J-birds place

Yeah they gather in those areas, and they can become really concentrated when there is little of that type of ground available. Pretty neat when it happens. If you go out without a dog you practically step on them before they flush.
The first one I thought was a quail...until I saw how it flew. The dog looked at me like, "Dad! What the hell was that?" They are NOT bird dogs...or hunting dogs of any kind by training anyway. Was a neat little time in the woods....
With spring finally seeming to be here I got out over the weekend and did a little work. Nothing special but it got me out of the house.

Switchgrass burn... before and after. Not an antler to be found... I now need to get in and spray the stilt grass before the switchgrass wakes up!
I did prune some of my apples and crab apples as well. I also had to reset my cages on my crab apples as earlier flooding created some issues. I also did some walking and found where the deer are using an interesting edge that I will certainly remember come hunting season. My turnips smell nice and rotten as well!
My turnips smell nice and rotten as well!

I can’t find a turnip.
You have picky deer.
I can’t find a turnip.
You have picky deer.
I have determined my deer are picky because they can be. This isn't a bad thing, but is frustrating. What I am seeing is that the deer have other options that they prefer over the turnips. In some cases I have had even soybeans stand to the point I have to mow them and till them under and still have full pods. This is what is fueling my interest in planting more and more shrubs and the like for a more long term, natural food source and cover...vs my plots. I will still keep some small plots, but the larger ones (which even for me are only like an acre in size) are going to get seriously reduced while I expand my fruit, mast and browse offerings. This sort of "plotting" isn't the stuff the magazines write about, but it's what is best for the situation. The significant amount of ag I have and the minimal amount of deer I have simply do not require the amount of plotting I am currently doing. Once I make this change it should also reduce the amount of time I need to tend to things and reduce my level of activity and hopefully promote more deer to actually use my place as well. Been doing this for nearly 20 years now and I'm still learning and making changes.
I have determined my deer are picky because they can be. This isn't a bad thing, but is frustrating. What I am seeing is that the deer have other options that they prefer over the turnips. In some cases I have had even soybeans stand to the point I have to mow them and till them under and still have full pods. This is what is fueling my interest in planting more and more shrubs and the like for a more long term, natural food source and cover...vs my plots. I will still keep some small plots, but the larger ones (which even for me are only like an acre in size) are going to get seriously reduced while I expand my fruit, mast and browse offerings. This sort of "plotting" isn't the stuff the magazines write about, but it's what is best for the situation. The significant amount of ag I have and the minimal amount of deer I have simply do not require the amount of plotting I am currently doing. Once I make this change it should also reduce the amount of time I need to tend to things and reduce my level of activity and hopefully promote more deer to actually use my place as well. Been doing this for nearly 20 years now and I'm still learning and making changes.
I have a similar situation to you. Surrounded by thousands of acres of Ag, deer never eat everything I plant, and they don’t really stay all winter. I have a bunch of Oaks and when they start dropping acorns more does show up. Then the bucks chasing the does. Sometime around Mid December they move off and don’t return until mid March. When I first started plotting I had almost 4 1/2 acres on 40. That was way too much food. I keep scaling it back every year to plant more shrubs, fruit, and cover. I just cut my 1 3/4 acre plot back to an acre and shaved my destination plot down to about an acre and a half. I think my end game is to have fruit and nuts in the fall along with a really good food source from late September through December and let the deer move off and tax someone else’s place the rest of the year.
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I have a similar situation to you. Surrounded by thousands of acres of Ag, deer never eat everything I plant, and they don’t really stay all winter. I have a bunch of Oaks and when they start dropping acorns more does show up. Then the bucks chasing the does. Sometime around Mid December they move off and don’t return until mid March. When I first started plotting I had almost 4 1/2 acres on 40. That was way too much food. I keep scaling it back every year to plant more shrubs, fruit, and cover. I just cut my 1 3/4 acre plot back to an acre and shaved my destination plot down to about an acre and a half. I think my end game is to have fruit and nuts in the fall along with a really good food source from late September through December and let the deer move off and tax someone else place the rest of the year.
I think I plot a total of 2.5~3 acres on my 150... (100 of it is corn/bean field). I thought I was pretty minimal as it was...but the deer continue to prove me wrong. My perennial plots I use as "orchards" as well so I am dual purposing those as it is. I'm one of the few people I know that can plant a 1/3 acre plot of ag soybeans and leave it unprotected and it will produce grain without any issues! I have done it for years!
I’ve cut my plots nearly in half over the years. Hard winter here this year I have nothing left but the rye is starting to green and getting attention. Lots of browse also on the dogwood, Red Osier and other shrubs I’ve planted over the years. I opened my fenced 3 acre tree and shrub planting last fall. They really worked on those trees this winter. There is definitely more out there to offer them than a bean.
I’ve cut my plots nearly in half over the years. Hard winter here this year I have nothing left but the rye is starting to green and getting attention. Lots of browse also on the dogwood, Red Osier and other shrubs I’ve planted over the years. I opened my fenced 3 acre tree and shrub planting last fall. They really worked on those trees this winter. There is definitely more out there to offer them than a bean.
What did you plant in your 3 acre planting? I want to do something similar I think but on a smaller more micro scale. I want to stick with shrubs and smaller trees... I'm leaning towards plums, hazelnut, elderberry, arrowwood, buttonbush, dogwoods, ninebark, and things like that... these are all things (except the elderberry) that I don't have currently that I think can offer a combo of food and cover when planted in a compact cluster.
Just got done doing some shopping at MDC... this should keep me busy. I want to get my hands on some plum and hazelnut as well, but maybe next year. I figure I got a pretty good mix for roughly $120. I checked with my local DNR and all they had left was oaks...not what I am looking for. I need to shop a little earlier next year!
Is MDC the Missouri thing that sells to everyone?
Just got done doing some shopping at MDC... this should keep me busy. I want to get my hands on some plum and hazelnut as well, but maybe next year. I figure I got a pretty good mix for roughly $120. I checked with my local DNR and all they had left was oaks...not what I am looking for. I need to shop a little earlier next year!
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Thanks for putting this up, I wanted some Arrowwood but they were out when I ordered. I just ordered some and they were added to my order.
What did you plant in your 3 acre planting? I want to do something similar I think but on a smaller more micro scale. I want to stick with shrubs and smaller trees... I'm leaning towards plums, hazelnut, elderberry, arrowwood, buttonbush, dogwoods, ninebark, and things like that... these are all things (except the elderberry) that I don't have currently that I think can offer a combo of food and cover when planted in a compact cluster.

