Maybe QDMA is feeling are wrath.

I never posted on qdma forums, but it was a staple in gathering food plot knowledge. I spent many, many nights going through the pages learning about all the different ways to establish plots, maintain them and the best way to help with soil health. The amount of information that one could gather from that place was great. When I found out that they were shutting the forum down I was devestated and I wasn’t even a poster so I couldn’t imagine how some of you felt. It’s around that time that I joined here, haven’t looked back since and have recommended others check out this site as well. Aside from being free to join, it seems like a less intimidating bunch that just want to help each other out with share past experiences. I certainly don’t miss the other forum anymore.
I tell folks on FB all the time to check out a few of the new forums for info...including this one. FB just isn't a good format to really have a conversation about different topics and be able to get into the nuts and bolts of it if needed. A forum setting also has the ability to be searched for a specific topic if desired as well.....
When I first joined QDMA, I ordered all the back issues of QW they had available. There was some great stuff in those issues. Over the years the caliber of the magazine seemed to decline. I'm not sure if it really declined or if I just out grew it. Even though I haven't rejoined since the forum was decommissioned, they still send me the magazine.

My guess is that the reason they are offering the deals on membership is that they are now much better funded. Closing the forum allows them to control the message and makes the commercial sponsors quite happy and probably loosened some purse strings. With funding no longer an issue, they can pretty much give away membership to increase their legitimacy and marketing opportunities for their sponsors.

They still do some laudable work as an organization, but certainly lost my support and advocacy. I've gone from an advocate to an agnostic.


When I first joined QDMA, I ordered all the back issues of QW they had available.

Not going to lie Jack. That doesn't surprise me :emoji_nerd::emoji_slight_smile::emoji_smile::emoji_smiley:

I think like you, I quickly out grew the magazine (because of their forum).

If anyone is interested, I have 5+ years of their magazines. Almost all of them are still in the plastic sleeve. You just pay shipping (seriously).

I'm also a life member so they never stop sending me the magazine.

I was on the the qdma forums for about a year before they shut it down, And while i was upset, i had already started looking at this forum, and it is now growing into what the qdma forums once were, and i actually like the layout of this forum better.
This is my favorite thread of all time on any subject involving anything!!!!!! They have never printed enough money to get me to even type their name again, much less join, read anything they send, or consider doing anything of a positive nature with regard to them. In my "professional life" I deal with a lot of non-profits, and lot of corporations, a lot of people in the hunting industry. Some of the non profits are really good and committed to doing the right thing. Others not so much. That nameless organization that is the subject of this thread appears to be the worst of the worst for many reasons. They can all kiss my ____________________.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
The glossy mag articles are a "USA TODAY" version of topics discussed on this forum

Not interested

I don't miss the magazine, I don't miss the forum, and I sure as hell don't miss Duffy.

Haha. Higgins just bow killed 2 great bucks this past week, and Duffy was harassing him about the way he filled out the score sheet. This on social media.
Haha. Higgins just bow killed 2 great bucks this past week, and Duffy was harassing him about the way he filled out the score sheet. This on social media.

Thats a world class douche move. Sounds like he's still got the touch to make everything about him :-(
He's probably dumbfounded how the guy recovered 2 straight bucks with the meat still salvageable:-D
Haha. Higgins just bow killed 2 great bucks this past week, and Duffy was harassing him about the way he filled out the score sheet. This on social media.

I don't like to get in the mud and speak ill of anyone in print these days. So I'll try not to bash him but stick to the truth.
What strikes me as funny about him calling anyone out is that in the next few week he will find a deer that was shot "poorly" by one of his hunters last year and be proud of it. I just never got that.....

Not sure if that is still a theme these days but it sure happened a lot a few years back.
Haha. Higgins just bow killed 2 great bucks this past week, and Duffy was harassing him about the way he filled out the score sheet. This on social media.

LOL, sounds just like him. I'm not much a social media person except for the deer forums, but I would like to see that.
LOL, sounds just like him. I'm not much a social media person except for the deer forums, but I would like to see that.
Me also.
To everyone else. Who gives a damn? They closed shop. So have some of my favorite restaurants, sporting goods stores, etc. Things change with time and living in and/or rehashing the past is something I personally don't have time for. The only constant in life is change, for better or for worse.

