The golden rule....

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At work now and ran on a midget this morning that was physically and abused by her 6'+ tall husband!

Thread (DERAIL)

I know spousel abuse is no laughing matter.
But a 6 foot dude abused his miget wife upon consummating the marriage. You just can't make this stuff up! :D
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Just about every forum I belong to...from AR15's to M1 Garands, tractors to trucks, military history, etc...has certain rules of etiquette that require members to adhere to. No personal attacks, no threads about politics, or religion....keep it civil and respectful. When a forum turns into a bunch of grown men acting like 14 year old girls on Facebook throwing temper tantrums I think that forum is going to turn people away.

I left the other site because of a handful of members who showed up in every thread acting like arrogant adolescent teenage girls, drumming up drama and conflict, and just acting like the village blowhard...the tool...the dick-wad.

I am not easily offended by much. But I do seek out intelligent and courteous debate and conversations about the things I enjoy. If I want the pathetic, I'll go visit Facebook.

Just my 2 cents.
Maybe we just need a deer politics thread. Some issues are worth while to debate others can't get left alone. At least you could pick and choose what BS to read.
Thread (DERAIL)

I know spousel abuse is no laughing matter.
But a 6 foot dude abused his miget wife upon consummating the marriage. You just can't make this stuff up! :D

That's why he married her in the first place!:eek:
still a pretty cool place. Very educational and really cool people. I always try to assume positive intent.
still a pretty cool place.

Of course it is. Steve B put it really well. And the mix of people and personalities here is what makes it what it is. I think the guys over 50 don't realize what a cesspool of humanity the internet really is. You simply can't control every aspect of what is posted, nor should you try. The more logical approach for John is to tell the complainers that they have every right to "ignore" the personalities they are offended by. If somebody is excessively obscene, warn them and ban them.

However, you need to realize what counts as obscene on the internet in 2015. Your 12 year old kid has seen and heard things on the internet that would make Ron Jeremy blush. You can find any kind of fetish porn you can think of, execution videos from ISIS, and recently two separate murders with pictures uploaded in real time to 4Chan and Twitter.

Bottom line is the most frequent posters are generally the ones keeping the forum going and are also the ones most likely to offend someone. It's basic math. If I type 1,000 words a year vs Stu's 100,000, who's more likely to offend someone? Who's absence from the forum will be noticed more? How many lurkers and infrequent posters will stop coming here when there's no new content or people worth learning from?

I'll accept my first warning right now as I know this will offend somebody.
I used to play this MORG football game, where you literally built the players, the teams, coached them and played cheesy games in cheesy leagues, all in an attempt to get a .GIF trophy. The forums were as much of an attraction as the cheesy game. It was flat out brutal. There was this group of "cool Canadian kids" that for some reason didn't hate me. they trolled the forums mercilessly, not caring in the least how they appeared to others.

For a bunch of immature kids, they did have one thing of value they taught me. As they said, when you get someone to fight with you on the forums, even when they win....Well, look at the pic above mine and you'll get a very good idea of how it finished. They didn't care how they looked. All they cared about was what they made the people they were trolling look like. They only won when they got the other to engage...That's what I think of every time someone is trying to get me to fight them on the net. Respond in a calm and rational manner and you're generally not the one that looks like an idiot...Get sucked in and it's pretty much a lock you will too
I know I'm probably in the minority on this but I'm pretty sure there are a couple others that feel this way too. I personally enjoy dipper's posts. We can all learn from those with alternative viewpoints and from those who aren't afraid to question somebody, no matter who they are. Taking offense to the point where his or anyone elses posts bother you that much is just silly. Use the ignore feature or just skip over them if you have too.

I say we sign dipper to a new three year contract extension and trade bat man away for 3 new prospects from WI ;):D:p
I like the Dipper posts too. He has good info and his lack of tact can only make me laugh. If he is the one complaining, then I doubt his MMA back ground even more.

See I just laughed thinking Dipper and MMA.

I wouldn't trade Batman away. He liked my post once and it made my heart go pitter patter.

I have said it before, anyone who complains to John about posters on this site is the biggest thin skinned douche bag on the net. This place is as good as forums get.

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Hmmmm....leave town for a few days and the schmidt hits the fan. I guess I'm late to this party. I didn't know trouble was brewing.

Seems to me there are a few folks on here that got their undies bunched? I suppose each of us could pick a "fight" over some stuff.....but what is the point?? I always have the right to ignore those posts and move on to other things.

Sometimes a few of us get out of line. That can happen....especially late night with a few beers.....or sometimes one of us might be passionate about some point.....or take an issue with some other logic. I think we've all said a few things that get out of context or say things we know are "edgy". I say: "Get over it". This is a big-boy site.....IMO. Or at least is was at one point.

