My little piece of dirt.....

Planting already..... Here is a shot from a few days ago for our area :)


We might not be planting for a week or two :)

oofdah, tree planting already!? just got back from the farm watching the football games and it was a roasting -20 without windchill! what do I expect though living in the tundra, or the fundra like it should be called :). enjoy the planting, many of us up here are getting cabin fever not being able to do much outside.
This is my first mayhaw tree so I don't know when they usually bloom but I can't belive I got a bloom on the mayhaw tree.
. I have had a good weekend working at my place . I got 6 fruit trees in 3 gal pots planted and also got about 30 oaks in 3 gal pot planted.
I got a lot of pruning done and cleaned out unwanted weeds from cages and tree tubes.

This pic here is an ant bed in a 4 ft tube.

I guess that's the trade off of not having snow... You get ants like that :)

Fair to assume the tree is a goner?

I guess that's the trade off of not having snow... You get ants like that :)

Fair to assume the tree is a goner?

Believe it or not I think the tree is fine
This is a Japanese persimmon that my son cleaned around after the cage was off.
Sure would be nice to be working bare ground around here
And short sleeves to right?lol
Now you are just rubbing it in ;). I'll be in short sleeves when it hits the 40's later this week after ice fishing in below zero temps this weekend.
This is a Japanese persimmon that my son cleaned around after the cage was off.
Was the area behind your son logged ? Looks like some good regen and some good habitat.
Was the area behind your son logged ? Looks like some good regen and some good habitat.
Yes it was logged by the guy I bought it from. Then he got dozer and cleaned out stumps and brush. He thought his daughter was going to move back to the country and she wasn't having any part of that so he sold it. I saved the area behind the orchard to naturally regeneration. Getting good bedding cover now.
The way he cleared it off ...I could design or plant any kind of area I wanted or leave any area open for foodplots. This was a 20 acre block that was bordering my land I already had. He left a small portion along but most was cleared
This is a pear that I pruned a little last weekend. It's starting to produce fruit pretty decent so I'm thinking in the next couple years my trees are going to start to pay off.
Sawtooth still holding their leaves.
I really expect these trees to make a big jump this year.
I just fertilized them today.
This is a willow oak that I planted in my first group of tree planting. I need to clean out around them.
This is another willow oak that I planted in my first group of tree planting.
I really expect these trees to make a big jump this year.
I just fertilized them today.

What did you fertilize with?