Lifetime QDMA Membership?

What other "habitat" forums would you recommend?

One of the things that the QDMA bulletin board (forum) really had going for it was the name and advertising of QDMA. Because QDMA was the first place that QDM folks began to organize and relate to one another, it was the one stop shop that dominated all other forums. There were, and are, many web sites with forums that are intended to promote product our use product promotion to fund their site. Many folks just getting started are often duped by these for a while but catch on pretty quickly.

When QDMA made some decisions that many folks in a specific region felt were not in their interest, folks became disenchanted with them and that was largely the genesis of this forum. Most forums die in the first few years because they don't achieve a critical mass of users or they don't have enough funding to upgrade the service as needed to support larger numbers of users and then become sluggish and use drops off. The common interest of folks in that region was enough to sustain the board through those early years.

When QDMA killed their forum and folks had to go elsewhere, the brain trust was diluted as folks started using a few existing but even more commercialized forums or started new ones from scratch. I decided to come her because this forum was not over commercialized and had survived long enough to for me to have reasonable confidence that it would achieve critical mass. John, the forum sponsor, assured me that he has and will apply the necessary financial resources to obtain the necessary server resources to grow this forum to the national level. When I came, I transferred many of threads of particular interest to me from QDMA over to here. While I read multiple forums, I continue to focus my efforts here to help this forum make the transition to a national reach.

This forum did go through some growing pains as I expected when many folks from the QDMA site came over here. There were a few bullies on the playground who were not happy sharing with new kids on the block and were more interested in personal agendas than learning and helping other learn here. The moderators have done a good job of balancing between allowing heated discussions where steel sharpens steel and warning or banning when necessary to keep the conversation from degenerating to ad hominem attacks. This forum has now made the turn where most folks are now sharing ideas freely and helping others. I'm starting to see some folks who where reluctant to post here during the growing pains returning and posting. We are also starting to see the number of folks outside the original region begin to increase making for better balance.

As for other forums, the first place I would look is :
This forum was started by some folks that used the QDMA site regularly and one of the better moderators and quite a few knowledgeable folks went there when QDMA shut down the forum. My biggest hesitation about investing my efforts there was simply that statistically most new forums don't last. I will say they have a great group of core folks many of whom post here as well and they are off to a great start.


Many of our brothers participate in both forums

Just remember, some people post to be helpful. Sometimes people post for their own entertainment and others post just to hear themselves talk.

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I'm sure glad you survived the switchover and bullies Jack. And you are right, this forum has grown exponentially. Commercialization is the worst! I forget... what is your favorite pot and who should I buy it from?

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I unsubscribed from the QDMA emails, twice, and am still getting them.....

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I'm sure glad you survived the switchover and bullies Jack. And you are right, this forum has grown exponentially. Commercialization is the worst! I forget... what is your favorite pot and who should I buy it from?

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If you read some of my posts carefully, you will see I use rootmaker containers and why. Dr. Whitcomb was one of the pioneers in the root pruning research and he is behind the design of the rootmaker containers. I have found that while root pruning containers are not the right fit for everyone's application, they work well for mine. The important thing is not the brand but that the containers designs are driven the underlying research. I'd buy them from wherever you can get the best price. I bought my first group from John at BigRock but when I decided they would work for my application and I went for volume, I established a wholesale account directly with Rootmaker.

You should also see posts of mine that indicate there are now lots of competing products that have varying degrees of effectiveness. Many folks like MattPat are having good success with air pruning bags. I believe DogDoc uses a competing brand that is very similar to the RB2 design. I think it was MattPat that even printed some himself with a 3D printer. I also have a thread on a DIY container I used as a substitute for 18s.

To my way of thinking there is a big difference with end users reporting their experiences with particular products and brands than having company shills and gorilla market pushing products posing as end users. While John at BigRock does have a business and a separate forum on this board for it offering services, he has to be one of the least self-promoting folks I know and has fully proclaimed his financial interest. We don't see pop-up ads her or targeted ads from the food plot industry.

As for surviving the "bullies", that was never an issue for me. The banter and even ad homonym attacks never really bothered me. I was only dismayed at the impact it had on some whom it kept away or silent.



P.S. I did get the tongue in cheek... :)
OP- it's already been stated, but I'll add my opinion. I was on the QDMA forum for a few months b4 it was shutdown. A lot of info was lost there. I was about to join a monthly or year subscription , but the shutdown killed that idea.

I sent an email to Lindsey, Kip & the rep for my region & blasted their idiotic idea- got the same response a lot of guys here did. NWTF doesn't have a forum but they seem to be more interested in actual "habitat results" then QDMA. Also the few copy's of their mags seem to have more practical info. I'm considering joining them..

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Just remember, some people post to be helpful. Sometimes people post for their own entertainment and others post just to here themselves talk.

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I like your post

I really like your avatar

NWTF, Ducks Unlimited, Pheasants Forever, and NRA will all work for "our/your" end goals. I don't support QDMA financially. I work hard for my money and want something in return for it when I hand it to someone else.

Jack, I know all about Dr. Whitcomb's research. Have read his work and watched some videos. I grow in Rootmakers and rd2's too. I don't recommend them and who to buy them from every tenth sentence and then brag about the non-commercial aspects of the sight. You are by far the biggest promoter of Rootbuilder I've been around on these forums and that's great. I don't care that you use them or promote them. Your previous chapter seems hypocritical to me.

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NWTF, Ducks Unlimited, Pheasants Forever, and NRA will all work for "our/your" end goals. I don't support QDMA financially. I work hard for my money and want something in return for it when I hand it to someone else.

Jack, I know all about Dr. Whitcomb's research. Have read his work and watched some videos. I grow in Rootmakers and rd2's too. I don't recommend them and who to buy them from every tenth sentence and then brag about the non-commercial aspects of the sight. You are by far the biggest promoter of Rootbuilder I've been around on these forums and that's great. I don't care that you use them or promote them. Your previous chapter seems hypocritical to me.

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I have no financial interest in Rootmaker at all. I advocate for using root pruning containers for folk that start trees from nuts and seed in containers. I talk about Rootmaker containers because that is what I use and they work well for me. There are others who do much better with direct seeding. I don't discount that at all. It really depends on your location and situation what methods work best. I fully acknowledge that.

Also, keep in mind that Rootmaker containers are only one aspect of what I discuss when it comes to growing trees from seed and nuts. I've talked about the lights I use an why, the water, how to water, medium, fertilizer, methods and techniques and much more.

I'm also a big advocate of BuckeyeCam game cameras. Again, I don't have a financial interest there, but I did a lot of digging and for a number of years I taught a game camera class for our state hunter education instructors. One reason I don't talk about them quite as much is because they are out of the reach of most in up front cost (although they are less expensive than most if you look at long-term cost). Again, they are not a fit for everyone. And, when it comes to application, when there is a less expensive alternative with the same function, I use it and tell others. I've helped several others on this site find less expensive alternatives for cable, high gain antennas, and solar panels without paying the BuckeyeCam premium.

One of the clear advantages of a forum and community like this is end users talking about the products that work well for them and those that don't. There is a big difference between real end users discussing their habitat activities and the tools that they use and folks with a financial interest posing as end users or simply pushing a product without disclosing some financial interest they have.

To my way of thinking, it boils down to this question: Is the forum primarily serving users who are using commercial products and discussing pros and cons, or is the forum serving the commercial market through advertising and gorilla marketing? I think this forum primarily does the former.

