MN zone designations (SE = not good)

Passing deer won't save them, at least in northern MN. The state is getting rid of deer by getting rid of habitat in the north woods. A bullet need not be fired to exterminate the herd on government lands.

Since our present Governor does not want a wolf hunt, how are we going to feed the wolves after deer numbers are knocked way down.

Got it, stock Elk in east central Minnesota!

So do elk get CWD?

(All sarcasm, I know the answer. )

Elk won’t move far either, considering they will be between two CWD areas. Shell Lake area and Emily area.

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Passing deer won't save them, at least in northern MN. The state is getting rid of deer by getting rid of habitat in the north woods. A bullet need not be fired to exterminate the herd on government lands.

So now we have a Governor who doesn’t want a wolf hunt. (Did I just read that the Michigan Attorney General also doesn’t want one?)
We have the Minnesota DNR planning to spray glyco from the air on pine plantations to eliminate Woody competition(I would call it browse).
The Feds are doing a terrible job of managing our National Forests. I won’t get into a selective harvest of popple by the feds I saw a few years ago. It was a process they dropped after a few years.

Just a few northern counties are actually managing forest in a way I like to see.
I fear SD has it correct.

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Burn it to the ground.
Burn it to the ground.

I don’t understand your post.

Burn our forests?

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Passing deer won't save them, at least in northern MN. The state is getting rid of deer by getting rid of habitat in the north woods. A bullet need not be fired to exterminate the herd on government lands.

Why don't you guys embrace the QDM group to act as a consultancy group to support your cause?

Surely they are involved in Minnesota and can help counter act the DNR?
Why don't you guys embrace the QDM group to act as a consultancy group to support your cause?

Surely they are involved in Minnesota and can help counter act the DNR?

LOL. Good one. QDMA is WORTHLESS, especially in MN. They are a DNR rubber stamp. Same goes for the MN deer hunters association. Everyone that "helped" the DNR craft the master plan is trying to figure out how to get the knife out of their back. The whole entire CWD thing is one giant hoax.
Why don't you guys embrace the QDM group to act as a consultancy group to support your cause?
Surely they are involved in Minnesota and can help counter act the DNR?

The DNR runs all those groups. Dig into the bios of about any advocacy group, resource council, legislative council, non-profit, and you'll find the DNR has vertically integrated their control from top to bottom, either through inserted staff or grant money.

It gets even skeezier when they pay off the outdoor media that is supposed to be objective and holding them accountable. As print media dies, you think the ODN and Star Tribune are going to talk $h*t about one of the last entities that is still paying them money to run ads in their papers for invasive species prevention or life jacket awareness?

I asked the head of the U of M bee lab what she thought of the DNR carpet bombing clear cuts with glyphosate from helicopters (wasn't quite that pointed in my talk with her), whether it would have an effect on bee plants. She didn't see any problem with it.

If the mob were running this, it'd be racketeering.
I don’t understand your post.

Burn our forests?

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I'm unaware of what is taking place up there, or what the deer habitat is like that is being destroyed. I'm also a huge fire bug.
Minnesota was at once THE top state in the nation for big bucks. Go back and look at the records and you will see that. This state has excellent deer habitat in many counties, there are some poor counties in farm country, but overall MN should be a top 5 state. It is not even top 10 anymore. Sad deal, it is like having Tom Brady on the bench. This state could be amazing, the MN DNR does not care about quality, they keep adding more seasons and more tags, with no changes to season structure or anything.

It will only get worse now, the new CWD zones are unlimited doe tags and 3 bucks per person (complete joke). Public land will be a zoo in that area, I cannot imagine. Every deer that moves will be dead.
The DNR runs all those groups. Dig into the bios of about any advocacy group, resource council, legislative council, non-profit, and you'll find the DNR has vertically integrated their control from top to bottom, either through inserted staff or grant money.

It gets even skeezier when they pay off the outdoor media that is supposed to be objective and holding them accountable. As print media dies, you think the ODN and Star Tribune are going to talk $h*t about one of the last entities that is still paying them money to run ads in their papers for invasive species prevention or life jacket awareness?

I asked the head of the U of M bee lab what she thought of the DNR carpet bombing clear cuts with glyphosate from helicopters (wasn't quite that pointed in my talk with her), whether it would have an effect on bee plants. She didn't see any problem with it.

If the mob were running this, it'd be racketeering.

If you are paying taxes, membership fees, etc, then you are supporting the mob.

There is a way to deal with what you see as insurmountable odds, it is different than what you (not you personally but hunters in general) may be used to in small force against major establishment.

I have watched the same issues you are now facing in Minn, here in Wis for the last 20 years. Trust me the DNR is happy to see CWD as a way to deer hunting regs. I am no expert, but I saw a few things that worked, and many that did not.

Your note above is good in that you recognize several of the key strategic obstacles that you need to target ... understand there is a way to draw support in your favor with the right plan.
I’ve attended the deer hunting meetings, voiced my opinion. No progress it just gets worse.

Had a conversation with the top Deer guy —Lou C. I said why don’t we look at our neighbors like Iowa, use their ideas/season structure.

He told me Iowa has big bucks because they have fewer hunters. At that point I knew there was no future for MN as far as emphasis on quality .... with guys like that in charge.
Minnesota dnr is only interested in what the tribes want and then they make damn sure the tribes get whatever they want common sense be damned. Out of control would be a huge understatement in my opinion. QDMA was exposed a few years ago here in Minnesota---THEY ONLY CATER TO SOUTHERN STATES but still wanted to collect money from the Minnesota chapters without going to bat for Minnesota hunters whatsoever.
Its everybody else's fault that your 40 acres of marginal deer habitat isn't producing B+C's every year. The DNR, Neighbor, Wolves, Indians, QDMA, Politicians, Feds, on and on and on. In the YouTube and MAGA era everyone is a deer biologist and is smarter than the experts. Stop watching deer hunting on TV you'll be happier. Sounds like the Horn Porn has got a hold of you. I've listened to this crap in WI for many years. Rather than whining and making yourself sick go hunt someplace else, Like your neighbor to the south. I do have to admit the MN gun deer season dates always leave me scratching my head.
Its everybody else's fault that your 40 acres of marginal deer habitat isn't producing B+C's every year. The DNR, Neighbor, Wolves, Indians, QDMA, Politicians, Feds, on and on and on. In the YouTube and MAGA era everyone is a deer biologist and is smarter than the experts. Stop watching deer hunting on TV you'll be happier. Sounds like the Horn Porn has got a hold of you. I've listened to this crap in WI for many years. Rather than whining and making yourself sick go hunt someplace else, Like your neighbor to the south. I do have to admit the MN gun deer season dates always leave me scratching my head.

Somehow you brought Trump into this again? Half your posts are Trump Hate. I won't listen to a liberal from Wisconsin on how to manage deer sorry!
Shots fired!!!! LOL
Looks like the "experts" are not really experts. Trolls will always be a nuisance.
In the YouTube and MAGA era everyone is a deer biologist and is smarter than the experts.

What does that even mean ... and what does one have to do with the other?
Common sense isn't common, it's getting to be pretty rare. jmo(if people can still have an opinion?)
Trump has made otherwise self reliant white men into miserable scared whiners. Everything, including "poor" deer hunting is someone else's fault and there's a conspiracy theory to explain it. Be happy you have a place to hunt and the freedom to do it and enjoy yourself. Turn off Fox News, CNN, Twitter and the Sportsman channel you'll be happier. No matter how many food plots you plant your not going to have hunting like the Drurys and Lakoskys. Troll, Liberal. You sound like our President. When people don't agree with you stamp your feet and call them names. This is MAGA?