This is a 1 1/2 year old pear that come up by seed from under a big pear tree that my grandmaw set out many, many years ago.
I was able to dig it up without messing up any roots.
its growing fast to only be 1 1/2 years old..
Since no one answered your question about the black branch - I'd prune that back to a whip over winter when the tree goes dormant. You'll want your scaffold branches higher than those first tiers, so lop them now and the tree will push new growth where you let it. The trunk will not get any taller than it is now. If you want browse resistant lower limbs, it's time to make the tree grow them where you want them in relation to the ground.
Since no one answered your question about the black branch - I'd prune that back to a whip over winter when the tree goes dormant. You'll want your scaffold branches higher than those first tiers, so lop them now and the tree will push new growth where you let it. The trunk will not get any taller than it is now. If you want browse resistant lower limbs, it's time to make the tree grow them where you want them in relation to the ground.
While I bushhogged near the pond and as long as I was near the pond so I could see them my 2 younger boys had a fun morning and we had catfish and bream for dinner.
That was the first time my youngest boy had been in a boat. Last night when my youngest boy was saying his prayer, he said thank you God for him fishing in the boat and also for him catching those catfish. I couldn't help but smile while he was saying his
Got some clearing done at one of my stands. Put a lane in that is a thicket on both sides.
This is gonna be my go to stand. This is actually when I first made a few passes with the tractor. I ended up making it a lot bigger than this, but didn't take a picture when I finished clearing the lane.