MN zone designations (SE = not good)

Trump has made otherwise self reliant white men into miserable scared whiners. Everything, including "poor" deer hunting is someone else's fault and there's a conspiracy theory to explain it. Be happy you have a place to hunt and the freedom to do it and enjoy yourself. Turn off Fox News, CNN, Twitter and the Sportsman channel you'll be happier. No matter how many food plots you plant your not going to have hunting like the Drurys and Lakoskys. Troll, Liberal. You sound like our President. When people don't agree with you stamp your feet and call them names. This is MAGA?

How the hell did u manage to fit so much stupid in one post? Pretty impressive. Until you have spent several years of SHIT hunting like we had/have in northern MN you need to shut the Smile up. I have friends by Big Fork, Orr and Embarrass that gave up the family tradition of deer hunting cause they go years between even seeing deer. Pretty hard to get the kids interested when they have no chance of even seeing a deer.

The agency in charge of natural resources in MN is a bloated monstrosity that does a shit job. Our lakes are full of stunted sunfish, hammerhandle northern and invasive species. Our woods only have disease filled deer, they let all the moose die and apparently the bear population cratered under their watch as well. The only lakes worth fishing are the ones they say have no walleyes (Mille lacs) yet every time I set my fish house down I catch dozens of walleye from 12-28”. It’s not a conspiracy, it’s the truth, and it has nothing to do with Trump.
Anyone who thinks I'm a liberal isn't paying attention or just doesn't have basic comprehension skills. Can't say I know anyone who goes hunting that could possibly be a liberal. I have worked my whole life and payed why more than my fair share in taxes and sure as hell don't want to pay higher taxes because everyone on the left thinks it's possible for everything to be FREE. DUMB. There----that must be what freedom is morphing into=FREEDUMB. Never collected anything free and have worked for everything I have. Call me a liberal again and I might have to take offense.
The poor hunting in Minnesota has nothing to do with Trump, Fox News, or the Outdoor Channel. There’s no I wish I was Drury or Lee Lakosky (well except Tiffany...oops never mind)!

This is simply poor management by our state. Look at the MN gun season, look at the doe tag situation. Mismanagement on all accounts.

I have dozens good friends that hunt MN and not one... not (1) likes the way the DNR structures our season and offers up so many tags.

It’s not dire straights like there are zero deer or no wall mounters. It’s just that our state could be 3, 4, 5 times as good as it is... why not be the best you can be?

Who cares if you change a tradition to make the hunting better? Start a new tradition with more deer, and better bucks to hunt.
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I don’t think we need more deer in MOST areas just the same as I don’t think we need less deer in MOST areas. There are plenty of areas in the CWD zones where there are way less deer than in some areas outside the zone.

They are going to have to open the state pars and refuges up to hunting because by the end of this season that’s where all the deer will be

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I don’t think we need more deer in MOST areas just the same as I don’t think we need less deer in MOST areas. There are plenty of areas in the CWD zones where there are way less deer than in some areas outside the zone.

They are going to have to open the state pars and refuges up to hunting because by the end of this season that’s where all the deer will be

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Agree. There are areas of solid deer numbers. In my opinion unlimited doe tags is just overkill.

There are counties that still have very low deer numbers and the DNR has not backed off on tags. Anyone can get a buck tag no matter what, and now youth tags are in the picture. There are zones where the tags really knock back the the population and the hunting sucks.