The golden rule....

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Man oh man I hope this works itself out. This forum is one of the few I truly enjoy coming on too.
I like this forum. The general tone of this forum is not a problem, IMO. I don't mind people arguing, as long as it doesn't get too obscene. I think Dipper is a d1ck, but I would never complain to The Man about him, and don't want him to leave, since he has things to offer when he chooses to. I don't even have him on ignore, but if someone rubs you the wrong way, just use the ignore feature and go on about your business. Seems pretty simple to me...
I agree with Jeff Fully!......on the "Dick" part that is!;)
Pretty sure this breaks the golden rule.

I'm not offended one bit by the personal attacks. I'm fully admitting to calling out the mn hate apostles. This is a habitat forum, not a mn sucks forum. I have simply shared my views. I know full well that's unpopular. Acting a certain way to be popular is a middle school thing. Clearly I offended egos and the Internet hearts were broken. This site has become one big Minnesota gang and that's fine, johns reminding us to keep it positive. Negativity is like a snow ball and it keeps growing. John doesn't want it to be one big magnet of negativity.
I've gone my entire life questioning the norm. That might bother people on the Internet, but that's how I grow. If that offends anyone personally, I'm sorry.
theres a ton to look forward to right now. I'm gonna go out of my way to share some of the positive things happening on my place. hope u guys enjoy being outside as much as I do and good luck hunting.
Thanks again John for putting up with us!!
As far as Dipper is concerned, you can put me in the camp that would rather he stays, as well...And I feel extremely safe in saying there is no one he's went after more than me. I've ALWAYS believed that if a person can't stand up for something they believe when challenged they never had any confidence in their belief to begin with. He was obnoxious to me a bunch over on QDMA's forum, and I didn't even mind that. It was mental gymnastics. I've never seen him write anything or go after anyone even remotely close to the same extent here.
They don't like when I call u out Steve. As far as I see it you are a professional in a subjective business. I think it offends these guys when I simply critique u.
I'm glad you have started to share that deer hunting and management is a subjective hobby. I remember that was a theme of one of our many past conversations. Your peers don't give the same impression. It's all me or I in your business when all the info is floating around forums like this. It's a really good thing for the deer junkies like us...
That's why I respect you Steve, still don't always agree, but it's a subjective business.
What else do I have to do to clear my name? haha I'm not going to kiss batmans feet!
John-thanks for the opportunity for us Minnesota hunters to share information on our efforts to rebuild our deer herd. This has become the best place for us to share information.

I apologize for us derailing other threads or topics and we should try to honor the intention of the person starting the thread.

I would also like to point out that Mn. deer herd threads can be ignored and that the Ignore button does work in both directions. Members of the forum could easily ignore those of us who are most involved in the Minnesota deer discussions.

We are not done with these discussions, yet. We will continue to work for better management in Mn. Thanks, John, for allowing the discussions.
I know this site is John's show but I would be all for adding "thin skinned sissified tweedy birds need not sign up"

I have a feeling that 75% of the "tough guys" on this forum, or any forum really, are not nearly as tough and imposing and type A in person as they portray on the inter-web. No offense to anybody, of course. Not trying to get anybody's panties all bunched up in a wad. :D Just having a little fun. But I do think there is something to it...

John-thanks for the opportunity for us Minnesota hunters to share information on our efforts to rebuild our deer herd. This has become the best place for us to share information.

I apologize for us derailing other threads or topics and we should try to honor the intention of the person starting the thread.

I would also like to point out that Mn. deer herd threads can be ignored and that the Ignore button does work in both directions. Members of the forum could easily ignore those of us who are most involved in the Minnesota deer discussions.

We are not done with these discussions, yet. We will continue to work for better management in Mn. Thanks, John, for allowing the discussions.
This is a habitat and deer forum from a variety of locations and backrounds, so there will be a variety of opinions. Being closed minded to any opinions or views beyond isn't right either. Turning that into childish name calling is completely unproductive/ immature. If u can't handle opinions that don't reflect your cause in Minnesota, start your own forum. One place where everyone cares about Minnesota and growing the deer herd.
There are countless threads here that always find a way back to Minnesota issues. Not everyone's deer hunting sucks and those people aren't generally interested in getting side tracked by complaining.
I'm putting it out there. There's still name calling my way, even after John said, knock it off. That's some obvious display of character.
I have a feeling that 75% of the "tough guys" on this forum, or any forum really, are not nearly as tough and imposing and type A in person as they portray on the inter-web. No offense to anybody, of course. Not trying to get anybody's panties all bunched up in a wad. :D Just having a little fun. But I do think there is something to it...

We need more people like u around here.
. There's still name calling my way, even after John said, knock it off.

I hope you are okay Dipper. PM me if you need a shoulder.
They don't like when I call u out Steve. As far as I see it you are a professional in a subjective business. I think it offends these guys when I simply critique u.

