Habitat projects for the weekend?

Shoot some pigeons

Cut some encroaching bigger stuff and spray where I need to mow along woods.

Fill feeders

Get cameras out

Plant some grass

Spot spray some cattails
I moved a tripod stand this weekend. I had made a clear cut area by hand last winter, and it’s blown up in browse and cover. It’s also where all kinds of deer trails converge. I found a spot on the edge of it in the canopy of a cluster of diamond willow. This is also only about 80 yards from my cabin. But there is lots of willow cover between these two spots.

I got four lanes cut for bow. There’s a dry water hole where that patch of sun is shining.


This is the clear cut. This is also the trail coming up from the south.


Trail going west


Trail going north


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I'm waiting for the temps to go down and the biting flies to go away.
I'm waiting for the temps to go down and the biting flies to go away.
Get yourself a bottle of this and keep it nearby. I keep a little bottle in my tool box on my wheeler. When the biting flies act up, and hit my head, hat, and shoulders with this, and it keeps 'em off for a couple hours. It's also all natural. It smells pretty good too, maybe carry a piece. I thought for sure a bear was gonna come eat me smelling like that. Kooch put me onto this. Now I have multiple bottles around.

I use the fly spray for horses. It smells like peppermint and cloves. It is suppose to be safe, but I just spray my hat, and my shirt around my shoulders. It lasts about a day.

I went and checked on my food plot that I sprayed with Cleth a couple weeks ago, and the grasses were pretty much toast. So I spread lime, lightly disced it, planted ptt , and Daiken Radishes. The forecast says rain, a couple days in the next 10 days, and upper 70’s, to mid 80’s.
I usually plant the radish and turnips around the 4th of July, but it’s been so hot, and dry, it wouldn’t have done any good.

I have some Icicle peas, and Chicory to plant yet, and fertilize, but I have a couple weeks to get that in the ground.

I also plan on spraying my yard for mosquitos this week sometime. Always something to do.
For the first time ever, I'm running ahead of schedule getting ready for hunting. This weekend, after about 14 years, I'm finally going to put some effort into developing some public land bow hunting spots. I've found some in the past, now it's time to get serious about access and where to sit. Ideally, I'd like to have 2-4 ready to go, and each of those to be for a different wind condition. Been lots of rain the past week, I might get to see my newly reconstructed plots sprouted en masse finally. If I can get that stuff up and keep it green, it's going to be a hell of a season.
Taking a break this weekend to enjoy some fishing in beautiful northern Wisconsin. Next weekend setting stands and touching up shooting lanes.
I got the bear bait done. Shut the grill down and I will let them cool down and then I need to shred them and pull the bones out for it to be legal bait. Gonna freeze one roast per bag and its just gonna be a little extra perk at my two bait stations.

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Those are some lucky bears. That looks delicious!
For the first time ever, I'm running ahead of schedule getting ready for hunting. This weekend, after about 14 years, I'm finally going to put some effort into developing some public land bow hunting spots. I've found some in the past, now it's time to get serious about access and where to sit. Ideally, I'd like to have 2-4 ready to go, and each of those to be for a different wind condition. Been lots of rain the past week, I might get to see my newly reconstructed plots sprouted en masse finally. If I can get that stuff up and keep it green, it's going to be a hell of a season.
I'm going all in on finding some public land spots in MN this year. Last year was my first year for hunting public land and I was in way over my head. I've put on around 30 miles with the boots and another 9 miles with the kayak for scouting.

When you say develop some public land spots, what do you mean?
I'm going all in on finding some public land spots in MN this year. Last year was my first year for hunting public land and I was in way over my head. I've put on around 30 miles with the boots and another 9 miles with the kayak for scouting.

When you say develop some public land spots, what do you mean?
I've got a pretty good grasp on how deer move where I'm going to go. I just need to get over there and pick out a spot to sit, make sure I've got shot lanes, it aligns with common winds, and make sure I've got a clear path to walk in there, and preferably under cover. I don't want to be scraping brush and snapping twigs to get there. A little work with a steel rake and silky can go a long way towards silent and invisible access.
Lime and spray the new kill plot. I wanted to plant my brassicas this weekend but aside from a random thunderstorm Sunday, there isn't much rain in the forecast. I knew I should've planted 2 weeks ago when it was raining every other day. Still need to cut in two new deer trails and clear out the old ones. And I wanted to build my permanent blind. And I really need to get the bow out and start practicing. Too much to do. This should be my last year of major projects. Hopefully just have to tweak/maintain from now on.
I wish you never mentioned trimming some shooting lanes. Yesterday was a 3 shirt day. Today was 4. Ran the saw from 9AM to 8 PM.

I’m sore, but have some good rifle shots now.
Plant a radish plot into existing clover plot.
Planting brassicas and clover at our farm, spraying a field in front of my house and above (total 1 acre) and helping put in another 3 or so acres of clovers and brassicas at a friend's place.
Taking a half day Friday and working all day Saturday to see if we can get that accomplished.
Also trying to get the frame on a homemade cultipacker this week to help with the seeding. Will post pics if that gets done.
Was praying for drier weather all summer...now I want it to rain next week. Good luck everyone.
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I’m working on running up the score on my solar system (12-volt the whole way). It was not lacking before this, however, a good friend needed to get rid of his solar stuff and I was the only taker. We added a 3rd panel, and Im testing 2 of his batteries for addition to the bank. If it’s all good and working I’ll have:

450 watt array
720 amp bank

I figure that will get me to 10 days power safe in the event the sun don’t shine. But now if it does. I could generate a day’s worth of power in 90-120 minutes if good sun.


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Buck: Don't shoot me if you see me eating your bear bait!
nice solar system,what converter do you have?Mine has a fan that runs and uses my power.It is inside my metal building.I need to add another panel. What batteries do you have?I did put motion LED lights so if I'm in one end of building I don't have to have all the lights on
nice solar system,what converter do you have?Mine has a fan that runs and uses my power.It is inside my metal building.I need to add another panel. What batteries do you have?I did put motion LED lights so if I'm in one end of building I don't have to have all the lights on
Are you asking about inverter, or charge controller?

My system is 12 volt to the gizmo - lights, fans, outlets. I do have tiny 300 watt inverters for at the source TV, DVD, Antenna, and charging batteries and computers. All my batteries are 100 or 105 amp AGM batteries.
Lime and spray the new kill plot. I wanted to plant my brassicas this weekend but aside from a random thunderstorm Sunday, there isn't much rain in the forecast. I knew I should've planted 2 weeks ago when it was raining every other day. Still need to cut in two new deer trails and clear out the old ones. And I wanted to build my permanent blind. And I really need to get the bow out and start practicing. Too much to do. This should be my last year of major projects. Hopefully just have to tweak/maintain from now on.
Got the new plot limed, sprayed and decided to plant brassicas in it. Local farm store had radish seed 5 lbs for $12. Thought I'd buy a bag and see if it grew there. Also mixed in some PTT and a small amount of red beets. Bought a 1/4 lb of beet seed a while ago at a local store and thought I'd throw it in the mix to see what happened.

Golf tournament this Saturday and my anniversary is Sunday so probably not a lot going to get done this weekend. Might have to play hooky at work a day next week to get the other plots planted.