The golden rule....

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You guys are funny. Jump to conclusions and repeat it enough times and it becomes true.

For the record:

I received multiple complaints (before this thread ever started) about the forum. I honestly couldn't disagree with the complaints. So as nicely as I could, I asked everyone here to play nice and respect the forum. And I laid out a few simple rules. The same rules your kindergarten teacher taught you.

Since then I've been accused of treating people differently. Not true. EVERY word I've had to say on this topic to anyone has been on this thread. Other than Smsmith insulting me on facebook and kicking me out of the facebook group, I have had ZERO conversation with anyone regarding this subject.

I have not banned ANYONE.

My original request remains the same, say something nice or don't say anything at all.

It amazes me the sense of entitlement the world has. This forum doesn't owe anyone anything. It also doesn't require anyone to visit here.

Improving the google search results? Nice try. Why would I want to improve the search results? This place is 100% ad free, creates exactly zero revenue, and as it gets bigger it only costs me more money.

My original goal was to create a place that the best and the brightest could hang out and talk habitat related stuff without any business being part of it. I have personally gone out of my way not to promote the habitat business I own on this forum. I mention it occasionally, but I would be willing to bet more than half of the users here don't even know I own a habitat related company. That isn't by accident.

Oh well, I'm starting to ramble now. I'll stop there for now.


What I said was based on 25 years of discussion boards experience and having watched the WWW evolve over that time.

That seems a bit put offish to insuate folks on a habitat geared forum are looking for handouts. No has to visit here just like dont click on a thread about MN issues, same principal is it not?

I appreciate the heck out of this forum and the folks that genuinely contribute to it. I think we all do that visit.

There will always be conflict with humans involved but it seems they have all atleast been talked out here without it goin overboard?

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John, love the site and since this is your place, I respect your rules and have no issues. If you came to my place, I would expect the same.

Thanks again,

Guys may not get banned, but some passwords have been changed for some reason or another not allowing guys access.
Guys may not get banned, but some passwords have been changed for some reason or another not allowing guys access.

Mo - are you calling me a liar?

I didn't ban or change any passwords.

If someone here is having trouble accessing the site, please let me know and I'd be happy to help out!

Mo - are you calling me a liar?

I didn't ban or change any passwords.

If someone here is having trouble accessing the site, please let me know and I'd be happy to help out!


Not at all John!

But if I disappear again guys, you will know what happened!
I guess Old Buck must have been an Idiot to forget his password!

Or your wife logged into your account and changed it. :eek:

I think you know the answer to that!
Stu's wife must have figured it out as well!

This thread is starting to get fun. I'll have to pop some corn and keep hitting refresh lol.
It just seems like its mountains from mole hills i guess thats the part im losing translation with.

I havent foud anything offensive on here. Rhino Skin!

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It just seems like its mountains from mole hills i guess thats the part im losing translation with.

I havent foud anything offensive on here. Rhino Skin!

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Neither have I!
Red hats.
I've been contacted (more than once) recently about the "tone" of the forum.

Some of the people (who are not guilty of the bad tone) have chosen to leave for a while, others think they might do the same.

I'm not calling anyone out or picking sides, but for pete's sake, can we we all just get along? If you have a beef with someone, PM them and take it up privately. Enough bashing already.

It's hunting season. Lets talk about something positive (or don't talk at all).

Please don't reply to this thread explaining anything. I'm not interested in the back story.

Say something nice or don't say anything at all.

If you find that too hard to do, maybe you need to find a new place to hang out.

I hope the rest of you stay and enjoy the forum.



Was this a rule or just a suggestion?
Red hats....Tin Foil Hats.......?:confused:
The Red Hat Society is dedicated to encouragement of a positive life outlook through the sisterhood of a local chapter.[12]Members gather in large and small local chapters to have fun and support one another, though some Hatters chose to remain individual members and participate in activities as their schedule allows.
Yep i see the ol ladies aroud from time to time

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The Red Hat Society is dedicated to encouragement of a positive life outlook through the sisterhood of a local chapter.[12]Members gather in large and small local chapters to have fun and support one another, though some Hatters chose to remain individual members and participate in activities as their schedule allows.

Now that's funny right there, I don't care who you are...really!
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