I don't think that's an accurate viewpoint. I can't speak for them, but I don't believe they mind in the least when you "simply critique" me. I'd be very surprised if they mind that at all. When you put yourself out there like I do, you're going to get critiqued. That's simply a given. I think it's because of your critiquing style.
Dipper, what people (at least myself) don't appreciate is that you insert comments into your posts about MN hunters, age of deer, strategies for foodploting, ext that are unnecessary. You can question others in a more mature way but the appearance is that give a 'better than everyone else' attitude in most of your posts. You have no concept of what some of us are dealing with right now after pouring thousands of hours and dollars into our hunting lands only to have the population crash on us from just a few years ago. You clearing have a lot of knowledge about deer and deer hunting that can be offered here. Please think about presenting your points in a different manner that doesn't talk down to others.

I don't care if you, Stu, Batman, or anyone stays or leaves as my life does not revolve around this forum. I don't know John but I really appreciate what he has done for all of us. Thanks for providing me with an outlet from 'real' life when I need a deer fix.
Check out just a cpurple of the bucks on my land. I don't need a shoulder. I appreciate the apology though thanks batman
I don't think u guys really sense how lame it gets when every other thread goes back to how mn sucks. Mayb I don't understand how arrogant I might sound, but it's the internet I didn't so how it should matter. Mayb it does! I'll work on being more elegant on the forum. Just gotta work on not having every thread go back to How mn. Sucks?
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Dipper....when you write your book, I have a title for it: "The dawn of Modern Deer Hunting - According to Dipper" by Dipper Schmidtz. I bet if you would autograph both copies printed you could sell 'em to Dumb and Dumber? ;)

Alternate title could be: "My way.... Or the Highway."
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The man makes a very good point!..... I hope know one leaves. Great resource and great group of guys!
I agree with many of the comments. Yes it is tough in MN right now however this is about habitat and not a bash MN forum. I am friends with many of the MN guys on here and I think they would agree. We do not want anyone to leave.
We do not want anyone to leave.

I think that time may have passed for a few on here already and likely will continue with a few more of us before all is said and done.
You clearly have a lot of things to contribute here. I enjoy your input on many subjects, and your alternative points of view are not only welcome, but needed. People don't change the way they do things until someone questions that way. To me, it seems the problem is your bi-polar approach. On one thread you give constructive criticism, and on the next you can be rude and condescending. It's those posts with the superiority complex that I have a hard time with. By all means, question the way we do things, but you don't have to be an ass when you do it.
On one thread you give constructive criticism, and on the next you can be rude and condescending. It's those posts with the superiority complex that I have a hard time with. By all means, question the way we do things, but you don't have to be an ass when you do it.

This quote almost sums it up and I would say is accurate. I will add, that those who retaliate with, rude comments, personal attacks, etc, are also an ass maybe even even a bigger ass. I for one like a small ass. Sometimes we need to take the high road and simply let it go, forget and move on.
The MN stuff is confined to a few well beaten threads now. Let's not lose sight that MN type issues are also going on in Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Pennsylvania, and I even think Ohio got into the mix. We utilize Missouri as a place to seek solutions. So the MN thing isn't just a MN thing. There is plenty of meat for folks outside MN to chew on as well.

MN has the opportunity to be the prototype for how to turn back deer eradication efforts in other states. I would encourage all to pay attention to what happens here, because it may be in your state soon if it isn't already.
Hate to see anyone one leave. I like this website and lurk here constantly. I would say that the drama here is mild compared to most other sites. But, if the man says tone it down that shouldn't be too hard to do for most. On the flip side, if you have a problem with someone it shouldn't be to hard ignore their posts.

This site was introduced to me from the dark side. If I recall correctly didn't most of the guys who frequent this place get fed up with the other place and cause issues there? Abrasiveness might be part of this crowds personality, but I like it here!
You clearly have a lot of things to contribute here. I enjoy your input on many subjects, and your alternative points of view are not only welcome, but needed. People don't change the way they do things until someone questions that way. To me, it seems the problem is your bi-polar approach. On one thread you give constructive criticism, and on the next you can be rude and condescending. It's those posts with the superiority complex that I have a hard time with. By all means, question the way we do things, but you don't have to be an ass when you do it.

I agree, I like a lot of the info dipper shares and just ignore some of the other posts. Dipper has been saying that hunters are bipolar for over a year now, he was just talking from personal experience! :D

I agree that some of the posts about MN need to stay out of some threads and I end up ignoring some of them when they are off topic. But like SD just said, we appear to have made some progress and hopefully people are just ignoring the background noise for the good stuff.
I don't read all 250 pages of MN deer threads. I may check on them occasionally but most of it doesn't concern me. I don't care when people say MN sucks.

Now that I think about it, MN is a state with no deer, damn cold winters, & liberals voters. Maybe the state does suck! I've only spent two nights in that state for work so I don't know for sure. I certainly have no plans to move there.

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