Forage peas vs winter peas


5 year old buck +
I'm assuming forage peas are slightly more palatable when young in the Fall and the benefit of winter peas is potential N fixer in spring? Anybody have any first hand experience with both?

Winter peas are ~$.20 more per pound from my seed supplier. Which equates to $10/bag.
Going off memory here but primary difference i recall was winter peas surviving in slightly cooler temps. I took it as possibly lasting a hair later into the fall but having the same chance of making it through a MN winter (zero).
Going off memory here but primary difference i recall was winter peas surviving in slightly cooler temps. I took it as possibly lasting a hair later into the fall but having the same chance of making it through a MN winter (zero).
So do you think first frost kill versus maybe December kill?
So do you think first frost kill versus maybe December kill?
Forage peas as in cow/iron clay peas or something different?
Forage peas as in cow/iron clay peas or something different?
I believe they're something different, the product list calls them out as -
4010 forage peas $.70/lb
Cow peas $1.50/lb
Winter peas $.90/lb

It doesn't appear they offer iron clay peas.
So do you think first frost kill versus maybe December kill?
I think its more like a 15 degrees might kill vs 8 degrees type thing (made up #s but in that ballpark). Cant remember where i read it, thought it was maybe a skip sligh or dbltree post but maybe it was just someone else I regard highly.. Gist of it was there wasn't much difference and the 4010 may be worth saving money if buying in significant qty.
Makes sense. I assume a forage pea is meant more for the leaves to be eaten than the pods? Similar to other forage varieties (forage soybeans, forage Milo, etc)?
Makes sense. I assume a forage pea is meant more for the leaves to be eaten than the pods? Similar to other forage varieties (forage soybeans, forage Milo, etc)?
Yeah, I agree that is likely the premise. I'm trying to decide what may be the best pea to add into my fall mix and if it is worth the money to go with the winter pea or save the money and stick with the forage.

I normally use the forage and finding them growing in my mix is usually tough because I think the deer seek them out early on and browse them to the ground.
Yeah, I agree that is likely the premise. I'm trying to decide what may be the best pea to add into my fall mix and if it is worth the money to go with the winter pea or save the money and stick with the forage.

I normally use the forage and finding them growing in my mix is usually tough because I think the deer seek them out early on and browse them to the ground.
I haven’t had a lot of growth from my winter peas when I have planted them, so I’ve never known if deer eat them early or they just don’t do well for me.
From last year early oct, lots of peas visible in my plots below the oats and stunted looking radish. In this cage, a giant radish tuber and full pea growth.. browse pressure!
From last year early oct, lots of peas visible in my plots below the oats and stunted looking radish. In this cage, a giant radish tuber and full pea growth.. browse pressure!
View attachment 67155
I remember you posting that Pic from last year and I believe most of my fall plot mixes would look similar inside of a cage, outside however they crush the peas.
Forage peas: if spring planted (providing they survive to produce pods will get hammered).

I routinely have icicle winter peas ( believe they have been rebranded) survive Minnesota winters and produce pods the following June/july. I mix them with awnless winter barley. They will mature at about the same time and the deer will wipe them in about 2 weeks or less.

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Forage peas: if spring planted (providing they survive to produce pods will get hammered).

I routinely have icicle winter peas ( believe they have been rebranded) survive Minnesota winters and produce pods the following June/july. I mix them with awnless winter barley. They will mature at about the same time and the deer will wipe them in about 2 weeks or less.

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Where are you sourcing the icicle winter peas? Locally?
Forage peas: if spring planted (providing they survive to produce pods will get hammered).

I routinely have icicle winter peas ( believe they have been rebranded) survive Minnesota winters and produce pods the following June/july. I mix them with awnless winter barley. They will mature at about the same time and the deer will wipe them in about 2 weeks or less.

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Wow! I’ve never seen AWP get through winter but I’m a little further north too.
They don’t eat my summer cow peas much until they produce pods. Then they hammer them.
AWP cold kill at a lower temp than. 4010.

Might be worth buying both and giving us a rundown of what you found.

Been talked about before on here.

IF you don't have a big plotting area like acres, go cheap. Mine never make it to maturity. It's like an appetizer. The deer hammer the peas, other stuff is allowed to grow a bit, then they eat that stuff. I do like 5lbs/acre as a teaser. Gives the oats a head start to build a little body before they go on them.
Where are you sourcing the icicle winter peas? Locally?

I believe they are the same as wyowinter is now. Probably bought out and rebranded

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