It has nothing to do with them closing down. That is their right to do so. The problem is, many of us had lots of things we posted on there to archive our progress of our properties and to look at back. I know I personally had started a thread about the cabin we bought 5 years ago, the pictures of what it looked like then and what we did to fix it up. The reason I put in on the QDMA forum was because I felt that as a nationally known organization it would stand the test of time and always be around. All they had to do was us give us a reasonable notice the site would be shut down and that we needed to get our stuff off. I don't remember being given any heads up about that and now I lost all of what I had posted describing each picture. Long story short, we aren't mad because the site is gone. We're mad because we lost OUR stuff.
It has nothing to do with them closing down. That is their right to do so. The problem is, many of us had lots of things we posted on there to archive our progress of our properties and to look at back. I know I personally had started a thread about the cabin we bought 5 years ago, the pictures of what it looked like then and what we did to fix it up. The reason I put in on the QDMA forum was because I felt that as a nationally known organization it would stand the test of time and always be around. All they had to do was us give us a reasonable notice the site would be shut down and that we needed to get our stuff off. I don't remember being given any heads up about that and now I lost all of what I had posted describing each picture. Long story short, we aren't mad because the site is gone. We're mad because we lost OUR stuff.

I actually thought that was one of the things they did pretty well. As I recall, I had at least 2 weeks. I move a lot of stuff I wanted to keep over here. I actually found photobucket to be a bigger bait and switch. They had supported 3rd party hosting for years for free. Then once folks had hundreds or thousands of pictures linked from other sights, they kind of blackmailed them and suddenly changed the TOS so that free accounts could not use 3rd party hosting, replaced everyone's linked pictures with an add for photobucket that looked like a blackmail note. Trying to find all the places I post picture links to them was a royal pain and I'm sure I still have uncorrected links out there.



It's funny how you remember some things, but I will never forget that hilarious thread where one of the other "Antler Jockeys" told Duf that his deer had substandard racks because the repeated flooding had leached all the minerals out of the soil. He went wacko on that one. I consumed enough pop corn over the next few days of that thread that I gained 5 pounds....
It has nothing to do with them closing down. That is their right to do so. The problem is, many of us had lots of things we posted on there to archive our progress of our properties and to look at back. I know I personally had started a thread about the cabin we bought 5 years ago, the pictures of what it looked like then and what we did to fix it up. The reason I put in on the QDMA forum was because I felt that as a nationally known organization it would stand the test of time and always be around. All they had to do was us give us a reasonable notice the site would be shut down and that we needed to get our stuff off. I don't remember being given any heads up about that and now I lost all of what I had posted describing each picture. Long story short, we aren't mad because the site is gone. We're mad because we lost OUR stuff.
As Jack said they did give notice that the forum was going to be taken down. And I was one of those guys that used the QDMA forum to archive my projects. But I also understand that using an internet forum is not a secure way to store personal data. Heck this place could be pulled off line an hour from now with no notice. It's not really "our" stuff when someone else is paying to store and host it somewhere. Many of us saw the light with QDMA and jumped ship well before the shutdown. That's when this forum, the wild wild west, as Jack called it was born. It's not so wild anymore though. I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss those days a bit, just as I miss the QDMA days in a certain way. But holding hard feelings over things so minuscule in the grand scheme of life is just pointless.
As Jack said they did give notice that the forum was going to be taken down. And I was one of those guys that used the QDMA forum to archive my projects. But I also understand that using an internet forum is not a secure way to store personal data. Heck this place could be pulled off line an hour from now with no notice. It's not really "our" stuff when someone else is paying to store and host it somewhere. Many of us saw the light with QDMA and jumped ship well before the shutdown. That's when this forum, the wild wild west, as Jack called it was born. It's not so wild anymore though. I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss those days a bit, just as I miss the QDMA days in a certain way. But holding hard feelings over things so minuscule in the grand scheme of life is just pointless.

Great Point! Don't sweat the small stuff in life!
Heck this place could be pulled off line an hour from now with no notice

Just a "for instance" we ain't going anywhere :)