Habitat projects for the weekend?

I am hoping to get fertilizer in my plots in tomorrow, they 10 day is calling for a chance of rain 6 of the next 10 days. So hopefully it connects at least one of them.
Planting brassicas and clover at our farm, spraying a field in front of my house and above (total 1 acre) and helping put in another 3 or so acres of clovers and brassicas at a friend's place.
Taking a half day Friday and working all day Saturday to see if we can get that accomplished.
Also trying to get the frame on a homemade cultipacker this week to help with the seeding. Will post pics if that gets done.
Was praying for drier weather all summer...now I want it to rain next week. Good luck everyone.
I keep forgetting to ask you how your cultipacker held up after a year. I started building mine but stopped during the season. I'll have it ready for spring. I didn't realize how heavy it was going to be. I hope my little ATV can handle it.
I keep forgetting to ask you how your cultipacker held up after a year. I started building mine but stopped during the season. I'll have it ready for spring. I didn't realize how heavy it was going to be. I hope my little ATV can handle it.
It worked great! and held up ok. I shoulda put a ball hitch on it, but just went with a hole through the tongue and a pin....it broke through the wood 3 times...I now have a piece of metal screwed into the end of the tongue that the pin goes down through and it is holding up ok...I will probably try to come up with something else before I need it in the spring.
Good to hear. I'm excited to use mine this year. I think I can get a small ball hitch from harbor freight for it.
Not a habitat project for the weekend, but I did pick up 100 pounds of brassica blend seed today over my lunch hour, and 50 pounds of flax.
I am thinking about firing up the chainsaw on Sunday to start working on my 1/4 acre bedding areas I want to create in some 10 YO poplar growth. It will put some browse on the ground now and should open the canopy for some early shoots this spring. Follow that up with some spruce, red osier dogwood, and elderberry and I think I will be in business.

Cutting fire breaks and getting ready for a burn. Gonna explore my wetlands flooded area to find a way to connect the long swamp with a waterway and look for plantable areas in there. Picked up 30 bags of corn to set out 7-8 bait piles for hogs throughout the property. I have a group of 5 DC Metro Police that come down once a year for an annual guys de-stressing trip to hunt pigs. I try to set them up for success.
I am thinking about firing up the chainsaw on Sunday to start working on my 1/4 acre bedding areas I want to create in some 10 YO poplar growth. It will put some browse on the ground now and should open the canopy for some early shoots this spring. Follow that up with some spruce, red osier dogwood, and elderberry and I think I will be in business.

I am a couple weeks out for that. I could start now, but I hate trying to cut wood with a foot and a half of snow on the ground, to hard to run away if I need too.
I had a snow day yesterday so I finally got around to making labels for the fruit trees I planted in the spring and fall using an engraver and some flashing. Made about 30 and put them up.
Thinking hard about dropping a couple pecan trees that are shading out some oaks. Those two pecan trees just don’t seem to produce any pecans anyway. Have to decide if I should mill them into lumber or just cut them into firewood.
Today I hinged 3 small groups of silver maple and a group of River birch in good bedding areas, murdered a few bush honeysuckles, cut and sprayed some young hedge and locust, and took down some shingle oaks that were shading some smaller bur and swamp white oaks today. Working in about 10" of snow sucked but good temps in the mid 20's otherwise. Been working in this area for 10 years and it is starting to show good results.
I looked over those pecan trees pretty hard and decided to leave them and cut the oaks that where co-dominant. I also took out a couple hickories near them. One of those pecans produced quite a few nuts this past year I guess I hadn’t noticed. I cut a couple ash and two more hickories around a Shumard oak that really produced heavy this last year to release its canopy. I had about 4-6” of snow to deal with, really it just made everything slick temperature was about 45 degrees today. I noticed a couple more hickories and a Chinkapin oak I need to remove also when I get out there again.
I've bee doing TSI since mid-January. Decreasing stem density to allow more sunlight to reach the forest floor.
Just doing some lite pruning on some of my fruit and dunstan chestnut trees this year.
I got some hinge cutting done just before we got clobbered with snow a few weeks ago. The deer have been hitting the red maples I dropped pretty hard since.
Yesterday, I started planting acorns. Today will be some flats for norway spruce seeds. As soon as the snow melts down some, I'll get to dropping some firewood trees in areas that need opened up a little.
I have to wait for 2’ of snow to melt some before I can start hinge cutting. Im not going to do it while wearing snowshoes
Absolutely nothing more enjoyable than snowshoeing on a warmish sunny day thru the timber, notice I said nothing about carrying a chainsaw.
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The trees I dropped yesterday will be firewood one oak I culled was about 14” as where a couple of the hickories. Almost hurt my soul to cut a couple oaks down but they where growing within a couple feet of some pecan trees. One pecan was probably 18”-20” and the other one 22”-24” hopefully with release they will produce more mast. Pecans are not my favorite mast tree but the deer do eat them. I have one behind the house in the open that I see deer under eating pecans in the fall, lots of crows eat them also.
A couple more weeks and I am going to get the saw out for a work out. Assuming we dont get pummeled with snow before then. I prefer 20-40 degrees and sunny when I cut, and with less then a foot of snow on the ground. I will be dropping a lot of aspen, maple, and a couple oaks for fire wood, and to just open the canopy up. Plus I need to open my food plots up a bit more, some of the edge trees are growing into the food plots and reaching for light.

I am seeing the deer digging into the food plots more now, but they all look healthy yet, so they arent hurting for food yet, so they can wait a couple more weeks as well.
Absolutely nothing more enjoyable than snowshoeing on a warmish sunny day thru the timber, notice I said nothing about carrying a chainsaw.
I love snowshoeing, but I need to get new ones.