Habitat projects for the weekend?

Cutting up all my release tree cull’s into 8’ logs to carry out with pallet forks on my JD4700 compact tractor and my oldest boy ran the fuel dry or so I thought. Well we dumped in 5 gallons and tried priming the system no joy. Finally decided the mechanical pick up fuel pump took a dive on the Yanmar engine. The fuel tank is high enough on that machine that the low pressure pick up pump isn’t really needed so I cut an aluminum arrow off and bypassed the pump with it. We finished hauling out all the logs with it that way this afternoon. This week I’ll order a new pump.
Planted 16 apple/crabapple trees yesterday afternoon after driving up to Turkey Creek and picking them up from Chris. Great looking trees.
Finished pruning our fruit trees, caged almost all of the rest of the BHS (with the wife’s help) and got in a little shed hunting.

Still have a long list of things to get done in next few weeks most has to do with new fruit trees.

The price of remesh right now makes me puke..I think a may just use new farm fence on some of the new fruit trees.
I planted 3 asian pears and had a buddy move 6 oaks that were too big for my spade.b11 are you from Kansas?
I planted 3 asian pears and had a buddy move 6 oaks that were too big for my spade.b11 are you from Kansas?
I grew up in northern Wisconsin but have lived in southeastern Kansas for the last 20 years
Just wondered since you said you drove up to Turkey Creek,I have bought several trees from them.I am in SC Kansas,25 miles south of Wichita
Fort Scott here
was planning to plant both fruit and screen trees but calling for 1-3 inches of snow and lows in the teens on Saturday..also had a big tree fall down in my front yard this week from a wind storm..so ill be making cages and cutting up a big dead vine-covered tree...Sunday and Monday will be planting days I guess...my frost seeding was done last weekend and now I'm waiting on seeds for a friend's place...also I have not gotten any trees yet so I guess they need to show up or I need to go pick them up first haha
I think my Norways are supposed to show up mid April. I only live 30 minutes from Blue Hill so Ryan said I can just come pick them up whenever I want to. He still has some wild crabapples left on his website if anybody is looking. I assume they're Dolgo but it doesn't say.
Was sinking to my knees in snow with 30" snowshoes on last weekend while pulling trail cams in northern MN. It's not nearly as deep on my property where i can still manage to get around with an ATV (barely).

Hoping to fire up the chainsaws to barricade/screen off more food plot edges and maybe create some bedding this weekend.
Frost seeded alfalfa, chicory, and some white clover into a few new plots. Also, overseeded some Kanlow and CIR switchgrass onto several thin areas that were drilled last summer. Have to make it around to all of the trees in tubes and clean them out still. Despite the snow two days ago and more snow in a few days, I fear spring is coming fast.
This is a hobby I have been wanting to jump into, I just dont have the time yet. A couple more years.
Ram seals came in for my log splitter today so I replaced them this afternoon after work. I had already taken it apart a week or two ago I’ve been waiting on parts. I rebuilt it several years ago I have a couple bad dings in the rod I’ve polished them out as much as I care to but it still eats main rod seals about every 4 years at $10-$20 I’ll just keep replacing them every few years.
Not habitat per se but pulled all the old stanchions, water bowls, plumbing, etc out of the old barn. Added some new support poles. Now we have an indoor archery range. Had about enough cow crap and swallow nests for a while.
was planning to plant both fruit and screen trees but calling for 1-3 inches of snow and lows in the teens on Saturday..also had a big tree fall down in my front yard this week from a wind storm..so ill be making cages and cutting up a big dead vine-covered tree...Sunday and Monday will be planting days I guess...my frost seeding was done last weekend and now I'm waiting on seeds for a friend's place...also I have not gotten any trees yet so I guess they need to show up or I need to go pick them up first haha
so they just upped it to 3-5 and added some ice....could be fun...