If I fail to offend someone once in a while.....then I'm better find a new home. Grow a pair boys.....this ain't mamby-pamby land. If anyone is driven away or gets banned here based on the discussions I have seen.....I will be very disappointed in this site.
I would like to see if Stu comes back. Think he gives us more than 10 Dipper's could! Just Sayin....
I like this forum. The general tone of this forum is not a problem, IMO. I don't mind people arguing, as long as it doesn't get too obscene. I think Dipper is a d1ck, but I would never complain to The Man about him, and don't want him to leave, since he has things to offer when he chooses to. I don't even have him on ignore, but if someone rubs you the wrong way, just use the ignore feature and go on about your business. Seems pretty simple to me...
I like this forum. The general tone of this forum is not a problem, IMO. I don't mind people arguing, as long as it doesn't get too obscene. I think Dipper is a d1ck, but I would never complain to The Man about him, and don't want him to leave, since he has things to offer when he chooses to. I don't even have him on ignore, but if someone rubs you the wrong way, just use the ignore feature and go on about your business. Seems pretty simple to me...

I agree with Jeff Fully!......on the "Dick" part that is!;)
How many places in the world can you go for information knowing full well there are no 'yes men' in the room.

That is what a forum is.

Butt hurt mommas boys should use the ignore feature or go play checkers. What kind of mushroom crawler calls the cops for 'the tone' of a forum?

I think i would rather hit ignore on an internet bully than hang out with guys who cry to admin for the tone of a forum.
As far as Dipper is concerned, you can put me in the camp that would rather he stays, as well...And I feel extremely safe in saying there is no one he's went after more than me. I've ALWAYS believed that if a person can't stand up for something they believe when challenged they never had any confidence in their belief to begin with. He was obnoxious to me a bunch over on QDMA's forum, and I didn't even mind that. It was mental gymnastics. I've never seen him write anything or go after anyone even remotely close to the same extent here.
No real reason outside of not having time to do this kind of stuff. It's a rather long and boring story, but the only reason I checked out QDMA's forum was because the editor of Quality Whitetails told me that the first article I did for him was "too basic for their members." Quite honestly, I didn't buy it and still don't. It was on laying out improvements to manufacture low impact, high odds stands. I checked QDMA's forum out to see if the members really were so advanced. I was extremely impressed with the specific how-too knowledge on doing most anything. I stuck around because I often am exposed ways of skinning cats I'd never thought of. I only came here because Art asked me to a couple times, and I've liked Art since he came to the seminars I used to do at the MN state fair ground years ago...And the how-too knowledge here is second to none/a bunch of you guys have become "friends," including you.

Long way of saying, it's more a happy accident that I'm on QDMA & here than anything. I have to make time to be here because I enjoy it. Nothing against WI Bowsite (never seen it). I just don't have free time, as evident by me posting at 8:01 PM, having just finished and sent a piece off to NA Whitetail
without having seen Charlie's predictions, I'm guessing that the more central band of WI will experience a peak breeding phase from Nov 5th-Nov 20th, just like it did last year and every year before it.

I believe that Charlie believes it, but every serious whitetail biologist I know believes breeding is dictated by the amount of daylight in a 24 hour period, not the moon...And all the fetal backdating studies on road killed does I'm aware of confirm their belief. Hard to argue for the impact of the moon when multiyear fetal backdating studies all show that the majority of breeding occurs during the same window each year of the study, despite the moon phases varying each year.
I honestly don't know if Charlie went past HS or not, but I do know he doesn't have a Bio degree.

What can be argued intelligently on both sides is if the moon phase has an impact on deer movement/bucks exhibiting rutting behaviors. For example, if we get an Indian summer running from Nov 4-15th, temps hitting the 70s, and we get a temp drop back to normal on the 16th, I'd rather pull an all dayer on the 16th than 5 of them from the 4th-15th. Sure, as many does came into estrus during the hot stretch as would have under normal temps, but that buck is wearing his winter coat. He's not going to be running all day in those temps. He physically can't. He just has to get his work done in the cooler nighttime and early morning hours (side note: Never skip AM hunts during high temp rut days...They're worth 100 times what a PM sit is worth on hot days). Could the moon also play a role in the amount of buck movements? I honestly have no clue, but that's a completely different topic than when the peak breeding phase will be.
I just wanna throw it out there that I like the diversity in personalities around here! That's America! We all have a little junk yard dog in us. Some more than others.
I know this site is John's show but I would be all for adding "thin skinned sissified tweedy birds need not sign up"
Next to the Lets Talk habitat header;)
In All seriousness thanks again to John for keeping this rowdy bunch together
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