J-birds place

That’s cool. But it looks like it has its own rifle pen case to boot. Icing on the cake.
That’s cool. But it looks like it has its own rifle pen case to boot. Icing on the cake.
Yep - they went all out. I thought it was pretty neat....
Were did that come from?
My son needs one at college ;)
Were did that come from?
My son needs one at college ;)
To be honest - I'd have to ask my wife.... I can find out if your really interested...I think a guy makes them....
I actually found some on amazon. Thanks
So yesterday I planted 100 trees and shrubs. I took my south bottom food plot and essentially reduced it in half. I paced of a 10 x 10 grid on roughly 10 foot spacing and marked each spot with a blue flag. Then came the work. I planted with a shovel and did a lot of bending and man is my back not liking that today! Arrowwood, spicebush, nannyberry, ninebark, persimmon, black haw, beauty berry, buttonbush, rough leaf dogwood and aromatic sumac.... I also did something pretty smart on my end...I used a marker and put a code on the flag as to what was planted there...because I know I am going to forget! I also had a few acorns and put them out as well...chinkapin and SWO. We will see how things progress over time. I don't expect everything to make it, but if 1/2 do I'll be pretty happy. My intent is to simply provide a seed source and to allow mother nature do the rest. I will hopefully select another area with a different selection of shrubs and the like and do it again next year.

Plants came from MDC and I was pretty happy with them. Some where small, but some where in great shape.... Plants came in 2 shipments earlier in the week so I just kept them soaked in water...some where starting to wake up. I will certainly look back at MDC next year. They also are easy to work with if there are issues as originally there was some availability issues, but they stayed in touch via e-mail and I got what I originally ordered...
shrubs 1.jpg

shrub 2.jpg
Yeah I don’t envy your back. I hate a shovel!

It will be worth it though.
Yeah I don’t envy your back. I hate a shovel!

It will be worth it though.
I tried to talk my youngest into giving me a hand....but she had a busy night the night before (Prom) and I think she may have caught on that I was going to put her to work as well....she ain't no dummy!
Because I know over time I will forget (blue flags):
BB = buttonbush
9B = ninebark
P = persimmon
BH = black haw
RLD = rough leaf dogwood
SB = spicebush
AW = arrowwood
ABB = american beautyberry
NB = nannyberry
AS = aromatic sumac

It amazes me how quickly I forget simple things...these sorts of threads are great for documenting what was done and when...
It amazes me how quickly I forget simple things.

I’m with you and it’s getting worse!
Lol, I have the same problem.

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THAT'S IT....I GOTTA MOVE! This morning the traffic was just terrible!:emoji_slight_smile: Apparently they decided to move from one pond to another and took the path of least resistance! Turns out "honkers" don't respond well to truck honking either!!!
I'll trade ya traffic problems !!!
I'll trade ya traffic problems !!!
Normally "traffic" here is because of big green, red and blue machines heading to the fields this time of year....but it's still wet here....so I guess the geese stepped up!

I used to drive to Cincinnati OH everyday for work...nope...I'll pass. I live on a gravel road that might see 2 dozen vehicles all day long...and most of that traffic is from my house! I like that sort of neighborhood. It's still a neighborhood, we still know our neighbors (even if they are 1/2 mile away)...we just have really big yards!
they'll respect you more after you mow a few down.:emoji_laughing::emoji_scream::emoji_stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Btw, if you see road killed geese or other migratory birds, pull over and check them for leg bands. For each band you report, you get a nice little souvenir from the Department of Interior with info on the bird.
Btw, if you see road killed geese or other migratory birds, pull over and check them for leg bands. For each band you report, you get a nice little souvenir from the Department of Interior with info on the bird.

......Like the ones you are gifted when driving over speed limit?

I'll trade ya traffic problems !!!
Normally "traffic" here is because of big green, red and blue machines heading to the fields this time of year....but it's still wet here....so I guess the geese stepped up!

I used to drive to Cincinnati OH everyday for work...nope...I'll pass. I live on a gravel road that might see 2 dozen vehicles all day long...and most of that traffic is from my house! I like that sort of neighborhood. It's still a neighborhood, we still know our neighbors (even if they are 1/2 mile away)...we just have really big yards!

My nearest neighbor is also one half mile or so.

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Lol, I have the same problem.

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You don’t have that problem when you get to the point that you forget you are forgetting things.

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Btw, if you see road killed geese or other migratory birds, pull over and check them for leg bands. For each band you report, you get a nice little souvenir from the Department of Interior with info on the bird.
As a waterfowl hunter....I have done that before. I have actually reported 2 that I assume had been killed by a vehicle. I just figure for the little bit of effort it takes it contributes to the data and information.