Opinions on northwest greening and King David


5 year old buck +
As some of you know I had to cut 11 or more trees back to just a trunk to save them from Fireblight last year. I am thinking of grafting
A couple with northwest greening and King David. What are your thoughts on those? As for other trees I am going heavy with FB resistance
And disease resistance. I am looking at Galerina, Enterprise, Querina, northern or nova spy, gold rush, Arkansas black, and Hawaii. I have all of those to get scions from. I don't have the King David or Northwest greening. For one plot - Orchard I need some really late dropping
Apples. It is in my sanctuary and I want deer in that area late season.
Yates and Michelin are late season apples in my orchard. Both still had apples hanging mid December. Yates is one of my favorite eating apples.
WTNUT - I don't know for sure, but based on what a couple guys on this forum have told me, I might have a NW Greening at my camp. I described the apple to them - from appearance to taste to late hanging, etc. and that's what they think I have. If that's the case, the tree at camp had apples on it to Christmas - lots of them. Fairly hard, sweet with a touch of tart, yellowish-green apples. If that's what we have ......... we LOVE it !! They had some fly-speck and sooty blotch on them ( we didn't spray it ) but the deer hammered them once the acorns disappeared. The tree started dropping in late October and still had apples at Christmas. ( in North - Central Pa., zone 5 / 6 border )