading to a ginormous brain capacity. I'll always be here, but where ever he re-surfaces I'll be there too.
Like I've always said... He's the damn Rain man of habitat. It's almost like he googles your question and then answers it, except it's all upstairs. Rumor has it, he was fed an over abundance of omega-3 foods as a kid leading to a ginormous brain capacity. I'll always be here, but where ever he re-surfaces I'll be there too.

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