Google Earth/Maps


Buck Fawn
The Wisconsin guys may want to check their areas. My property in northern Barron and a buddy's spot in western Sawyer county both have new imagery dated 9/28/15.
No luck for mine, still has the same imagery that was taken 6 month before I logged. I found Rand McNally to have the most up to date for my area.
We also have new images dated 9/12/15 across the border. Fun to see where tree rows are from mowing.
Are you using google maps or google earth?

Maps and Earth are the same images for my area.
Just checked the area where my cabin is and it is still an image taken from before we purchased the property. Can't wait for them to update that so I can see all our new openings and trails we put in. That's in NE wi. My lease in SW wi was updated in late summer.
Maps and Earth are the same images for my area.

But they are not always the same just to be clear. Often times Earth is updated before maps.
I fired up Google Earth - images are the same.... Where are you guys finding the image date?

I fired up Google Earth - images are the same.... Where are you guys finding the image date?

On Google Earth it should be located in a data strip near the bottom of the satellite image itself. It should also give you the geographic coordinates as well.

Also, for anyone unaware, in the toolbar at the top of the page should include something that looks like a clock or a stopwatch. If you click that and then slide the bar you should be able to go back and view historical imagery. Pretty cool stuf, as you can somewhat watch the progression of things. In my area this ranges from April of 1999 through June of 2015, probably about 8 images total. Very neat in my opinion.

Hope this helps
Still 09/2013 for me :(
Yup, checked it the other day when I was looking at aerial photos of the Refuge...:(:(
Oct. '13 for me yet.

The historical imagery was pretty neat. I never knew that was there. Thanks!
Yeah, the historical imagery is cool, I've never seen that before (I was using google earth).

My area is still April of 2014, it would be fun to see a more recent one.
