Land Bubble? How About a Farm Bubble!

  • Thread starter Thread starter MoBuckChaser
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The elections are in 6 weeks, look for the country to move to the center and with that the politicians will as well.

I sure hope you're right but my optimism isn't what is used to be. Sitting on the porch of an ice cream stand a few weeks ago I could over here the conversation at the next table. A women was complaining about our President and wishing she never voted for him. I thought finally! They get it.

She ended the conversation with, I can't wait to vote for Hillary, it should have been her last time. .....

I tossed my ice cream cone, threw up a little bit in the back of my throat and walked away.
Glad to see that many are in agreement that entitlements need to end. Folks need to start being responsible about the own welfare, managing their money, and stop looking to the Gov't for bail-outs.

The farmers are sure going to be mad when they have to start managing their business without hand outs and have to endure real market risks which require sound fiscal mgmt. I mean really ... who other than the Green Energy companies get this type of favorable market protection ...
  • Crop Insurance
  • State & gov't loan assistance
  • CRP payments for not farming land & WRP buy-outs for when you want to sell marginal farm land with little value
  • An ethanol industry which is solely based on manipulating corn prices and can't be justified from an energy balance stand point
  • CC Payments, Direct Payments, Disaster aid, Marketing loans, Export subsidies, and significant AG scientific research
The only other better deal in town is organized religion ...