Elderberry, button bush, American plum, Red, grey and yellow twig dogwood. Then some dappled willows, hybrid poplar and willow.
Elderberry, button bush, American plum, Red, grey and yellow twig dogwood. Then some dappled willows, hybrid poplar and willow.
My list of my future additions is double what I just bought...but I had to start somewhere. We will see how things go. I got some others like elderberry, grey dogwood and wahoo that I can transplant if I feel the need/desire. I may sprinkle in a few acorns as well and just see what happens....

Did you have any real issue with the deer jumping your fence? I have only 1/2 acre or so and am weighing my options as to if I want to fence the entire thing or cage each plant. Did you use tubes or anything to help as well? Or did you protect them in another way?
This is exactly what I'm trying to figure out for our place, especially in those areas of multiflora rose I've shown you before. I'm super excited to see how the Ninebark does for you, as that is one I have seen recommended for above creeks to feather the edge.

I checked out MDC's website and was very impressed with their selection. As you know I'm sure, the equivalent Indiana nursery just doesn't offer that much of a variety from what I'm seeing.
This is exactly what I'm trying to figure out for our place, especially in those areas of multiflora rose I've shown you before. I'm super excited to see how the Ninebark does for you, as that is one I have seen recommended for above creeks to feather the edge.

I checked out MDC's website and was very impressed with their selection. As you know I'm sure, the equivalent Indiana nursery just doesn't offer that much of a variety from what I'm seeing.
Yep - I checked Indiana's inventory and all they have left is oak trees. I also like how MDC allows for smaller quantities...this allowed me to try a bunch of different stuff.
Did you have any real issue with the deer jumping your fence?

Only when something went wrong with the electric. Double Gallagher style e fence with a solar controller. Some guys say they won’t work with high deer densities but that wasn’t my experience. May have been different if it was a lush plot of something they really liked.
Only answered half the ?

No tubes I figured the fence was a big tube. Luckily no problems with rabbits girdling them either. I used lumite weed barrier but will “never” do that again. Great stuff but if you forget to cut it later it will girdle the tree. Plastic seems to stretch.
Got me a neat little birthday gift... The white part is deer antler... and the "actuator" is like a little rifle bolt action. Complete with it's own case. I figure it will piss the Libs off at work...so I like it even more!!!
new pen 6.jpg